What will he do next?

What will he do next?

Suicide, hopefully.

how can that loser possibly compete with mads?

Nothing, he's a one trick pony.

first post, best post

>tfw Hayter acting like such a crybaby unprofessional bitch and constantly throwing tantrums has soured you on whenever Snake speaks when you replay MGS games

Thanks for retroactively ruining your own work for me you petulant brat.
Go weep openly on Twitter and circle jerk in your weird voice actor cult with the rest of the whiners.

Anyone have the cringe picture of him going to Starbucks and forcing the barista to write 'Big Boss' on his cup?


They need to get Kiefer to re-dub MGS3 and PW.

You know he is a giant fag when he refused to do the fan voice over work for the 20 lines in mgs v.

>Hello sir! How may I help you?
>Uh, ha, sorry sir, what was that?
>Ohhh. Oh sorry. Haha. Just uh, juss'uh, Medium iced coffee please.
>Sure thing, that'll be 3 dollars please, and what is your name?
>S'uh, heugh, bib bo- big b-boss ha-haaa do you want an autogr-
>Okay "Big Boss" your coffee will be ready by the counter. Have a nice day.
>Oh...sorry sir, was there something else?
>KEP' YEUGH WAIDIN' HAUGHN? haha like in the video game it's me Davidayter

on the surface this is pretty cringe, yes, but consider that everyone working at (popular) starbuckes is young. I worked at one a few years ago, and out of my ten or so coworkers about three of us had played MGS, so there's always a chance that the feeling was mutual.

What happened to Egoraptor?

At what point can we admit that Kojima is a hack?

if death stranding ends up being shit. then everyone will start blaming him instead of konami on mgs v.

>we will never get a FOX engine MGS3 remake with Kiefer

end me

Who cares?

In which case the coffeeslave must have been a dirty casual to still like/respect Hayter enough to even acknowledge him as BB. Any self respecting fan would tell H8er to pound salt after seeing his self-destruction.

>t. Kojima

But he made 3 shit games in a row!!!! Why do we need a fourth before we call him garbage?

Hayter acting like retarded made me believe there actually was an ruse going on. Partly because I couldn't believe that public professional would act like a fucking idiot over recast.

post hayter getting btfo


>You are blocked from following @DavidBHayter

top kek

>everyone makes fun of Hayter
>Queefer Sutherland might as well have been voicing a silent protag in GZ and TPP

I do miss his Snake.

how can one man be so sexy

jesus fucking christ

He looks a bit like a duck.


What is this from what is happening


Sutherland genuinely delivered every single line better than Hayter ever could.
Its hardly his fucking fault 90℅ of his goddamned ALREADY recorded lines got cut from the final release AND most of the ones that stayed in were all in fucking audio logs.

If Hayter tried the "I won't scatter your ashes" scene it would be Deadly Premonition tier

Opening in GZ where Skull Face erases the 'XOF' emblem from the helicopter for the attack on Motherbase.

Someone modded it so instead it's Hayter.

Thanks f a m

I sincerely believe that the falling out between Hayter and Kojima is all bullshit/falseflag/meta posturing and hes going to be in Death Stranding.

What "falling out"? Why do people think they had some kind of a relationship at all

Hayter said that there was a lack of professionalism surrounding it all.

How can one man be so up his own ass.
He acted like a fucking unprofessional manchild throwing a never-ending tantrum

Im waiting for kojimas next game, if no hayter then i wont blame konami for the falling out like everything else from metal gear.