Let me get this straight, is everyone fucking us right now?

Let me get this straight, is everyone fucking us right now?

Sony fucked us with the PS4 Pro and paid online, Vita memory was fucking jewish as well.

They were always trying to fuck us with the Xbox, nothing new.

PC as gaming platform is getting worse as well, Nvidia and Jewtel getting more and more anti customer while AMD struggles to get close to them, also win 10 exclusive games.
Games are often poorly optimized, they just try to make it run on the newest hardware and fuck over people that have a 2-3 year old graphics card.

Nintendo is going full jew again.
Paid online, everyone knows Nintendos online is fucking shit that barely works, safe for 1-2 games and generally lacks features you had on the PS3 and 360 already.
Gimmick controllers no one asked for that just raise the price.
Weak hardware while barely being portable due to size and battery life.
Amiibo will be a thing for the switch as well.

Just fuck my shit up senpai.

This is getting out of hand, I can't think of another hobby where you get fucked so hard and makes you depressed like seeing this shit.
Barely played anything this year anyway, tired of that shit I think I'll get a new hobby, maybe origami or some shit, might as well just order the helium tank.

Other urls found in this thread:


Become a sjw

Yep everyone has hopped on the rape train.
Good luck trying to find a hobby that doesn't try to screw or jew you. Turns out even one of the rocks I collected is mildly radioactive.

>not eating the rock to become capeshit

>Turns out even one of the rocks I collected is mildly radioactive.
What the hell user, where did you find that and how did you find out it's radioactive?

>PC devs getting more anti consumer

Wrong, 4GB GPU for £180 and itll last for years

Try again cuck, only issue is microjew and DX12

>Sony fucked us with the PS4 Pro

No they didn´t. The normal PS4 is still more than fine for everything.

Outside an abandoned quarry. Took it to a geologist friend of the family.

You know what's crazy? SJWs actually accomplished a lot of shit to influence the video game industry. Sure a lot of it is either benign to downright awful, but they accomplished things. Imagine if Sup Forums put in the same effort to stop publishers from being massive jews or boycotting early access and on disc dlc and shit. Nope, ethics in video game journalism is the horse we decided to back.

>itll last for years
Have fun playing on medium settings next year.

Where's the problem with that?

I sure enjoy being a second class citizen.

I bought it last year and i'm still running it on max settings. People run first gen i7s overclocked for tiny prices at high levels too. Take your ignorance elsewhere

Might as well get a console, poorfag.

even if Sup Forums put more effort than them into making things more like how they like them to be it would be useless because SJWs

>PC devs

Don't you mean console devs?

>PC is only good for potentially better performance
I bet you switched in the last three years and frequent pcmasterrace.

video games and anime are for man children.

Yes. Buy old consoles for cheap and play all the games you've missed for cheap. This gen is trash and it's time to stop throwing money whenever there's a Steve Jobs wannabe throwing empty promises out on stage.

Pretty decent bait


And get you're here, on a website started by anime fans who ended up creating a board for video games.

>Barely played anything this year anyway

The trick is to find that one genre that keeps you happy.

For me it's bullet hells and JRPGs.

literally who?

You know what's so good about this bait?
The post is shit an uninteresting but you just went out and called best girl a cuck.
Simple yet very effective.

just play overwatch and nothing else.

I think you know ((((((((((((((who)))))))))))))) is responsible.

No shit

Why do you think this place is full of man children?

>Sony fucked us with the PS4 Pro
This is what you guys don't understand... This is the direction consoles are going-- just like how they want to make Windows one release with a bunch of updates they want to do the same thing with consoles.

Now that consoles are based on x86 architecture (essentially they are gimped PCs with shittier hardware) every few years the company will release a new version.

This isn't to spite the consumer, it's because manufacturing costs are reduced dramatically when they put together a smaller console that has better cooling, a smaller chip, uses less materials and other advancements that have been brought to the forefront. This is how companies like Sony and Microsoft continue to profit off of these systems. They make the most return on a system that costs less to produce yet still sells for a high amount.

This is why every few years there is a "SLIM" console, the only difference is that back in the day all they could do was improve the manufacturing process but they couldn't really upgrade the hardware much.

Now that everything is x86, console players are basically going to be able to "upgrade" their system every few years. Your consoles are nothing more than a weak gimped PC, and it's getting outdated faster than before. Deal with it.

>only issue is microjew and DX12
Cry me a river. The only reason that DirectX is the standard is because OpenGL is literal shit and Linux is advancing as a platform as slowly as ever.

Valve really tried to push Linux as a platform to get away from Microsoft's faggotry but in the grand scheme of things it could be another 10 years before Linux is even remotely relevant (if it ever is to the desktop market.. which is highly unlikely).

That's defeatist talk. We're supposed to be winners. You're not a loser are you?

You do realise it only works because people cave in to political correctness. A bunch of autistic fucks screeching at developers has little to no influence.

