Super Mario 3D Land/World

Super Mario 3D Land/World

>look at this linear casualized trash
>shit NSMB plastic art style REEEEE
>Nintendo forgot how to make a real Mario game, I weep for this generation

Literally Super Mario 64 2

>(after watching 5 seconds of trailer and closing video) it looks meh
>why is he in a city? I miss when Nintendo played it safe
>let's keep talking about the city level it's clearly the only level in the game ISN'T IT WEIRD IT'S LIKE SONIC KEK
>what's Super Mario 64? Super Mario Galaxy 2 was my first Mario game

Hi neo-Sup Forums

It really does look bad tho. There's something creepy and generic about all the environments. The gameplay could definitely be fun and I hope it is but what hey showed does not inspire much confidence.

>something creepy and generic

Translation: I can't think of a single concrete reason for why it looks bad, but I still want to criticize it.

The theme of the game is juxtaposed environments.

City with ape terminology when apes live in the jungle

Desert that's freezing cold with ice everywhere and a pyramid that's in the sky

Mechanized forest

Rock candy land where all the sweets are actually vegetables

Miyamoto even said in the Odyssey segment of the Treehouse stream that they wanted to make it look like Mario was really going on a trip, so the environments looking bizarre and foreign is part of what the game's direction

Here's another

>"I wish Nintendo would make a Mario game where the levels had the creativity of Mario Kart stages"
>they do that
"N-not like that!!!"

The pastel environment in the OP just plain sucks. Looks like something from super princess peach. The city level is beyond generic, just looks like some terrible low res city environment from the dreamcast/ps2 era.The forest bit just looks bizarre and out of place.

I'm not trying to invent reasons to dislike it, I would fucking ADORE another Mario 64 but this one looks like it's going to struggle to be as enjoyable as Sunshine.

Again, I could be wrong and I hope I am but what I've seen looks shit.

Just because it's the theme doesn't mean they automatically did it in an effective and enjoyable manner.


Be honest, you hate things that look original and different. All you wanted was yet another rehash of Super Mario Galaxy. You're the cancer that has been killing the Mario franchise for over a decade.

>City with ape terminology when apes live in the jungle


It's probably too early in development. Kids these days don't remember early alpha footage of Mario 64 or Zelda OoT. Nintendo shows what they have they doesn't care about autists complaining in Sup Forums.

I hated Galaxy too, retard. Last genuinely good Mario game was 64.

My only complaint is that I have no idea what the overall theme is supposed to be. There's no real consistency.

The city, the jungle, and the ruins all make sense as a package. But then you have the gradient food land which sticks out like a sore thumb. It might be the art style, the content, or a combo of both, but it seems way off.

You were probably an itch in your daddie's crotch while I was being snail mailed Nintendo Power promotional VHS tapes for N64.


>City with ape terminology when apes live in the jungle
it's a concrete jungle

I'm sorry you have shit taste.

Honestly the thing that stood out to me the most about this trailer is how expressive Mario appears to be in this game.

He looks like he has 30x the emotion/personality hes had in every other mario game. I agree that the worlds dont look that graphically pleasing. But if the rest of the game can match the personality displayed by Mario in the trailer and the preformance is rock solid then this game could still be excellent.

shh i know i was just being casually racit

>not wanting to jump around with Mario 64 controls in several completely different environments

Agreed, the animation in general looked so fluid and expressive. I've never been this hyped for a Mario game.

It doesn't get much "completely different" than going from a jungle to a city. You don't need to go off the fucking chain to have variety.

But why wouldn't you want them to go off the chain? This is the first true 3D exploration game since Sunshine, and there may never be one again. I have no desire for them to show restraint.

64 isn't exactly fluid in its levels either

I'm not saying it has to be boring, but it should at least match with everything else. Mario 64 had a huge variety of environments, but could you say any of them stuck out as odd?

It might be an art style thing, I dunno. But right now the food world bothers me. Everything else looks fucking excellent.

>City with ape
that's just detroit

I really don't know what you're talking about, family

Tick Tock Clock is a strange outlier in 64. And the rainbow world. Both late stages

Boo's haunt tone is way different than the rest of the game. Wet Dry is pretty odd too

>but could you say any of them stuck out as odd?
dry wet world? It's brought up in every 64 thread

Only because of the DEEPEST LORE shit about the background, honestly.

