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>Voice acting comparison: Zelda Breath of the Wild
Crying in english dub has almost no emotion
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>Voice acting comparison: Zelda Breath of the Wild
Crying in english dub has almost no emotion
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>voting english
Why are two worst voices the top ones?
I'm not a faggot, so English.
>Multiple answers allowed
>You can only pick one answer
Good job.
that's the joke
That video is missing a few lines of dialogue between Zelda's cry and the open your eyes line.
Only Zelda herself sounds shit in English. Just replace her.
>only the most important character is shit
>I'm a faggot, so english.
>edgy tryhard animay voices that 99.9% of people on this board can't even understand
>serviceable english voice acting
Just because you can't understand what they're saying doesn't make it any less shit.
>All those spanish votes
Fucking mexicans, the spanish VA was trash.
It was a spanish (as in spaniard) dub, not latin american, you ignorant twat.
Even in not pure anime games amerilards dubs are trash.
Mexicans speak Spanish, you inbred motherfucker.
not normal spanish you inbred trash
Italian best sub.
Russian and spanish are acceptable.
Japanese is barely passable.
Anything else is worse than no VA at all.
Except that almost every single voice track is better than the English, not just the Japanese.
English since I can understand it and the dub isn't unbearably bad.
>missing the point.
You sure I'm the inbred one?
where did you see subs?
Zelda crying in the Japanese version was more emotional than the English version. That alone is why the Jap version is better.
Can you understand every language? How can you accurately critique the acting abilities of those if you can't even understand them?
>inb4 muh feel the emotions
Just stfu you fucking manchildren.
>"WAAAA, mu japanese voice recited 100000000000000000 times to perfection by Totomurakola Rutijon ukotu urutsumaru sashimi is perfect and i want it on my 12yo rehashed game!!!!!!!!"
This is fucking pathetic.
Ops I meant dubs.
Though I always like to have subtitles regardless of the dub language.
Reminder that Mexico gets the best Zelda
yeah sounds like typical overdramatic jap shit.
I wonder if the Asian/Korean version will have JP voice and EN subtitles. May import that.
Are you fucking serious or are you truly this much of a retarded autist that you can't convey emotions on a person who doesn't speak your native language?
Because I have ears. The quality of voice acting is very easily understood even with minimal or no understanding of a language, because we are humans and humans have emotions.
Now try and claim that there's no way to tell that the voice acting in this is bad just because you don't speak Italian.
it's a million times better than the english one, that's for sure.
b-b-but japan is the perfect race ! They only dish out 100% quality acting in all forms of media !! take it b-back baka-kun!
Since when do Zelda games have voice acting?
Japanese > Italian > German > Russian > French > English > Spanish
>spics get the waifubait zelda
Absolutely disgusting
Can we sign a petition to get rid of voice acting and have the gibberish again? It adds a lot to the chactwr and fantasy of the world when they don't speak your language.
No, it's too exaggerated. Real people don't cry like that.
yes they do.
>t. I have heard many girls and women cry irl
Both sound fine, if anything the eng tree voice actor could use some effects though
Jap vo is screaming sad, eng vo is whimpering sad, same difference. if anything jap vo's are more exaggerated most of the time and watching your animes has made you think everything else is more tame compared to their over dramatic acting
>I have never heard a person despairing in real life
Try developing some real human relationships before talking about what real people do.
this just shows how many weaboo faggots are here. the difference between English and non-English is contextual. is she supposed to be shattered and stricken with horrible grief, or is she supposed to be empty and hollow because she's already gone through all the stages of grief and all that's left is depressed acceptance? the former would be non-English, the latter would be English
if you think the former is more accurate, the only acceptable answer is that Russian is the best. if you think the latter is more accurate, the only acceptable answer is that English is the best.
if you think that Japanese is the best, your options are:
1) i have no respect for zelda as a princess, i think of her as a 13 year old schoolchild and i want her to sound like one
2) i exclusively watch anime and suck japanese dick, and i automatically assume that anything japanese is the best by default
3) i have no discerning sense of emotion or context, i just do what Sup Forums tells me to do
Why are you people putting it at the very top?
Because it's the best.
Not even the wall will stop us from fucking you're shitty waifu you stupid dirty gringo.
>have the gibberish again
it's not fuckin banjo kazooie, the only ""voice acting"" zelda has ever had is HYAAAH HAH HYUUUUUUUUUH and GRAHHHHHH
ITT: Contrarians trying to act like the Japanese (original version where the animation is made for) is bad.
The Goron also sounded pretty bad imo
How the fuck are you supposed to understand if something is acted well in IT'S OWN LANGUAGE THAT YOU DO NOT SPEAK. I can't tell if the narrator's voice was intended to sound like that or not because I don't know the context of whats even going on sperg
>this just shows how many weaboo faggots are here
Where the fuck do you think you are you stupid fuck? This isn't like your kewl awesome hugbox reddit you piece of shit.
Wow, English wasn't even bad. Colour me impressed, ninty, never thought I'd see the day.
I guess that would sound emotionless if you were autistic. I think this is why autists like anime so much in the first place. The characters are all constantly screaming, shouting, over reacting, running and loudly saying what they're thinking.
