This is embarrassing

This is embarrassing

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Is it embarrassing or are you just easily embarrassed?

Fuckin puritans


>Violent Ken
Because he's normally so calm?

>those fucking portrait edits

Why do people hate thr sprites in these so much?

They are a bit "much".

What I never liked was the excessive jerkiness (especially when you play on Turbo). It's frame-for-frame but when you scale them up it just looks less fluid for some reason.

Are you unfamiliar with who Violent Ken is?

They look like fucking anime characters. There's a reason indie developers frequently use 8-16 bit graphics, it's because it's easy and doesn't look like shit.
Sure? The name is retarded whether I know it or not.

the name is threatening as fuck b deadass

The real question is: Will it be retail?

I swear it seems like a big joke that Nintendo showed off Street Fighter 2 as one of the games coming to their platform and Capcom actually made Street Fighter 2 on the Switch.

They really want it on every platform don't they?

Already confirmed.
There's a first person mode where you just beat the shit out of characters

Violent Ken has a humorous name, why take everything so seriously? He can do some cool stuff in Snk v Capcom. Here's a video.

>There's a first person mode where you just beat the shit out of characters
But that actually sounds good

dunno what is causing this, but I remember the SNES version looking better than this

It was already in the 3DS version of SF4. It is not good.

Fuck Yeah, finally a game I will add to my list.
>First Person Mode
Ah, that was also at the end of the trailer

>Violent Ken without the afro
Way to fuck it Capcom, SNK did it better.

The better question is, will it come to PS4/Steam? Cause I'd like to play this, but I sure as hell ain't getting a Switch.

No it wasn't. The 3ds had a cinematic 3rd Person mode, that shifted the camera at the edges of the arena.

>that dhalsim stance

That's fan art, jackass.

That's also excepable, this game would be the cherry on the top, if I buy a Switch in like two years down the line.

no, he truly had an afro. they just didn't give it to his game sprite.

even violent ken should yell while executing a shoryureppa


Could you repeat that in English?

No you stupid fuck, that how he looks in the art of SnC Chaos.

ofc the violent ken turns black


Fuck You! foreign speaker brainfart.

Less embarrassing than 12 Switch

>n-no! He had afro!
>I-it j-just wasn't part of the game on any. fucking. level. !!

You fuckin weebs are so out of touch with reality god damn.

The art itself isn't that bad -although it does look like some newgrounds shit- the real reason it looks terrible is because the actual animations haven't been updated, so it's modern looking sprites with only 3/4 frames of animation per move. It looks like ass in motion.

Apparently, this game isn't just an HDR port with two new characters. They've actually made some meaningful changes to the gameplay as well. I'm interested if this will become the new definitive version to play instead of Super Turbo.

>transforms a character into a nigger
>is now violent / evil


>didn't even bother changing the win animations

It's over two decades old, you don't show off your shiny new console with a game like this.

Yes but 40 Funbux worth of "meaningful changes" though?

Speak for yourself nigger.
Ultra SF2 sure got me interested in the Switch. It shows that they're focusing more on gameplay instead of wowing everybody with a consolepleb generic shooter rpg openworld sandbox hybrid that are all the rage these days.

Even Jewtendo's openworld sandbox game (Super Mario Odyssey), looks much more fun than the competition.

I hate how kiketendo are still relying on tech that's barely stronger than a toaster, but they're at least shitting out games that looks better than the competition. It's Street Fighter 2, so it's already better than Street Faggot 5.

>Paying $300+ For something that's going to be ported to everything else anyways




This will never become the definitive version over st unless it gets an arcade version and even then it's unlikely.

>You’re stuck with analog sticks by default on the Switch
>Pro Controller = $69.99
>Rumored prices for USF2 = $39.99
>System =$299.99

Over $400 investment to play a single game properly.

>It shows that they're focusing more on gameplay instead of wowing everybody with a consolepleb generic shooter rpg openworld sandbox hybrid that are all the rage these days

No, Nintendo's track record shows that and the underpowered Switch was indication enough that that trend would continue. That said, Street Fighter 2 is old news my man. It being on the Switch is no bad thing, but it's not a game they should really stress is on the system. The lack of software is a real issue for Nintendo, they've got 5 launch games so I suppose they have to, but it'd be nice if they had big stuff in line so something like SF2 which is on literally everything wouldn't have to be hyped up

He beats his wife.

Throw teching with ST characters, no O versions, glitch mechanics removed. A bunch of other character specific stuff.

Throw tech/escape already changes a lot.

It is nice that it is not HDR, it's got its own style.

Something to buy used a week later and turn off the HD sprites.

Do not a system seller?

But not*
phone posting faggot here

I don't think so.

It has a bit of a chicken and egg problem. It won't become a huge tenant tournament alternative to ST setups without big early adoption.

But it's sf2 which may have overstayed its welcome permanently with casuals.

TvC had a similar problem, but was unique and unexpected enough to be pretty successful tournament wise. It still fell out of favor relatively quick.

Thus ARMS might have a better chance.

ARMS confirmed for EVO 2017

ST is the best game ever made. I'm fine with the two edgelord characters as long as the game gets a revival.

I played it this morning at the Switch event in London and Violent Ken has a sick command dash. He's pretty fun.

>Emulate old game
>Recolor 2 characters
>call it new characters
>$40 please

Which is to say, it is a title I am really looking forward to because I really liked most versions of SF2 at a mid-low competitive level (fightcade newbies and the first few rounds of local tournament brackets).

But I don't know if the nostalgia is still there for the semicasual majority of switch buyers.

Paid online with gimped services that require a smartphone will hurt it.

