Did uh...did we not elect a sleazy reality TV star?
>He is stupid enough to get upset about Trump's taxes and the pussy tapes
Mmmmm your sadness sustains me.
Calling Trump sleazy is as useful and meaningful as calling someone racist
Did I say that I was upset about either of those? I just called the man sleazy.
Yeah man adjectives are meaningless as hell I agree
Is calling someone sleazy the same as calling someone a cuck?
No because being a cuck is much more demonstrable
In the sense that he's going to ignore it or power up from it maybe
But you can't deny the guys an asshole, the only people who actually like him prefer that he's an asshole, and everyone else was just NeverHilary
aw come on, why do white males who play video games always... never mind that answers itself
I wanted this thread to sage but since you fags are bumping it i will post this
His fanbase is retarded
>"Dude I literally shit my pants"
>He literally hasn't shit his pants
You've made words meaningless
>Trump risks his life and livelihood to correct the course of the United States and Western Civilization at large
Doesn't seem like an asshole to me.
Everyone in this picture is retarded
The fact that people are going crazy over 15 seconds of someone saying he doesn't like Trump is astounding to me.
Because fear of rejection from all their new cool cali friends
Literally every relatively big name is dropping "I hate trump" one liners, and never very sincerely. It's almost as if it's the new "I'm not racist I have black friends".
That said there are very few people that like him that can articulate that without autisming out over whatever slogan they have this week (yes I'm going for I'm not involved so I'm better than you because none of this is going to matter)
It's more a reaction to the fact that every faggot with an ethernet cable feels like their opinion is worth fucking anything. Especially people who literally play video games as the way that they make their living.
Saying you don't like your future president is a big deal
Or would be a big deal if you said it about Nigbama
you need to look up the definition of crazy
it really does suck that such a great reviewer is a shill for Hill
That is an opinion channel.
Just don't watch his videos if you don't want to hear his opinion?
The only thing i care about SBH is when he delves a bit in History, but i ignore all his review stuff
I like Trump because he isn't anyones establishment goon and has a good bullshit detector.
Wow that was hard.
Apparently he really really wanted a nuclear war with Russia.
Not really.
People have been saying they don't like their presidents since presidents existed.
ITT: Times you dropped entertainment because of their support Hillary or being a cuckold in general
>doesn't like trump
>therefore prefers Clinton
I guess this is what the republican house will be accused of when they shut down all of trumps senile brain farts
>It's just expected that videos about video games will have the creators personal politics embedded in them
That's how radicalization happens user.
>Everyone in this picture is retarded
Except for the most thumbed up one.
Because when some videogame nerd starts talking about politics, he is beyond cringe worthy
>getting this butthurt about him listing two facts about Trump
You elected a man who scammed people with a get rich quick scheme, speaks like a bumbling baffoon, went bankrupt 6 times and made the former CEO of exxon mobile secretary of state.
You're an idiot.
>He thinks Trump userped the highest seat of power in the world by accident
you're in for a surprising 8 years
but the GOP did endorse Hillary
>has a good bullshit detector.
Please elaborate
Except other presidents didn't get you "UR A RACIST" if you said you didn't like them
You're so mad tho
>any mention of trump
>swarms of "cuck" everytime
why are trump supporters such degenerates?
I just want to time travel to 2 years in the future so people wouldn't get into pointless arguments over 15 seconds of a youtuber mentioning he doesn't like the future president
meant for Don't want him to miss out on his (you)
It's a shame that even though you prevented Hillary from winning, the US will still probably try to go to war with Russia.
>Britain doesn't want free travel or trade
lol what a tard
obama has made enough mistakes that disliking him hasnt made you racist for 6 years now
Sup Forums BTFO how will they ever recover?
I mean that mentality only came about because you had people saying that Obama should be lynched and shit
We'll go to civil war before it happens
There's a difference between disagreeing politically and vomiting opinions which can be debunked with a simple google search under the guise of being an (((internet intellectual))).
the most smug fucking webcomic in the world
so good to see that smarmy asshole have his candidate fail
is this another 'Sup Forums gets triggered by ____' episode?
>Act like a cuck
Go to bed, Madcucks
trump is an idiot if he actually thought he could convince congress that we should be friends with russia with little to no concessions
>Implying Sup Forums gets triggered
We feed off of your tears.
You will find that most commentary about anything comes more from the second category than the first.
>some faggot gets triggered when someone doesn't like the same thing likes
>better go tell my echo chamber!
back to tumblr op
you know you are on Sup Forums right?
First he aped MY review of "This is the police" and uploaded it to youtube
Now this shit
He quickly became one of my favorite to least favorite.
Youse a bitch
>3 seconds of someone calling trump sleazy
>"please, don't bring politics into this!"
Color me unimpressed
This was an good video games
>Renan being that buttmad over a comment in passing.
