Mother 3 and Metroid might be happening

>"Oh, so earlier today I got asked about Mother 3; maybe you can ask me about Metroid," he said jovially. "Look, again, I am proud as an executive with Nintendo to say that we look at all of the boards and all of the comments and we really have a good understanding of what our consumers want. And believe me, we take that to heart as we work to create content.

>"So I have nothing to announce--here. But we are aware that there are some key IP that consumers just can't wait for the next true installment in that franchise's legacy. Suffice it to say, we're aware of it, and talk to me in a year and let's look back and see what's happened."

Is it finally habbenin or is he a conman?

Remember, E3 still exists

Mother 3 was released on the gba and has been fan translated for years

E3 reveal confirmed

>we really have a good understanding of what our consumers want.
>Metroid otherm
>Star Fox Zero
>Sticker Star
>Sticker Star 2
>Cow Milking Simulator

They said the exact same shit last time.

So which of the following scenarios is the most likely for Mother 3?
>1. They adopt the fan translation
>2. They adopt the fan translation but censors it to remove touchy subject like tranny blowjobs
>3. They localize it from scratch on their own (with or without censorship)

After the atrocity of Other M, disappointment of FF, and shutdown of AM2R, I don't think nintendo fucking kows what Metroid fans want.

Fuck off Laura. You were wrong.

>Guy working at nintendo wants you to buy it
fuck off drone

You'd have to be a genuine retard to trust nintendo at this point.

>"Look, again, I am proud as an executive with Nintendo to say that we look at all of the boards"

He's doing damage control.

That sounds like what he said last go round.

Why the fuck are you guys still so keen on Mother 3? It's a 10 year old GBA game. Do you actually still want to play it?

The most likely scenario is that they don't bother releasing it in English at all, at best you can hope for a region-free release of the Japanese version on eshop

>Mother 3 and Metroid might be happening
>they do not happen

>we are really understanding of our consumers
>milking cow games

>we really have a good understanding of what our consumers wan


>Oh, so earlier today I got asked about Mother 3; maybe you can ask me about Metroid
What a fucking dick

I'm sure they do *know*, their dev teams just usually don't give much of a hoot about that knowledge. I mean, the last few Paper Mario games happened because the dev team wanted to make something different, rather than what the fans wanted, which is more of the same as the first few games in that series. They just make things they like to make and then gauge whether or not there's a market for it.


scenario 3, and then we have to deal with a lifetime of arguing between fan translation fags and official localization fags.

>it's a Nintendo event
>better predict Mother 3!

Why do people keep doing this?

Reminder that Mother 3 was released nearly 11 years ago

Reggie is just aware of the Western fans' demand but he has little control over what games the higher ups and devs in Nipland actually want to make and release. The guy is just saying that to ease out specific fans and give them some faith in hope that they'd give the new console a chance and buy it. I very much doubt Metroid is alive anymore, at least the original, core concept of it. It'll be an online/local FPS co-op from now on to have a pretense competition with Xbox and PS.

Mother 3 is a dumb fucking meme, they always talk about it but they never do anything.


It has to happen, or else Nintendo is completely screwed. If their E3 will not be fucking amazing at least, we can finally abandon all hope forever. Making a good E3 presentation with a brand new console is the easiest thing ever, you literally can't fuck it up.

>And her we have another surprise
>Yet another rehash of a twenty year old game
>Or better yet a port from last gen

Fucking Nintendo

>just wait for E3!!!!!

Every nintendo fan (including me) since 2012
But not now
Not anymore

This time, it's reasonable to expect something because the Switch is a brand new system, it should have a lot of software in development. But if Nintendo will not deliver on E3 - you can forget about them.

This desu. Guy honestly though, just makes things worst, he needs to just keep his mouth shut, but he would rather pull the PR bullshit instead

You mean like the wiiu?


Yup. If they didn't learn anything from Wii U's spectacular failure (for now it seems like they didn't) - then we can safely say that Nintendo is dead. E3 will be their very last chance at redemption.

Because he's a business man, not a game developer. Ultimately he wants more money and has less concerns for the actual games. I agree that he should just flat-out say that he has no idea or influence on that and keep quiet honestly.