Then obviously we wouldn't screech like a bunch of autistic fucks. Instead we'd use the system available to us and use it to our advantage, ultimately overthrowing it and making things our way. We basically become Sheev.

>best girl

Lifting, reading--pretty much any self-improvement hobby won't screw you. I've swapped to "filthy casual" and don't regret it. Any IP I ever cared about is either dead, twisted into something unrecognizable, or slow enough going that I can come back every few years for a good game.

Post your rock collection, rocks are neat!

>The only reason that DirectX is the standard is because OpenGL is literal shit
that's because microsoft sabotaged it, to be fair. And Linux has nothing to do with this. DX12 is shit because it supports only the new microsoft system, while Vulkan will let anyone develop on most platforms available today, Windows 7 and 8 and 10 included. Stop sucking microdicks, it's pathetic

Let's do something about it like Sup Forums did with Trump

Never gonna happen. People here are too lazy to do anything but autistically screech at each other 24/7

>Nintendo is going full jew again.
>Paid online, everyone knows Nintendos online is fucking shit that barely works, safe for 1-2 games and generally lacks features you had on the PS3 and 360 already.
>Gimmick controllers no one asked for that just raise the price.
>Weak hardware while barely being portable due to size and battery life.
>Amiibo will be a thing for the switch as well.

Fuck off you buttmad sonypony. Nintendo are literally saving the industry right now.

>Stop sucking microdicks, it's pathetic
Where in my post did I say that I loved DirectX or Microsoft?

I wish OpenGL would take off but Linux is literal shit and no one gives a fuck about developing for it. Valve had the right idea but they can't do it alone (which is why SteamOS is stagnant and nothing is really happening with it all these years later).

You can play plenty of indie games on linux with less performance but AAA games will likely never be released for OpenGL.

>best girl
Not after that shitstorm.

Was ranting about exactly this to my girlfriend just yesterday, OP. The industry is a fucking mess focused on anti-consumerism.

Sup Forums was calling for a crash ages ago. This is the result of that crash not happening. Everything went to shit.

Lasy time Sup Forums tried something similar, it turned into bitching about sjws and shit the bed.

Are you only just figuring out that companies do not care about you on a personal level? Congratulations, I guess.


Nozomi is best girl and has the best wife

Maybe this board is just too young to be able to achieve such a task. Or maybe we need to use reverse psychology on Sup Forums to get them to do something.

Pft we all know Sup Forums ain't badass enough to change video games for the better. I mean, who could honestly believe such weaklings can do anything?


>Caring for VAs
Honk is best girl

>Nintendo Switch
>paid online
>still uses 16-digit Friend Code system to add friends
>majority of online modes in games end up not using mics
>basically the same service that the Wii U has

I hope I'm wrong about the last three, but given Nintendo's track record, can't say I'd be surprised if they did this.

What did her VA do? Another bullying case?

I'd criticize it in different way.
Graphics race caused games to be overblown, graphic-focused shit shows which caused production costs to skyrocket.
Graphics consume so much time and effort that we end up with barren open-worlds one after another. Nobody wants to take risks anymore. Even Nintendo just tried to breed a mix of their old gimmicks.
Games got much expensive in the process.

This also triggered all the jewish behaviors. They need that 100$ season passes to get any profit.

Are you the Mineral Guy? If so, post MINERALS.

You are stalker now.

Welcome to Capitalist Society user, wherein the only thing that matters is making money and screwing everyone over as hard as possible to get more money.

Let's discuss how there is nothing we can do about it because the masses are willing to pay

>discovering the free market

radioactivity can be relatively harmless. you could handle polonium, alpha emission doesn't go too far and shouldn't even go through the skin; but eat or absorb a tiny amount, as a liquid, through skin and your fucked.

if you took a geiger counter on a plane, you might be able to get a panic out of people who don't realize they're being exposed to over 30 times background radiation

We used dinner plate glazes to build atom bombs. People weren't dying left and right, but it definitely wasn't the safest thing ever. Antique jewelry, clocks, watches, ceramics can all have radionuclides in em'. And give of enough radiation to register on a handheld geiger counter, for thousands of years in the future

None of this matters to me because I pirate all my games except the occasional competitive multiplayer game.

>Welcome to capitlaist society user, where the next company to offer a console with free online will get shit tons of buyers

Seriously, we are at a paradigm shift now, can't you feel it? It feels like Just before Sony Released the Playstation, just before Microsoft released the Xbox.

This generation or next, there will be a new challenger who flips the script on console gaming, mark my words

There is a part of me thinking that a lot of the, for lack of a better word, "real" gamer crowd might just up and drop cashcow games when this time comes, leaving the husk of the hobby for normies to swarm over.

It's probably just confirmation bias, but a lot of my gaming circle (near and far) is getting really annoyed that every MP game is swarming with normies/baddies who just make solo queing a fucking chore--to the point where they'd rather not play than spend an hour of their time playing a game they like with people they don't like. Back in "the day" you would use this time to make new friends, but these days the average player is simply not worth knowing.

