Meanwhile in The Zone Sup Forums
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why there are no women or black people in stalker?
I just started playing clear sky. Have played shadows of Chernobyl for like 10 minutes and I was kinda mind blown when I found out I was on the same place where I was in SoC. It feels like clear sky is easier.
Good question
>black people
There are not many niggers in eastern Europe or Ukraine
>Using 5.56 NATO
>Not using 5.45
Have fun spending all your rubles on ammo fag
Anyone here play Misery for COP?
>no women
Modeling costs money
>no blacks
all the women are ecologists, you can't see tits or anything because of the garbage bag suits.
>*Notices bulge* OwO
Time constraints. Side material iirc does state there are female Stalkers in The Zone.
How would a Sup Forums camp be like? Where would it be? A warehouse? A dilapidated village?
It would be very dead.
Somewhere with high speed internet access, so probably in a field next to the Cordon so we could leech off the army's wifi.
A giant autism anomaly
The merc camp near the bridge in zaton except it would be full of rookies
Now Nikolai, let us make camp and philosophize for an hour.
seen any anomalies recently?
Recently played Stalker COP and Metro 2033 and you can really tell that some of the same people worked on both games.
I remember there used to be Stalker threads on Sup Forums all the time but I wasn't exactly a PC guy back then like I am now.
Is there like a nice, comprehensive guide on how to mod stalker to get the best, prettiest and most immersive experience?
Go to /vg/ and look for the STALKER general.
Stalker General on /vg/
>tfw there'a no Metro rpg
Fucking why? It seems so perfect. Survival horror role playing. Play as either a Nazi, Commie or Hanza and just go through the metro or the surface. And I'd love to play as a Nazi because their gear is fucking badass.
Just play one of the Arma 3 STALKER mods or something.
I can't help you with a full modding experience but I can recommend Atmosfear 3 by Cromm Cruac for COP. Very nice weather mod that works with vanilla COP
I believe it was actually a majority that did.
Something was leaked about them making an "open world post apocalyptic 'VR' game"
Yeah I know, it's cool, wish they would get around to making another S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game though
Apparently the studio reopened and STALKER 2 is making its way out of development hell.
for COP
atmosfear 3
absolute nature & structures
original weapons renewal or arsenal overhaul
The stuttering is fucking real in Metro 2033. Just like its big bro STALKER.
>Inb4 linear 3rd person squad based mmo
I didn't really have an issue with stuttering in Metro. More so in STALKER but I never use Vsync although I don't know how much that really matters.
Stalker chops a bit on my rig but Metro ran much better, I think the stuttering on that gif might be that guy's setup.
>seeing nails through gloves
V-sync has fuckall to do with STALKER's stuttering.
That's what I thought.
nah that webm just rendered like shit and I didn't bother to fix it, game runs fine 90-120 fps nowadays on a 980ti
what could have fucking been stalker.wikia.com
The stuttering has fuckall to do with FPS too.
playing through it this week I haven't had any significant stutter, happened like once in a certain spot, a ladder on frontline iirc but it's bretty smooth overall
what I meant to say was that it went through literal hell, the Ukraine hasn't been that peaceful a place for comfy stalkan as of late
You can pretty much see it in the art/concept art that the models there basically ended up in Metro
Try playing with mods and the game will stutter a fuckton unless you have an SSD.
>year of our lord 2k17
>not having an SSD
Any mods that turn night time into actual dark nights instead of what vanilla has? I heard COMPLETE does this but I am told to not touch that mod with a 10-foot pole.
It still stutters even if you do have one. Just slav coding things.
>Any mods that turn night time into actual dark nights instead of what vanilla has
Pretty much every mod does that and has selectable night brightness.
atmosfear 3 does a good enough job
Misery if you like your butthole massages rough.
Freedom, Duty, Bandit, Military, Monolith, or Loner?
Freedom are pretty chill, but I'd probably go loner, just like real life.
Honest question here:
How much does this game relates to Tarkovsky's film. Or the source material is a novel?
Neither. It's very loosely inspired by RSP, not based on it.
Roadside Picnic.
Thanks a lot, user.
Ever read RSP? Is it any good? Thinking about ordering it offline.
It's alright, Tarkovsky's movie is better in my opinion.
Not that user but I have. I've read it about half a dozen times, its great, especially if you like sci-fi and/or STALKER.
RSP > Stalker > STALKER
They're both very much worth it, for different reasons.
forgot my bolts
how fucked am i
I like both those things, so I'll pick it up sometime.
I'll have to watch it, is that the same guy that made Solaris? I hear a lot of people talk about Solaris. Is that any good?
i'll kill all of you
Just use pebbles holy fuck.
What the hell did you just fucking say, heretic scum? I'll have you know I was brainwashed the best among the group of stalkers I was captured with, and I have over 300 confirmed kills of non-believers wishing to get to get past Pripyat. I am trained in hunting dissidents, and I'm the top sniper in my entire brotherhood. You are nothing to me but just another agitator of the great Monolith. I will cleanse you with the holy power bestowed upon me the likes of which has never been seen before in this Zone, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with your blasphemy outside of Monolith territory? Think again, heretic. As we speak I am praying to the great Monolith. Your PDAs are being traced right now, so you had better prepare for the blowout, pagan. The blowout will cleanse the Zone of its intruders and non-believers. You will die, stalker. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my Gauss rifle. Not only am I extensively trained in close combat, but I channel the powers of the great Monolith and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your pathetic soul off the face of the zone, you heretic. If only you could have known what suffering and strife your blasphemy was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your artifacts in their containers and not in your hand. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you will be purged for your actions. Bullets from the glorious Monolith will rain down from the skies on your pathetic, empty skull. You shall be cleansed, stalker.
what button is that tovarisch?
IRL alt+F4.
whats wrong with compete? i use it along with the completes arsenal mod
It significantly reduces the difficulty, and increases the max carry weight, other than that it's alright.
It changes way too much and is by far the last thing you want to recommend to someone starting into modding or getting into the series.
Start with smaller mods first.
It's faster to say what is not totally wrong with it and it's the graphics. Everything else is a fucking mess.
where is the bloodsuc
oh fuck guys it got ano
Shoot the fuc
>have period
>attract all bloodsuckers in area
I still can't complete the first mission in stalker. Am I supposed to explore a while to get something besides the shitty pistol?
>he cant kill couple of bandits with the help of three stalkers
Play on master.
I am
three stalkers who die instantly
>not doing it solo
I find it easier to aim with the pistol by not aiming down sights, have you tried that.
most women wouldnt be able to handle the conditions, and its mostly populated by men escaping persecution for crimes
also, since its loosly based on the tarkovsky movie and Roadside Picnic, many go into the zone to pay for food for their family
to this day its almost impossible to find a black person in eastern europe
though there are a couple women, as mentioned by a couple anons and in the lore, but they're still few and far apart
Have you tried sneaking in? You can basically get two free kills by ambushing the campfire inside the building.
Who wants to sit around the flaming dumpster? I got a guitar.
post your favorites
I'll bring the bread and sausage.
Let's cuddle for warmth, Sup Forums.
No homo.
Is there a mod in STALKER like Skyrim's Frostfall? All I have is a sleeping bag mod and it doesn't do much for me.
Get the AMK standalone ballistics mod.