To be fair the blame is on Nintendo for pumping out so much generic shit over the past few generations. Hopefully this will remind people what Mario is supposed to be.

I dunno I'm not a creative person but surely there's a better way than plopping mario in some generic real world city.

Mario 64 was fucking awesome you autist.

I don't like the look of this new one though.

I don't understand why the city/forest/etc couldn't be in the Mushroom Kingdom, and be populated by characters and enemies that actually match Mario's style, rather than this GTAV Mario-mod-looking shit we're getting.

This is being dishonest tho, because Mario Kart is artistically and thematically consistent with the environment art from previous games in the series

user. do you know a real life New Donk city with diddy, dixie, cranky, rambi, etc streets?

You might have brain damage if you don't understand the underlying concept

>thematically consistent with the environment art from previous games in the series
The one in OP reminds me a lot of Yoshi's Island.

>but could you say any of them stuck out as odd?

Yeah, in fact most 64 discussion nowadays is about how strange it feels

It's not generic if Mario has never been in a real city before.
Context is important.

oh yeah, another fucking adventure in the fucking mushroom kingdom yeahh!
No fuck you, I want to see something new. Get your super casual new mario switch you and fuck off

Everyone says it's uncanny. No one says the art direction isn't consistent. That's my gripe.

What the hell are you even talking about? What I mean is that maybe the "real world" shit was the wrong way to go. Something like Mario 64 maybe where you're jumping into paintings or something but maybe the paintings are super surreal, I don't fucking know but the real world city shit is just dumb and the rest of the environments looked retarded except maybe the desert one.

No it's still generic and it's kinda painful to look at in the context of a mario game.

more like super mario ODDyssey lol

I don't know where you're getting these completely made up opinions from. People are calling it Mario 06 for funsies because realistic humans, but it looks alright. Nobody thinks the game is gonna be shit, it's just not coming out until Holiday 2017 (if it's not delayed) so who really gives a shit about it at this point

I'm actually a bigger fan of the Galaxy 1&2/3D World linear course style. Still this looks fucking amazing, the movement options look even more extensive than 64.

That's not how genericness works. If Call of Duty suddenly took place in a lava level, you don't get to call it generic because you've played laval levels a thousand times in other games.
Again, context is important.

Gamers today truly have no imaginative spirit.

the little/big world or whatever it is called was probably the weirdest one in my mind
I want nintendo to get wackier

Thank fucking god this game isn't just anotother 3D land/world.

Those games were bland and boring as fuck.

Or the ability to have fun because games are serious and can be like "movies".

>I want nintendo to get wackier

I'm truly disturbed about how this reveal has shown there are a ton of people who don't want this.

>yfw it will still sell a couple million copies and get good reviews as nintendo fans suck its balls day and night


but i didn't buy 3d land or 3d world

Finally, Sunshine 2.
Thanks Nintendo.


>Stop buying good quality products because I hate the people that make them
Are you retarded, or just a rabid faggot?

How's that PS4 Pro treating you, user? Personally, I'm waiting for the PS4 Pro Elite 2.

>City with ape terminology when apes live in the jungle
concrete jungle my boy. Also Donkey Kong's first appearance was a construction site in a city. Hence why everything is named after DKC characters.
>Desert that's freezing cold with ice everywhere and a pyramid that's in the sky
Deserts colder than most winters at night bro.
>Mechanized forest
could be neat. Probably not
>Rock candy land where all the sweets are actually vegetables
Yeah I don't understand that one.

Nintendo is a shit company. I can never forgive them for stealing Bayonetta 2. That was a fucking dick-faggot move and it bombed miserably on the Wii U. The Wonderful 101 would have sold 5m+ on the PS4. It died pathetically on the Wii U.

Nintendo's games flop on home consoles and do amazing on other platforms. Fuck I hate this company

>I can never forgive them for stealing Bayonetta 2.

Nigga they fronted the costs of development because nobody else would. I'm not even a Nintendo fanboy (I genuinely think the Switch is gonna bomb almost as hard as the Wii U), but fuck off with that shit

so there's a goddamn SHOP now right?
has this ever happened outside of the rpgs before?