Stay fragile.
>Somebody who has crediblity spews outright lies
>People call him on his lies
Oh wow sorry to trigger you.
Yeah, how's the 3rd grade reading level treating you?
>president elect with the worst popularity since polling was invented
>more than half of the population in the country he is becoming president of don't like him
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums are still surprised when people don't like him
really makes ya think
>Bring up Hillary's emails before the election
>Bring up Hillary after the election
>post any video that remotely implicates the creator disagrees with a Trump/alt-right position on Sup Forums
>wait 10 minutes
>look at the comment section
>Sup Forums doesn't get triggered
lmao, funniest fucking thing I've read all day.
>>president elect with the worst popularity since polling was invented
I see democucks haven't learned anything from their pro Hillary polling
>you fucked up your country
>yeah well you're mad
Dumb frogposter.
>Popular vote advantage comes entirely from California
>Media lies and colludes to ensure that the government establishment gets what it wants
>Anti-war lefties back the most hawkish candidate the US has seen in decades and advocate for a war with a major nuclear power.
Wow my almonds have activated
really makes me think
youre not from around these parts
>Trump is unpopular because of muh polls!
>Polls say hillary has a 99% chance to win!
lol you mad
I've been posting here for years, I just don't give in to hivemind mentality.
>People call someone out when they state outright falsehoods
Oh u got me senpai I'm btfo
>the people in this state's votes shouldn't count because I disagree with them
really makes me think
Reminder that the kind of people that hate Trump deny the reality of Pizzagate
its because those nu-atheists have the government as their religion
>1 min into video
>Hurr durr Trump is bad
>hurr durr brexit bad
Fucking hell, when will people in the northern hemisphere get over this shit and stop shoving it down our throats?
who gives a shit about this guy? There are plenty of other youtube game reviewers out there, pick one that fits your needs
>he actually thinks pizzagate is a thing
Fuck off paranoid retard, seek help.
>The electoral college should be abolished because the people in those states disagree with me
Wow it's almost as if the system was designed to prevent exactly what you're describing.
>Stop a corrupt warmonger from starting WWIII
>You fucked up our country
reminder that not even most trump supporters fell for the pizzagate meme
>I just don't give in to hivemind mentality.
>using the term 'alt-right' unironically like a hivemind lefty from twitter
Trump transformed New York from a dirty crime ridden shithole into a beautiful utopia
What has bunny hop accomplished with his life
Aped your revview and you post no proof?
>implying WW3 can be avoided
Literally babby's first elections, it's sad.
Democucks, tell me where the basement is
thats a funny way to spell Giuliani
It shouldn't count because non citizens are de facto allowed to vote. That and that thing called Electoral College.
That's a funny way to spell Zootopia officer Judy Hops lunchbox/tin 35% off at select retailers (while supplies last)
You fucks loved the label before Hillary said it and you had to distance yourselves.
My sister sent me screenshots of her and her highschool friends havving an argument, and the boys (about 16) would use the words triggered anytime something remotely confrontational came up.
"Oh, did i trigger you?"
"Sorry, didn't know you would get so triggered from that"
"Ahh, I can see the trigger coming out in you"
You are no better than a 15 year old high schooler with no experience in the world, and who knows.
Maybe you are a 15 year old boy with no experience in the world.
>everybody wants to hear dancing monkey left winger cuckolds espouse their shit and objectively wrong opinions about how the world should be run
stay mad gamergate won
Exactly, where is the basement?
>hurr durr this pizza place has child prostitution in its basement
>but this pizza place has no basement
We truly live in the post truth age.
>Hillary was upset that Obama has hindered the CIA from getting involved with Syria and confronting Russia
>Wanted a no fly zone in Syria
>Not starting WWIII
You're fucking lucky we stopped you
no one has ever used that label besides member of the organization
at least check Sup Forums
Wow you got me thanks for presenting no argument.
>he REALLY thinks that he stopped a war that has been gestating since 1946 by voting for an orange tanned weirdo that promised him the 50's
>Just straight up using CrowbCat's footage
what a hack
>We truly live in the post truth age.
You really shouldn't be posting terms made up by fake news like CNN
jesus christu why does politics have to be so personal? Also this is a fucking video game board, go back to Sup Forums with this shit
Holy fuck who cares? It took up like three seconds of the video.
so, all the youtube channels that Sup Forums used to recommend to me no longer exist, then?
You presented even less of an argument, and I was merely stating an observation my man.
>He really thinks that the dems haven't been clearly advocating for military action against Russia for the past few months
Wow your greentext stopped me dead in my tracks I now shill4hill
You people are fucking dumb if you don't capitalize on this steal
>Super Reddit Hop
>Shilling socks for $18
>Cries about making videos on Twitter
>Streams R6 all day because he is a Twitch whore now