It makes it easy to understand what's happening.
>is she supposed to be shattered and stricken with horrible grief,
This is clearly how it's supposed to be, yes. The English VA hardly matches the animation.
> i think of her as a 13 year old schoolchild
Given Zelda history, she probably is only around that old.
Are you fucking stupid?
Most people dislike nip voices in general so that makes you the contrarian.
I'm not saying emotions aren't trying to be conveyed, I'm saying how can you even judge how well they're being conveyed if you don't know the language
>Most people dislike nip voices
pic related
jap dub is basic shit they teach voice actors in japan. If its the best then this game is better off with no voice acting.
>How the fuck are you supposed to understand if something is acted well in IT'S OWN LANGUAGE THAT YOU DO NOT SPEAK.
By not being literally autistic.
> I can't tell if the narrator's voice was intended to sound like that or not because I don't know the context of whats even going on
You could try watching the English version as a point of comparison, but clearly that idea was beyond you.
>muh generic old sensei voice
>muh screaming jav porn waifu
>muh quality
i just think of Princess Zelda as a mature, dignified adult, and not a tiny child running to school with a piece of bread in her mouth. sue me
do you think reddit aren't also a bunch of elitist weaboo fucks jacking off to subs and saying that dubs are shit? spoiler: we're all the same, Sup Forums, reddit, tumblr, we're all full of the same "i like the original so that makes me better than you" retardation
If there were a series you wouldn't want to fuck up a dub, it's Zelda.
At the very least, the old woman voice is really off in my opinion. But the rest of it sounded fine to me. And hey, if you hate it that much shit ain't region locked, so everyone can get the version they want.
Because you already know what the trailer says via subtitles and/or the original subtitles on the live conference.
Zelda's weak crying and the old lady's voice are not selling me on the Eng dub. I prefer the exaggerated JP dub. Is there any confirmation on being able too switch the languages in the game?
>Most people dislike nip voices
You are objectively wrong and the chart shows this.
>b-b-but AUTISM
opinion in the trash
except literal autists like weebs struggle understanding language. If they did they realize the japanese zelda is generic shit.
>i just think of Princess Zelda as a mature, dignified adult, and not a tiny child running to school with a piece of bread in her mouth. sue me
Sup Forums is filled with contrarians.
see above.
>spoiler: we're all the same
Just fuck off you waste of oxygen.
>i just think of Princess Zelda as a mature, dignified adult, and not a tiny child running to school with a piece of bread in her mouth
How exactly do you do this when every Zelda is an entirely different character of different ages, personalities, and mannerisms, and all we've seen of this particular Zelda is her crying in despair?
>yuropoor "spanish" in 3rd place
>Sup Forums users are people
good one user
because i have a preconceived notion of who and what a princess should be?
He told you that, should maybe read it.
Also, you think the context changes because it's in a different language?
>Is there any confirmation on being able too switch the languages in the game?
No, and I wouldn't count on it.
>Most people dislike nip voices in general
Says who?
Give this trailer to the random normies that are going to want to pick it up and not all the retarded fanboys that jack off to this shit and that graph would not be nearly that one sided.
Most people don't want to listen to a bunch of high pitched fucking screeching and over emphasized shouting in a foreign language.
Also, I know it was only one line, but I really like the King's English voice.
Why is that bad? sounds find to me.
aka: real spanish
>impact and emotion cannot be understood
Literally in our feral instincts.
Knowing what words in a language mean is not the same as knowing how natural and well actedl they sound when spoken
>because i have a preconceived notion of who and what a princess should be?
So Zelda has to conform to your own mental image, and the reality has no impact on your perception? I guess WW's Zelda was a refined and gentle woman too.
Since when am I supposed to give a fuck about the opinion of a bunch of normalfags?
>they're gonna give her a brit voice aren't they
>they better now
>i swear to fucking god if she's a brit
And she doesn't even sound good to finish it off
>i am always objectively right
Persona 5 threads all over again.
aka: ondas vitales
>Also, you think the context changes because it's in a different language?
no dingus, he's saying we don't know the context to begin with. we're watching a trailer, not the actual game, and we don't know the actual plot of what's going on in this scene.
i'm sure you people think that this scene should've had link screaming like fuckin duo maxwell too
It's gay as fuck.
Eat shit gachupo.
Italian dubbers have always been great in anime and cartoons, and now even games are getting better, thank god
As someone who doesn't watch animeshit, and clearly my opinion is worth a hell lot more than that of a weeb.
Here is the official factual ranking:
Japanese > Italian > French > Russian > shit > German > Metroid Other M > English
No shit sherlock, I'm saying you can't understand the quality of the lines being delivered unless you know and are familiar with the language.
Oh this shit is gonna plague Zelda threads more than the timeline wanking did, buckle up.
>WW's Zelda was a refined and gentle woman too.
zelda? yes, and that was confirmed as such via the game's events. tetra? no, of course not.
P5's English dub is significantly worse compared to the Japanese than in this case. But P5 didn't also have several other language dubs that were all better than the English.
The Japanese crying is kind of hilarious.