Who's your favorite male character Sup Forums?

who's your favorite male character Sup Forums?


Furries and xenophiles (aka furries) not welcome


Almost bought this for the statue alone.

Raiden made me realized I like dudes


That tease is what getst me


>suit so skintight that it shrinkwraps around your junk

Can you imagine how terribly uncomfortable that would be?

name a greater sweetheart

it's a necessary sacrifice

I'm not sorry.

What anime is this from?


That's cute.



Fightan boys best

It would be arousing as fuck, just as I imagine how cameltoes are for women.

Zul'jin can be my bad guy any day

These boys from CSGO have sexually enticing voices

Loincloths are my fetish.



how do we make hots famous so people can start making porn

Loincloths are amazing things

I wish it could be famous but the little porn it has is great


>yfw an army of one

Cameltoes aren't arousing for the one who is actually having one, just annoying.

No homo




>random ass cross

Oh Japan.

How do you like your 76 senpai?

His dad is a canon hardcore Christian

>liking a literal Marty Stu

Lewds when?

Why is Bang so cute

Cause he's pure. PURE

behind every cute boy is good hair

Not soon enough.

Yes, I know how horrible it feels.
It's not arousing, actually. If you sit wrong it pinches your skin and it hurts horribly.




Spring Man looks cool.

is his dick a spring too?

>hardcore Christian
>has babies with a 3 year old

Ky is truly a devoted holy man

Yeah that's why he named him Sin.


Those pants are hot

Of course.

Why not both?

Easy Access


oya oya

>says his name in the text box
>you don't bother to google it
If you were really determined you'd already know

I don't speak weeb

Nintendo will never ever be that meta.

speaking of meta...

did anyone watch the ndrv3 stream holy shit



I had the biggest dumbest crush on him.

He's my first gay video game crush, even though I didn't know it.
I still shipped him with Karis though

>you'll never watch them fuck

>shipping boys with disgusting hags

I thought it was a better option than the wolf chick...

All females are disgusting hags, user. Yaoi is the only legitimate form of love.

>girls are icky!!!1111

let's not start this tonight

im in love with Roadhog

Speak for yourself, Slayerfag

I'm going to marry Spark!

please fuck off forever. white knights and axewounds are NOT welcome in gay threads.

oh hey, it's you.

how you doing tonight? everything going well?


Girls are objectively shit. If you don't like hearing about it then don't go into threads full of people who are smart enough to know it.

>try to deny, play dumb, and deflect
Classic Slayer/Kagurafag

alright then, guess the conversation ends here.

I mean so is obesity but you'll still get retards posting nauseating butterballs like Yangus here

Once you stop shitting up threads

>Pokemon Go!

The brown trainer is a turn off for me

Fuck off, shitcunt.

Kill yourself woman
me too!

naw, probably not

>Realizes no one in thread wants their sjw shit
>Keeps attentionwhoring
Just die bro, your pathetic and probably gonna get ban hammered anyway

>watch him respire
>get aroused

Stupid sexy gruff unconventional hunk.

fuck off roastie lover

Story/audio on this?

alright man have a good night

Oh my god.

Night, baby :^)

>Mfw game devs make men as bare as roadhog because normies see it as funny
>Mfw it's exactly what i want to see a man wear so i can see his bare torso and whatever hair/lack of they have
>Watch their thick pecs jiggle when they walk etc
>Meanwhile radical feminisms scream women are undressed to fuck, while buff sexy men wonder around and it's deamed a power fantasy
the gay/straight chick life is the better choice. go gay or go home kids

His code compels him

>give him muscles
>his actual design is just a fat fucking blob




His arms are fucking ripped.
Perfect for picking you up and carrying you.