Does anybody else feel the same or am I just a cynical fuck jacking off with my logical fallacy?

Get a SEGA Genesis.

>these days the average player is simply not worth knowing.
Pretty much. No one is really that unique anymore. Everyone just parrots what they think they're supposed to be. This board is prime example A.

It also doesn't help that multiplayer is basically no longer a thing outside of sports games. Even games that say they're Co-Op means online Co-Op which pisses me off to no end.

When will SEGA rejoin the console race already?

Oldfag here, I FUCKING TOLD YOU FUCKS back when paid online first fucking started that it was a problem. Then the kinect came out and I FUCKING TOLD YOU FUCKS that it was a spy camera and not to get it, then when it was mandatory on the xbone I FUCKING TOLD YOU FUCKS not to get it but you didn't listen.

I can't take credit for FUCKING TELLING YOU FUCKS not to support DLC when it first started, but I damn sure warned everyone as it became more and more accepted that it was fucking you.

I also TOLD YOU FUCKS about kikestarter.

What can you do, OP? Just STOP SUPPORTING THIS SHIT. Stop paying for online. Stop buying DLC. Stop buying spy cameras for your house. Stop reading (((gaming journalism))). Just fucking stop. Eventually normies will move on to something else, the market will crash, and we can rebuild.




You hate video games.

You probably think you're a fighter attempting to fix a dying industry, or at least watching it burn from the sidelines, but that's not really the case. You just hate video games.

Please find a new hobby or go through with the helium tank plan.


Yeah, I think it's time to let go of this hobby.

If you pay for DLC, support kikestarter, read (((gaming journalism))), and have an xbone or kinect device, then you are literally the cancer killing the gaming industry and you should kill yourself.

>hur durr you must hate videogames because you don't like the shit companies are pulling nowadays.

But user, there is still thousandths of games that have come out between 1976 and 2012 that aren't tarnished by all of this.

I can still very much enjoy my favorite hobby even as the industry dies a slow painful death.

>Eventually normies will move on to something else,

No, they wont. I didn't want to believe it either but all we have to look forward to now is under-the-radar titles once every couple of months.

There wasn't a single game last year that I was excited for that didn't get jewed to hell and back by greedy business decisions.

Apparently a porn video of her leaked to the public. She and her agency claim that it was a look-alike, haven't really looked into it that much so I dunno if it was actually her or not in the video.

>She and her agency claim that it was a look-alike
How they can tell? They arr rook the same.

Same. I think the only game which gave me a modicum of fun was Dishonored 2.

I haven't been excited for a new non-indie game since The Phantom Pain, and that was only because I never imagined Kojima would cuck me that hard.

The point of my post is that there are enough good videogames out already to serve you your entire lifetime, you don't need to worry about what happens with newer games.

And hey, if there is still a good one coming out that isn't jewed the fuck out here and there you can get it and enjoy it too. Indie games aren't that jewish, and I liked Witcher 3, and Talos Principle a couple of years back.

Honoka is best girl. I want to fuck her quite badly.

I haven't bought a video game in two years. Maybe it's just me but the only games I want to play are over a decade old.

>Welcome to a capitalist society
Oh boy what could possibly be your suggested alternative.

Please post more Honoka images.

Commies need to read The Gulag Archipelago. They'll never learn. Cancer ideology.

Nozomi best girl.
Followed by Kotori then Nico.

But I don't have a topic to discuss anymore.

>if you don't like capitalism as it is know you are a commie
nice strawman faggot

But he didn't say that, he asked what your alternative would be?

Everyone emits radiation. You're emitting it right now. Quit acting like radioactivity is a huge fucking concern when you know nothing about it other than the bullshit you see on tv

glad we agree, go away

If you don't want to help change the industry then you better not complain about it every again.

We elected Trump President, faggot, you can have videogames and let SJW take over them for all I care, Trump now has to pick at least 1 judge for the SC and maybe 3 more if he gets reelected.

That's what you get for pirating 3ds games all these years.


literally this entire thread and 95% of Sup Forums. It's time to grow up and get an adult hobby kiddos. Try cooking or gardening. Or sports if you really want one that has an ebin meme four chain board.

The only way to really change the industry would be to buy up all the stock of these gaming companies and insist on executives that make good games, rather than business decisions. Good luck with that.

>win 10 exclusive games.
Nothing new. See Windows Vista. You'd also have to be pretty retarded to buy any UWP app as the microsoft store is literally Games for Windows Live 2.0
>Games are often poorly optimized, they just try to make it run on the newest hardware and fuck over people that have a 2-3 year old graphics card.
Only games you shouldn't ever play do this.


"You" got tricked by the greentexting jew to elect the most pro-Israel president in 30 years.

Is Honoka not topic enough?

Defeatist talk, nothing will change unless we put aside the shitposting and infighting for two minutes and make the change happen.

I like the way you think.

Didn't Obongo signed a deal that will give Israel like 40B in the spand of 8 years? What would Trump do for them give them Commifornia?