Bought this game back when it was 8 bucks on sale, and I'm new to the series

Bought this game back when it was 8 bucks on sale, and I'm new to the series.

Any tips on how to git gud? Because as of now I'm a complete shitter.

Other urls found in this thread:

play the game and stop coming to Sup Forums for advice

Thanks for the advice user.

Is this a paradox?

Let the final boss kill you at the end.
That is the actual good ending.

you need to wake up

Watch youtube or twitch of people playing the game. Just copy what they do, once you get used to the gameplay it just becomes monotonous.

1.) Play Blind
2.) Explore all nooks and crannies, don't leave an area unexplored.
3.) Talk to everyone
4.) Talk to any window/door with a red lantern
5.) Pay attention to your surrounding, look for subtle changes in areas you've been before
6.) Gear for the most part doesn't matter, wear what you like
7.) Try to level up stats tied to your weapon's best scaling (ie: Saw Cleaver > STR, Hunter's Axe > STR, Threaded Cane > SKL)
8.) Don't level Endurance
9.) Always carry a Bold Hunter's Mark
10.) Kill the dogs first

Thanks user.

>8 bucks
damn, I just paid like 30 for it, at least I could find the ps4 slim for 180

>my dick when talking to the whore behind a door

I just beat the final boss on ng+ myself, and on my 2nd playthrough, I say you study enemies and learn there attack patterns and you;ll get gud in no time.