What the hell happened????
Every game now has some toxic muppet going off in chat.
Every game someones telling somebody to play a different hero.
Pick a non meta hero and everyone starts screaming.
When did this get so bad?
What the hell happened????
Every game now has some toxic muppet going off in chat.
Every game someones telling somebody to play a different hero.
Pick a non meta hero and everyone starts screaming.
When did this get so bad?
Welcome to modern pc gaming?
>he doesn't mute all chat
I think the community has gotten a little bit better, but the game is a mess because of how the community was at the start of the game.
>Kids who are brand new to shooter games picking up Overwatch
>They start playing tanks because they're big, powerful, and easy to play
>They cry bloody murder to Blizzard to nerf non-tanks so that tanks are the best by leaps and bounds
>This causes the Tank Meta, that has been a thing ever since McCree had Fan The Hammer nerfed
>Now, and only now, are kids getting slightly better realizing that tanks are too easy and too powerful and/or they're listening to their eceleb gods telling them that tanks are too good and now the community wants tanks taken down off their pedestal
It's really only the really bad players who want tanks to still remain the best. It'll be healthiest for the game when a team of mostly offensive and defensive heroes can beat a tank-heavy team, but that isn't the case today.
People being shits in a multiplayer game? Say it ain't so,
You know the tank meta only existed because of roadhog right? Like your not a fucking retard are you?
Tanks were being played so teams could play passively and wait for a roadhog hook. With roadhogs hook being changed to only work on out of position targets there is no longer a reason to play a passive game.
I shouldn't have to explain this.
This post isn't a good post :(
It use to be more chill though, now theres toxicity in almost every game.
Why are ppl even playing if they are so mad and hate everything so much.
how do you use strategy then?
the chats actually useful to coordinate during the game.
Tanks are the logical choice of hero to play if you're being a tryhard.
They're very powerful and very easy to play for how powerful they are. Zarya, D.Va, and Roadhog straight up 1v1 everybody and Reinhardt is virtually unkillable. Then the tanks have the best ults in the game that just about always guarantee kills.
I've known since day1 that maining tanks would be the way to go. With Offensive and Defensive heroes, you have to aim and exert wayyyyyy more effort to win.
Stop acting like you never play dota 2 before.
Alright but how you gonna act in like 3 weeks when the tank meta dies because of the roadhog nerfs?
That isn't going to kill the tank meta, you're delusional if you think the tank meta hasn't been a huge problem ever since they started nerfing heroes like McCree, Genji, and Widowmaker.
It's anas healing that allows the tanks so much survivability. If anything, anas the enabler here.
Overwatch is basically a MOBA, so it's not a shock that it would have a MOBA-like player base.
>tank meta exists bc of the hook
are you dum
>When did this get so bad?
Since the beggining
>mfw I play a lot of Winston, the only balanced tank
Are you playing comp? Then why are you surprize people want to copy proven team strats?
Are you playing quick play? Then why are you even butt blasted about it?
I actually have friends who play games with me, and we actually do pretty well, but we only do comp placements and then just have fun in quick play. No one really complains about anything. You sometimes get the one guy who wants to do payload attack torb and bitches that the mercy needs to pocket him, but honestly, I don't see it in quick play now that there is hero limits.
Granted, before limits, 3 hanzos would invoke chat shit posting, but it really nothing now.
It's actually worse then MOBA-players, it's MOBA-players with ellitist complex
Are you fucking 5?
Do you not remember TF2? One would figure that a TF2 clone far enough after TF2 where no one remembers it would have most of the same issues.
>muh toxic
>Then why are you surprize people want to copy proven team strats?
Because OW isn't comp game, so there is no reasons to start bitching about "OMG non meta pick".
>7 mounts after release
>2 new heroes, 2 new maps
Deal with it, this game is dying faster than HoTS
I remember I could have a good time in TF2 before this shit came out and forced TF2 to change.
