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nintencucks, thats why
Mario isn't glitching through the floor in a mach speed segment.
are you serious user? sonic was having a fucking relationship with the girl. Mario is just bouncing around new york
Because the humans and their world are just props to Mario.
Look at the way he just fucks up taxis and disrupts traffic.
One is bestiality. The other is not.
Because the new Mario game doesn't pander to furries.
Do you think Mario is going to kiss a hedgehog princess?
It's nice to see that Nintendo is finally embracing modern standards with their new homosexual romance in Odyssey.
One is a ridiculous attempt at shoehorning a cereal mascot into a serious and dramatic situation, without a single hint of self awareness
The other is drawing attention at the goofiness of the situation.
Does the new Mario even have a dramatic serious story?
>Sup Forums hates sonic adventure now
What happened?
Mario already plows princess'
Because Sonic is a fucking joke? Mario is still respected so they can do whatever the fuck they want. Seriously Sonic and its fanbase is on the same level as MLP. No takes it seriously.
Because sonic 06 tried to be serious and gritty, with crazy amounts of melodrama. Mario seems to understand being in a place called "new donk city" is hilariously stupid. I mean it's legitimately funny.
one tried to take itself seriously
*New Donk
No, Mario is already a hedgehog.
I better see some creative fucking porn from this shit
Sonic heerooooes (sonic heroes!)
>top: Yiffing
>bottom: reverse Toonstruck
Every 3D sonic game was shit
Every 3D Mario game was great
Sonic is furry bait.
What else did you expect from another entry in one of the dullest franchises in the history of gaming franchises. Seriously, each game following the royal plumber and his pals from the mushroom kingdom as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the garish imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make platforms unplatform, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Myiamoto vetoed the idea of others directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody? Just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Mario series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Nathan Drake series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the handhelds were good though
The writing is dreadful; the games was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the creator programmed a star that need to be found.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time a star was found. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Miyamoto's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of creating. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Mario by the same Yuji Naka. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Mario at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Sonic Hedgehog." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Super Mario" you are, in fact, trained to play Sonic Hedgehog.
fuck off dobbo
People hate that they made sonic wanna fuck the girl. Mario is literally just jumping and collecting shit in new donk.
Cause it's just one world. The worst thing about 06 was how unfinished and buggy it was anyway.
>the writing
>in mario games
The writing in paper mario games has almost always been great you fucking idiot.
Shut up and get out before literal shit starts escaping from your face.
I'll complain about bestiality when Mario and the gang visits Sweden
Bottom isn't a love interest
>Doesn't even have a picture with a tier list.
4/10. Go back to Sup Forums and come back when you have a picture.
it's the harry potter copypasta
This, pretty much
To paraphrase all of Sonic's 06's flaws down to "Sonic interacted with REALISTIC humans in a REALISTIC world" completely fails to properly convey all the myriad ways that the game was FUCKED.
It's copypasta from Sup Forums. Originally, it was about Harry Potter and it would have a tier list of books to it with Great Gatsby at God Tier and LoTR at shit tier.
>we want the murrican audience
Why is everyone pretending Sonic 06's problem was its setting?
Nintendo's won't be held behind a 5 minute load screen.
Is that guy with the hat having a romance with Mario? No? Then is not the same thing.
because mario's a human and not fucking an animal? peach on the other hand
also 06's graphics just looked bad from sonic to real people, mario to real people still looks kind of dumb but a decade of improvement certainly makes it better
oh also the god awful retarded story in 06
>Mario Sunshine was great
Imma stop you right there.
Why, do you have shit taste?
This needs one of those 6' compared to 5'11" shoops.
>no video game company sets any game in London
it hurts
Shut the fuck up OP
a midget fucking a woman isn't creative porn
You know what they say.
Its ok when Nintendo does it.
The entire game isn't gone to be like that. We've already seen that this game is going to have at least four dimensions and worlds.
The reason the human models look so off is because they are placeholders. They didn't want to spoil it in the reveal but the city is entirely populated with Kongs.
Sunshine was better than any 3d sonic game that was shat out for the last 17 years
>It's ok when Mario does it
fixed it for you
Why isn't Mario in his "normal" human form in the human world?
If he was born in the human world he should be human, not cartoon
He was born in the Mushroom Kingdom. Have you never played a Yoshi game?
there are two timelines
one is where Mario and Luigi arrived in the Mushroom Kindom via magical pipe
and the other where Mario and Luigi were delivered by a stork (with the help of Yoshi) and raised in the Mushroom Kingdom
I don't know, maybe.
which IRC is forcing this hot meme
one is basically a glitchy fanfiction, the other is one playable World in the new Mario game.
also Mario looks really cute in that screenshot
Wait a second doesn't this pretty much shit on the
>Rosalina is over 7 feet tall
Because Harrison Ford is superior to generic animu girl.
It wasn't a magical pipe anymore. That was retconned in DK94, where after traversing across the land Mario and DK wound up in the Mushroom Kingdom after the plumber finally beats the big ape and saves Pauline.
In fact, the ending to DK 94 is canonically the first time Mario ever has a Super Mushroom.
The Sonic game obviously appeals to deluded fantasies of furries wanting to meet Sonic in real life.
New Donk City is just playful juxtaposition and no cross-species breeding is involved.
Sunshine is fantastic what are you on about?