Gothic II

I'm about to start up Gothic II for the first time. What can I expect as far as an immersive and challenging experience? Do you have any pointers for a beginner?

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have you played gothic 1?
It's more polished and perfected version of g1 mechanics, except much harder and more balanced especially with notr expansion.

Gothic 2 was dark souls of it's time.

play it without notr first or itll kick your sissy ass

if you like it, replay it with notr sometimes. it's grand.

You won't find more immersive open world arpg out there, not even shit like witcher 3 come close.


Vanilla gothic 2 is pretty easy.
NOTR will rape your ass. Everyone(not just in expansion new location) is stronger so even with some free stat boosting items everywhere i'll wish you luck.

Why are open world RPGs like this so rare? Bethesdas become shit lately but they literally have barely any competition

Z początku chciałem powiedzieć coś o twoich wątłych ramionach, ale potem zobaczyłem twoją paskudną mordę

gothic 2 with notr expansion is much, much better than vanilla, but you will have to play it multiple times anyway so there you go.

>not exploring every guilds, every dialogues and every fighting styles
brb reinstalling

Because it's scope vs content. You can have fucking huge world with barely anything to do. Gothic 2 has just right size of the world that is FILLED with stuff in every corner. Add to that monsters that do not level scale and do not respawn and you have real sense of exploration and adventure. Also helps the fact that gothic has one of the best progression systems out there.
>learning swordfight actually changes our moveset



>all the babies crying notr is hard
Its not even hard i probably suggest choosing what type of character you want early on so you dont waste lp on shit you dont want, also avoidin enemies early on and doing quests also out in the world before joining a faction helps get you more xp
There also are plants that give perma stat boost like dragonroots and you can make potions out of em that give even more
Weapon skill> strenght because critical hits do shitton of dmg

That's true but as someone who recently replayed both vanilla(easy paladin with that destroy evil shit) and then NOTR(as mage just fuck my shit up until chapter 6) i honestly wouldn't recommend NOTR as the first Gothic game. Shit's pretty brutal, especially dragon regeneration.

For comparison. In vanilla Mo(port bum) died in like 2-3 hits and dealt shit for damage, would kill me in maybe 12-14 hits. In NOTR this Mo is armored, will fuck your shit in 2-3 hits so it's a much harder fight if you're just starting out. Same with lizards(long as you know when to dodge they're fine though) who have insane armor in NOTR.

If you're going melee max weapon skill first(it's your critical chance, for late game you are going to need that 10x or whatever the multiplier is, damage to kill shit).

I played it through twice after vanilla came out and two another times after notr came out, and I still remember the road on farms and fire mages sanctuary

this game was most glorious and made me not want to touch morrowind cause it felt like a such a chore to play compared to Gothic games

And by lizards i mean those early game monsters with a bugged attack animation(you have to dodge as soon as you hear their roar even if they're just opening their mouths, for some reason their attack hits you then instead of when they actually do their biting animation).

tl;dr press S to dodge as soon as you hear their roar, don't even look at them.

>as mage just fuck my shit up until chapter 6
but that's the thing with playing mage, you are a weak faggot until you get all the good assrape magics

i remember when in middle school friends would play morrowind and wouldn't shut up about it meanwhile gothic 2 was much better game but it had poorer marketing.

Try requiem mod, nigga added a bunch of new spells you can even blink teleport and deflect incoming spells

Not without the add-on. Never without the add-on.

World of Warcraft is much better you faggots

Ay elm au at y u are life

Play G1 with the system pack then G2 with NotR along with the system pack. That's all you need.


best mc

Play Gothic 1 first. Not only will it prepare you to play NotR when you move on to Gothic 2, but this way you also won't miss out on the insane amounts of in-jokes you won't understand unless you play them in order.

>lost my dragonslayer save file from HDD failure
I'm gonna go merc again should I go 2H or 1H and what other weapon should I use?

Gothic 3 ruined him in pretty much every way though. Shame.

>play it without notr first or itll kick your sissy ass

It's literally half a game without NOTR. It's unplayable trash without the fixes made to the main game.

>Gothic 2 was dark souls of it's time


>Why are open world RPGs like this so rare

Because you're underage.

Personally I prefer the speed of 1H. And G2 doesn't have anything as cool as Uriziel anyway.

Why are you such a pozzed up little bitch that you need to start from the second game? Why do you even pretend to care, so you can gain some gaymer cred?

I'm gonna pirate this.

Whenever i go 2h i minmax so hard so i have like 200 or 250 (cant remember how much you could really get) str with all the rings and belts and shit on

Such a rebel, as if anybody gave a shit lmao

i expect you will quit in the first hour because muh graphics.

>What is dx11 mod

So you kill trolls. Good thing they are the only enemy in the game. And you know, i bet your burgerass couldn´t even do this circling.

Wow good for you faggot, whole Eastern europe to Russia did 15 years ago.

Screw you.


I know. It still didn't make it any less painful and enjoyable, especially chapter 6.

He probably opened the thread and Ctrl+F dark souls to make sure somebody was already pointing out how much better it is than whatevs gaem is in the OPxD

Play Gothic 1 first.
Get ready for kicking your ass. Explore whatever you can. Do side quests. Value LPs. Pick Harad or Bosper. Fall in love with it. Play the mods few months after you finish it.

There's something about you that just makes me hate you

Just stop, it's not funny, and yes, I'm a polack

>So you kill trolls
Yeah, I'm glad you saw the video.
>Good thing they are the only enemy in the game.
Nah, they're not. Just a singular example of terrible enemy design.
Is that even a word?
>couldn´t even do this circling.
But I can. I know the controls for this game are really bad but strafing around a giant monster isn't too difficult of a task.

I still find it absolutely staggering they nailed that "size vs amount of content" sweet spot just right in the very first game. And then did it again the sequel.

Damn I really loved the theme that you're a nobody in a colony full of scum and you slowly have to work your way up and earn respect and find out how to get out.

A little bit like GTA. And the whole atmosphere was brilliant. You really felt how depressing everything was with the war against the orcs and how everyone was trapped. The music adds to it.

It almost felt like a fucking movie.