>play 6v6 no limits
>never hear people complain about who you pick
>have fun with the game again
gee that was difficult
>playing against 6 syms or 6 tanks
If it's a game where someone can win and someone can lose, you WILL have a competitive group of people. Does not matter if it's chess or who can juggle the most dildos at once. Just because it's not to your liking or not as refined as other games (I'm with you, competitive overwatch is a Fucking joke. The games casual and more fun that way), dosnt mean it isn't allowed to have a "serious mlg mode", however stupid that may be.
To bring a little /tg/ here, I've been a long time mtg player and have placed in tournament from legacy to standard. Every new ittiration will take a couple weeks and form a meta. This meta will be proven by both pros and homebrewers. It's just how it goes. People are only now finding out that a game which requires multiple parts working together, has parts that work together better then some others. They will complain. "Why did this net deck beat my janky tribal" is exactly the same as "why didn't my 3 sniper start work on king of the hill???".
Comp is the best thing to happen to this game. Not because it's legit, but because it let's pre-made teams go to one spot, and homebrewers to another. That's what it needed.
>millennials can't handle being told their choices are incorrect
>they throw a temper tantrum every single time
your generation is so fucking pathetic lol
I warned you fools. I said it was shallow and moba mixed with COD.
I said the competitive focus would attract only the worst of the worst.
I warned that Blizshit won't ever release anything apart from their own server so they won't lose money. No custom/community made maps, no modding.
There will be only these things: New map/hero/skin and shitty, shitty story. There will never be any sustenance in this game.
You'all got diablo'ed.
>If it's a game where someone can win and someone can lose, you WILL have a competitive group of people.
I am totally okay with comp players, but since in game meta>skill (at least Oasis is much more like Quake map and brokes metashit delivering me one of most delicious victory since the OW launch) lose shouldn't be a big deal for people. And when someone starts bitching "repick Hanzo, or I will report you!" I making only one warning.
>To bring a little /tg/ here, I've been a long time mtg player and have placed in tournament from legacy to standard. Every new ittiration will take a couple weeks and form a meta. This meta will be proven by both pros and homebrewers. It's just how it goes. People are only now finding out that a game which requires multiple parts working together, has parts that work together better then some others. They will complain. "Why did this net deck beat my janky tribal" is exactly the same as "why didn't my 3 sniper start work on king of the hill???".
kys GWshiteater. It's not RPG, or card game, or strategy, it's fucking shooter, meta (pic strongly related) shoudn't mean anythjing outside "this playing style better for newcomres and the other better for high skill players".
>That's what it needed.
>>millennials can't handle being told their choices are incorrect
And it's incorrect becuase game is broking, so not my problem
Never said "high skill". I said we needed a place for "people who want a meta" and a place for people who want to hit not give a fuck. What you had before the patch was squeezing both of those people into one room and it caused shit storms. Sometimes it was meta fags "don't pick mercy we need a lucio REEEEE" and sometimes it was "haha let's go 6 bastion!" When all you wanted was a decent game. Seperating the two really lessened (note: reduced by alot, not eradicate) the tension and shit flinging.
So MOBA players then
>I said we needed a place for "people who want a meta" and a place for people who want to hit not give a fuck.
Nope, we doesn't need such meta in FPS
Blizzard ruined QP
>it's that game again where 2 people pick widow and hanzo. Reaper and soldier last picks. No one goes heals or tank. I have to switch when I'm trying to git gud with a hero. No one switches to the other. Last guy picks genji
So what?
it all started with League of Legends
It's not fun when people are purposely wanting to be steam rolled
Actually LoL and DOTA much more balanced.
>It's not fun
It's fun to play character which you like or want to learn.
Near the end of season one.
Literally the reason I stopped playing, I can't enjoy this game with all the faggots that play it. Their numbers will just keep growing, as more and more of the non autistic people stop playing
Have you ever played an online multiplayer in your life?
It was nothing like this when I played warcraft 3
Not even close
This is my biggest problem in OW, LoL and any Blizzard game after TBC. You are forced to play the meta more than you are the game.