>you will never go back
You will never go back
To what? The worst expansion?
To your innocent childhood.
>worst expansion
No body can unironically believe WotLK was worse than WoD
Daily reminder that every class now really only uses 4 buttons to play in current WoW/
Almost all abilities have turned into passives.
Thank fuck. Wrath after ToC was cancer and is the blueprint for modern WoW.
That expansion made me quit fuck you.
I downloaded Single Player Project and sometimes I just start the server and wander around the world on my own for an hour or two just for the nostalgia
Good, wotlk was garbage and killed wow
I still consider it worst expack
>>you will never go back
>what are private servers
you know what i really miss about vanilla
it wawsnt the gameplay or the classes and how they were balanced
it was just running into players and teaming up and making friends and eventually forming a guild and even though they were in different parts of the world you could still hang out and do shit
i never really cared about he content of the game what drew me into wow was the fun i had with complete strangers and the stupid shit we did together
I cleared aq40 from my tablet on kronos
Really makes you think
BC was amazing, WOTLK was meh, CATA was shit and it was all downhill from there.
Celestalon pls go.
>wotlk was better than cata
lol, wotlk kid who pretends to playing bc
Blizzard redesigning the entire game for flying was a meme. Cataclysm was highly forgettable for me, WOTLK stuck with me more.
BC though was the best though imo. Mainly because the zones and dungeons were all really damn good.
Really no point to arguing about WoW anyway, it's all garbage now we're just living off of the nostalgia.
Yeah indeed. It's the players that made the game great. Not the stuff that you had to do. Now with LFR and group finder you can't tell who's reliable and who isn't. You don't even need to talk to anyone.
fuck even in your own realm unless youre in a serious raiding guild no one talks to each other its a walking husk of a shell of a corpse
Getting that login screen after install for the first time.
Brings me back man
fucking dragons man
WoW may have peaked during Wrath, but that implies the downhill trend began during Wrath as well...still, I think calling it the worst expansion is a bit overboard. Personally I'll take vanilla though.
>Wrath after ToC was cancer and is the blueprint for modern WoW
it really was
even back then u could see it coming
tbt only morons still subbed after wrath
Don't be mean to us lore fans,sure the lore is crap now but i still need to see what happens, i can't stop i need this.
WoTLK started the mass casualization.
BC was merely lite casualization.
TBC is much better
but they keep changing it and doing the "that wasn't actually canon" crap.
the lore is meaningless now
it's just more superpowers fighting supersuperpowers
there's no point to any of the lore; they'll keep introducing more powerful fantasy entities for the player to fight, it's retarded
i'm not sure why anyone pretends the downhill trend didn't start in TBC. all of tier 6 was a complete shitshow, with hyjal/BT being such a joke that you could do them with half a raid and then sunwell being so retardedly overtuned that the majority of guilds hit a fucking wall until players rerolled characters and professions. it was pretty obvious by that point they'd lost their minds on raiding and it seems like ulduar was a fluke.
Same here, during wotlk we cleared all this raids in the 5ppl party
Fucking bcfags
idk dawg I was just doing karazhan and magtheridon's lair and gruul's
I know i hate it.But i still can't stop i need to see the car crash.
Yeah but 10 man was easy mode. 25HC was where the real players were found.
Also this 5 man clear thing is an obvious lie.
here's a fun exercise:
build the Warcraft world post-WOTLK +50 years, ignore anything Blizzard has made Cataclysm+
just imagine all the feudal lords contesting for power, all the orc clans bickering, and think of all the new alliances and kingdoms that would form
too much fantasy ruins fantasy worlds
would be based desu
>clearly doesn't play windwalker monk
Currently playing on a private server called Ascension WoW. It's a pretty bomb-ass server that's still in closed beta but has 200 or so people playing at any given time and, even despite the low number, it feels populated as fuck. It runs on the 3.3.5a client but has strictly Vanilla gameplay content.
>No classes, all class spells available to choose from every two levels and talents after level 10
>Cross faction guilds, instances and raiding
>World PvP, Alliance against Alliance, Horde against Horde or Horde versus Alliance
>Killing another player within six levels of yours makes them drop some of their gear and/or inventory and money that you can loot
>Hunger meter that must be maintained without gaining Rez-sickness-esque debuff
It's so fucking weird but so goddamn fucking fun. I'm making a character that has every castable party buff and every slow or crowd control offensive ability possible.
yeah, spamming shadow bolt and lightning bolt was really engaging back then
Gonna be really imbalanced when people figure out the best builds.
There are already some different metas for leveling up, farming and PvP, but because there's such a diverse pool of conditions to match the possibilities of specs, it balances itself out fairly well. Also certain spells are being tweaked to mitigate issues like, "you HAVE to have this spell to be viable".
>tfw want to play wotlk again but every server sucks hard
>the only one with a population is warmane but half of it is faked and the other half is unbelievably retarded
>tfw laying in bed trying to get to sleep and then you suddenly get lots of vivid recollections of fighting battlegrounds in vanilla and TBC and all the fun you had
>tfw those days are gone forever
You could always watch a YT video.