New Legend Of Zelda has only 4 dungeons


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Majora's mask had 4 dungeons.

His ass

Your mother sucks cock real good.


A massive open world with 4 dungeons?

Nope. Full of shit. Or, they're massive, labyrinthian things that require repeated visits to get further and further down into them with multiple bosses. I doubt that too.

I can live with 4 dungeons if they're DAMN GOOD dungeons.

but they probably won't be


Majora's Mask had one dev year.

This game had at least 5.

It's inexcusable.

4 may not be a bad thing. depends on the quality and length of dungeons. didn't majora have 4? ocriana and majora dungeons felt like they took ages so.

More like 5 dungeons with the last one being Hyrule Castle.


this is a theory from looking at the back of the map, it may be something like you do the four dungeons then massive plot point happens then you do 3 more or something, that's how Zelda games have been structured since ALttP.

So it might only have 5? I hope Breath of the Wild will have DLC or a big expansion released a year or two from now.

>he thinks thats it

the real game begins after you beat those. Everyone knows that.

I sure hope I can pay more money for what should have been included in the original game!

Well we know there's 100 mini-dungeons that we've been told grow in difficulty, so combine that with 5 dungeons plus huge outer world lead up areas ala MM and they could pull it off. Maybe it'll be 4 dungeons then PLOT TWIST then the remaining dungeons.

> I hope Breath of the Wild will have DLC or a big expansion released a year or two from now.

>The dungeons are a massive moving entity you scale and climb into like SoTC, but there's an entire LEVEL inside it


These are probably like MAJOR MAJOR dungeons that are really hard to beat, but there are loads of other smaller dungeons scattered around the land.

So you're sure the map shows all the dungeons in the game? Did your uncle at Nintendo tell you that?

Yeah we already knew that, asshole.
There's 4 main dungeons with tons of mini dungeons scattered about the map.

I'm calling it now:
4 regular dungeons for the first half and then 4 more dungeons taking place within the giant guardian mechs for the second half.

After that, the final dungeon is Hyrule Castle.

Where would the other ones be? Maybe one in the sky like in Minish Cap? Those areas had really good music.

I get the feeling this might be the first Zelda game with DLC anyway.

>Honestly thinking the dungeons still carry the same weight with a world this big and interactable.

A few dungeons will probably appear out of nowhere. It wouldn't be Zelda if there weren't at least one dungeon that you didn't know was there at first.

That's a good point. What Zelda game doesn't have an out-of-the-blue dungeon?

Even the first game required you to burn a bush and shit.

I will actually laugh my ass off if one of the best dungeons in the game is underneath a unassuming bush that is being used as a seal to keep it hidden and you need to know to burn it.

that would be a legit laugh

Just a random bush with a secret, difficult dungeon that's optional would be neat, but it would be found out way too soon because some people are going to try to datamine the game as soon as possible.

Majora's Mask?

datamining 13 gb of data?
I know there are textures and 3d models but comeon

bird, lizard, elephant...something? and ganon

whats the "something"?


You probably revisit them over the course of the story to access previously locked areas.

I mean that looks like good fucking shit I'm not sure what the problem is

I hope you're baiting

What? It's wrong to want a fair priced DLC? Mario Kart 8 had good pricing for it's DLC. Maybe Nintendo could do it again.

Looks like they are breaking the formula this time
I don't think there will be a shortage of things to do in this game

I dont want any dlc.

I think they will have traditional dungeons as well.

Because with how long this game's been in development there shouldn't be any DLC at all, especially not for something stupid like that

Data mining this behemoth is going to take a while

not enough internal memory
please no dlc

Anyone remembers the "leaks" from several months ago saying that there were 4 dungeons? I'd like to read them once again and figure out if it may be legit.

I post old leaks that were right all along. 1/2
Does anyone have the ones with the "4 dungeons" bit. If I remember correctly, they were fake, but with what we know now it should be interesting to reread them.


you can ride the bird guy
>environments and locations change drastically as a result


>gif not capped
>very possible by looking at large landmarks
>Wolf Link is an offensive companion, appear to be able to tame dogs the same as horse. No confirmation of flying companion
>Not much info on how story is delivered
>Confirmed through gameplay
>Confirmed through Nintendo

>Confirmed through gameplay
>Not confirmed, but stables appear to be very native american
>Emphasized to be fully open as soon as you complete the plateau, don't know about more enemies or changing of locations
>Weather confirmed by Nintendo, day/night confirmed by gameplay
>Not confirmed, there was a wanderer near one of the stables, but how far he goes and how many NPCs are like him is up in the air
>Partially confirmed, there was a wanderer in one of the screenshots that had a pack that looked like a beetle, as well as resembling beedle himself, but it hasn't been flat out proven to be
>Unconfirmed, from what I've seen
>Not a solid yes/no

He said in an interview there were about twelve or so. Those are probably just main locations.

Not wind waker again..

Yeah and you can only burn the bush with a candle that takes ten seconds to recharge because it's been twenty fucking years and I still don't know where the fucking red candle is.


The point is you can make a Zelda game more about getting to/into the dungeons and still have it work well.

Still had the rooms with the masked children leading up to Skull Kid.

Like the best one, Majora's mask? Ok.

what is this 10s rubbish, you have to change rooms/overworld screens to fire the blue candle again

Which is about ten seconds. I said a time because I don't expect changing rooms/screens to be a tactic in breath of the wild.

Here we go again

I don't understand what has people excited over it.

I mean, I like zelda games. But people are like WHOA DID YOU SEE HIM FLOAT WITH THE FIRE ARROW?! He went like 10 feet up. I don't get the hype.

It's okay as long as they're good ones. And you have the entire free-world which is technically like a dungeon.

Those are pretty much confirmed, But the "4 dungeons" thing were in different leaks posted by a different user. I'd just like to see those.


The best Zelda game only had four dungeons

Majora's mask?

>yfw there aren't only four dungeons
>there's only four BOSSES

>and they all have giant eyeballs

No? The best Zelda game had 9, 18 if you count the second quest.

This is the 4 divine beast theme with the golden dragon in it!

seems like the only reason to buy a switch

i still want to wait and see if they have locked down 30fps for both skews of the game

It's hard to explain I think because so many elements seem good.

The gameplay looks incredibly smooth and stylish which is practically a first for the series (though in Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword we see this beginning to come to fruition)

The art style/theme is a nice compromise of the wackiness of Windwaker, the "softness" of Skyward Sword, and the mythical grit of Twilight Princess

The music is beautiful

It's been in development a long time

Those are my main reasons. Trailers and gameplay look fun and I'm a big Zelda fan. Doing some CUHRAZZY mid air bow shits is just icing