Pc exclusive

>pc exclusive
>9 times the size of the fallout 3 game world (think of a quilt made of fallout 3s that's 3x3)
>20,000 unique NPCs
>1500 quests
>if you jump off the tallest building in game you can count to 8 before hitting the ground
>120 fps 90 FOV
>non generic fantasy rpg

What think?

>What think?
I think you left out the gameplay

That's a little important

>Another open world empty garbage.
No. People are tired of this shit. Companies should focus on creating smaller scale worlds with better quality content. Quantity does not always equal quality.

There's no reason you can't have the exact same content as smaller game, just with more space between the shit for muh immersion and randomly spawning enemies

Nice game fag. How's the gameplay?

That's the fucking thing, thought, what is the god damn point? And no, you you can't, because then you'd have to spend development time on the space in between instead of on actual content or use procedural generation and we all know how that ends up.

>what is the god damn point?

It's more fun to have a big sandbox that is tough to survive in

Making the player travel without doing something interesting wastes time and bores people

You could add fast travel, but that makes the whole "open world" idea really, really trivial.

Go for a game, not a graphics simulator

Let's be honest, there aren't any open world games that are hard to survive, they mostly have terrible combat and level scaling enemies. Yes, even The Witcher 3, which I loved suffers from this.

>make games linear shooting gallaries like muh mass effect


>20,000 NPCs that you can talk to
>1500 quests

Nigger u wot?