Wiz said only if people provide the consoles and games for him.

We'll see in a few days.

It also has a crappy first person do-specials-woth-joycons mode.

>gimped services that require a smartphone
The most bizarre thing about this is Nintendo is literally selling a tablet. Modify the OS a bit and they could sell it as something that can even replace an Android or iPad tablet for some.

It isn't. You look at the general reaction to the entire thing, and it's the same stuff between all of them
>neat concepts
>new mario!
>breath of the wild! VOICE ACTING! Zelda is not in a dress!

Etc. I don't think any even realize SF2 is happening as most these people don't follow shoryuken or other FGC like sites that would actually cover its existence. The general public doesn't care. Maybe they'll buy it out of nostalgia when browsing through downloads, but it'll never have anywhere near the reaction of the above in circles beyond dedicated forums....Facebook, Tumblr, twitter crowds.

Why does it need an arcade version? I think if it gets ported, it will be enough.

If they make it a full Android fork, the problem is that the hardware becomes even more outdated fairly quickly.

You gain access to the Android market but that's a double edged sword.

By having a full proprietary OS they can restrict apps and games better for a higher quality standard.

The bigger ones will still all come over if the APIs are ok.

But they'll lose out on the rest, including the next big unknown app.

You realise this has a 99% chance of getting ported everywhere?

WOOOW system seller right there!

it's fucking genzo that's why

Dual boot/OS..

Yeah that's how I see it happening.

Hopefully it gets a port to more sustained platforms eventually.

That adds a lot of maintainability and complexity problems for devs, Nintendo and consumers. And confusion.

Not saying that it couldn't be done well - but Nintendo couldn't do it well.

Not Android, but I mean even their own OS that's not ass.

I suspect the browser on the Switch is going to be shit. If they actually put effort into it, made it competitive with the others out there and then have their own App Store, I think it'd be an attractive product marketed as both a tablet and a console. It's not really a tablet at the moment, they don't market it as such either but it'd have been cool I think

Sure enough it's not going to gain the same support as Google Play or iOS, but even with just a few apps, it'll have the advantage of power and AAA games.

Yes Nintendo will not but Switch basically lost a huge chunk of buyers right there. Another one is SIM/4G/LTE support which they could have easily added to the Switch right now but I am willing to bet that will come with the Switch 2 or something.

Well it obviously has an OS with an API for app and game developers.

The question is whether it's any good and how hard it is to put something out on the switch.

I doubt they are even at 360 level of friendliness yet but I hope to be surprised.

So people would have to pay for online AND a wireless provider? That didn't work well for the Vita, remember? Because it isn't worth it in the end.

ST is never getting replaced like Melee is never getting replaced

He'll sell the Switch

If it doesn't get an arcade version then the current st players will continue to play st at the arcade. It might get some tournament exposure in America like HDR did for a while but eventually the tournament standard will go back to st when people realize the best sf2 players aren't playing ultra.

They are supporting Unity/UE4 so they basically have something similar.
Depending on where you live.

Yeah that's what I'm saying. They'll have a browser, but it won't be a good one. They'll have third party support, but it'll be lacking.
They'll have a games store, but I don't think it's ever been looked at as an "App" store. I mean, I don't see mobile developers porting their games over to the switch, but they've not suggested that being an option when really it's sort of a natural fit.
Making the Switch a tablet that could stand in its own right, without any controller, without anything but the base machine could have made it really attractive. Gives you a tablet and console for the price of one. Even those not into videogames use tablets for leisure, but you can just tell the Switch won't work nicely like that. Getting movies on there or shows to watch will probably just be a pain in the ass

No browser exploit this time. They removed.

Here we go with this logic again

M8 it doesn't matter which console it's on, you still have the same costs

>no online play


>dramatic battle

Well shit now I don't know.

You will have one standard controller if you buy other consoles.

It isn't.

>i play fighting games with analog sticks

>invincible dashes with no endlag or startup

That doesn't seem fair at all

Not him but I do

>They look like fucking anime characters.
Not that guy. But you know. Aren't they?

Get the fuck out

Honestly, I'd feel like shit if I didn't at least try this after buying SFV for full price. It can't be $40 though. That must be some Japanese retail price.



>the tournament standard will go back to st when people realize the best sf2 players aren't playing ultra

what standard after HDR tournament run finished the entire sf2 scene dies as well. The only thing they do is that tournament of legends every couple of years.
I doubt Ultra is going to have as big as an impact as HDR. The only thing it has going for it is that it will be released in japan and this is going to be the first for many Japanese sf2 fans to interact with a update of sf2 since they did not get HDR.

Only smash players would call recovery "lag" and smash players are scum.

I never read the svc comics but is violent ken supposed to have orochi powers or psycho drive?
could swear that mr skull would appear during one of his supers back at svc chaos

because they animate poorly in HD
also, some of the frames manage to have miserable anatomy despite being drawn pretty much directly over the originals

I'm sorry for triggering you're autism

I'm genuinely excited for this. idc if it's the 50th revision of sf2, I love this game.

they are anime characters they've always been drawn with an anime style. Which is why street fighter three has the best aesthetic. If you think SF 4 and 5s muppets look good then you're just dumb.

Violen Ken is brainwashed by Psycho power or some shit

t. M.Bison

>playing fighting games on non-dpad controls
Nintendo shills will actually think this is ok.

It's not even a full revision. Just a cheap quickie portable port like SF2 Revival on GBA.

I'm sorry you're retarded and can't spell.

he's right though. calling recovery frames/animations "end lag" is so fucking retarded.
tho I have no issues with smash or its players

People use arcade sticks all the time