Does anyone else hold a controller like pic related...

Does anyone else hold a controller like pic related? Friend called me out on it today only to soon realise I might be in the minority.

>might be
Yea, obviously playing claw is the minority, especially with the rise of Scuf controllers, m8.

Can't tell if this is bait or not.

>fat chick foot in the background

My nigga

Depending on the game, yes. I don't even realize I do it.

I did testing on a big-budget first person game, and one day the guy who sat next to me saw the way I was holding the controller and was utterly baffled. I wasn't even conscious that I was holding it claw-style.

If you're good at it, it's more efficient anyway.

Depends on the game.

No. But then again, I'm not retarded.

Yes, it takes some getting used to but it's pretty handy in some games.

You would have loved MHFU.

I've only ever used a claw grip as a means of doing rising needles with Sheik in Smash 4, and then once I do it I revert back to normal grip, doing claw all the time feels clumsy

sometimes when I play dark souls I'll do that so i can turn the camera and hold the b button to sprint

i only do it in games where jumping is mapped to Y for some retarded reason.

I use the claw grip for Souls games.

If you're going to claw grip just upgrade to pc.

Shut up you lying autist.

Yeah I do. I also like watching my girlfriend fuck other men so...

Superior grip for anything requiring camera control

I evolved to do this naturally because of shooters not enabling me to use the face buttons and right stick at the same time when using just my thumbs.

I second this. I didn't even know this "style" of holding a controller was really a thing, but it's how I naturally got accustomed to playing Souls games. Just feels right

that is the most faggot gif I have ever seen. you should be ashamed of yourself faggot.

Been doing this since I was a child and the reason is fucking Mega Man X.

These days, whenever I play MMX or games with similarly mapped controls, I rebind the buttons from the options to be more comfortable. I make one of the shoulder buttons into X's dash.

Depends on the game, I used to claw for MH on the PSP, for Musous and for Souls games when I'm sprinting.

What kind of shitty fucking .gif is this?

Only for gears, sonic, and dark souls

>Does anyone else hold a controller like pic related?
Is asking this question a new meme? Claw grip was the hot shit back in CoD4 days and even by then it was old shit.
Of course you're not the only one, you fat fuck, if you play games in which you rely on the face buttons wile also using the triggers, you HAVE to use this grip.

you have toes where your thumbs should be. Please tell me you're a virgin and not spreading your defective genes.


Calling me a faggot for using a Dodger gif

Really made my neurons fire

You're not some unique butterfly for doing this. You're just retarded or autistic.

Only time my hands briefly looks this way is when Im changing items with the D pad while running in a Souls game.


That is a completely legitimate way to hold the controller, especially if you are used to it. Some games require you to use the claw to preform all functions without having to take your hands off other buttons, such as an fps where the analog sticks are for movement and aiming and all the face buttons are used. GoW comes to mind as one of the first games that I heard about it, but i'm sure it's been around since dualshock became popular. Anyone who looks at this and thinks it's "wrong" is either a fucking imbecile or underage, and both are shitters so don't listen to them. You do you user, as long as you can make it work, you do you.

only for megaman x

Nice grip you fucking mutant. You're an autistic manchild who holds his controller like a deformed Indian fetus.

I find myself doing it alot in Dark Souls since i can't run and turn the camera without clawing.

I play Souls games with a variation of the claw because the controls stop you from sprinting/rolling and moving the camera at the same time. I basically make a gun with my right hand's thumb and index finger, put my thumb on the right analog stick, and put the second joint of my index finger on the b/circle button to hold it down and tap it.

>called me out
Tell him to fuck off, that shit is mandatory for a good deal of twin-stick control games. Most FPS games, Dark Souls, shit like that.

Only in mon hun back in the day

Kek. You could say it comes in clutch

top kek

Yes this! Dashing and jump dashing off walls was what made me so good at the game and why I use the grip now too

I play Dark Souls almost like this but I use the index to move the camera

If you are good at video games you do.