>do amazing on other consoles

Bayonetta 2 was made thanks to nintendo
Meanwhile, Kamiya's newest game was canceled the moment he stopped working with nintendo

>inb4 nintenigger

You'll able to emulate your precious bayo 2 on CEMU pretty soon. Unless you're a full time sonygger, then fuck off you're the cancer.

If Nintendo didn't do it, Bayonetta 2 wouldn't exist at all. If you cared about the game, and weren't just a delusional, brain-dead fanboy, you'd follow the games you like rather than mindlessly following a piece of hardware.

You're the worst kind of person.

No fuck you. If they were truly "for the people" they would have released it on the PS4 and the Xbone, with a PC version later. It was nothing more than a cunty marketing ploy to get faggots like you to buy the Pii U.

>what is capitalism


Mare ii o paaty

Im guessing its just to put on a special hat

>It was nothing more than a cunty marketing ploy to get faggots like you to buy the Pii U.
Oh, so you actually are a delusional, brain-dead fanboy that's just mindlessly following a piece of hardware because of the name it has. Enjoy dying alone.

Same with bloodborne, but all you fags do is post NEVER EVER EVER

why don't you just buy a fucking wii u for fucks sake
Doesn't it has all the games you want to play? Those games sold like shit because the people that wanted to play them didn't want to play them. Like you

>The Wonderful 101 would have sold 5m+

I shall name him Chiko, and he shall be my new main in Smash

Sorry, but Sony always wins. I've been a sony guy all my life and with the exception of the occasional nintendo game that looked halfway decent, I've been extremely well taken care of.

The difference is that bloodborne isnt the only game that people want on the system.

so the mario x rabbids shit is actually mario odyssea?
because it seems like ones of mario's villains are rabbits on a flying ship

here's your (You)

>The difference is that bloodborne isnt the only game that people want on the system.


Literally the only PS4 games that people give a shit is Bloodborne and Uncharted. Everything else is either objective shit like infamous, disappointing shit like the ratchet and clank remake, movie shit that is playable on youtube like the order or multiplat shit like RDR2, Nioh, Persona 5, DQ11, Nier 2 and some other shit that one gives a shit.

PC fags just want to have bloodborne and maybe Yakuza, they don't give a shit about the rest of the PS4.

>there's no consistency
>art style doesn't belong to mario
these are the two most common complaints I've seen about the trailer but I don't really understand them
Personally I'm happy there seems to be a lot of variety between worlds and I don't mind the change in art style

All I care about is where is all the lewd art of the bunny girl in the new baddy troupe?

inFamous actually sold. R/C actually sold.
RDR will sell. Nioh will sell. Persona 5 will sell. Nier Automata will sell.

They will sell millions of copies on the ps4 and you will play your shitch and go "w-w-well at least im holding (platinum game) hostage!!! nintendo cares about g-g-g-gamers"

>The difference is that bloodborne isnt the only game that people want on the system.

Yeah it is. Pretty much the rest of the PS4's system sellers sold to Sony's casuals like FIFA.

>sales figures
They don't matter unless the game is actually good though. By your reasoning, is Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed not the peak of what multiplat games have to offer?

>They will sell millions of copies on the ps4 and you will play your shitch and go "w-w-well at least im holding (platinum game) hostage!!! nintendo cares about g-g-g-gamers"
If you want the game, you can buy the game. If you don't, don't complain about it. If Nintendo didn't fund the game, it wouldn't exist. It isn't "holding it hostage". It's more like breathing life into a franchise that's died from poverty.


>>Desert that's freezing cold with ice everywhere and a pyramid that's in the sky
>Deserts colder than most winters at night bro.
The desert's got an ice problem. Look at the footage from the Switch's first reveal

At least I can fucking PLAY call of duty and asscreed if I want to.

Chiko is my dad's pet name for my mom.

just keeping the conversation going

Oh, so you have a PC too then? You don't want to use inferior hardware unless you have to, do you?

Just remember Sup Forums is a place where you bitch about everything even though you were never gonna buy the game anyway, then scoff while going back to some anime game to jerk off to the 2d women.

I see more misery here than anything else. FFXV wasn't bad but this place ripped it apart.

I bought my switch, and I'll see if I enjoy everything it offers. If it sucks I'll accept defeat and call it a day.

Remember the jet force gemini and DK64 one? Or even older, the one for banjo kazooie. I actually have one somewhere.

Thanks for reminding me about those. Feels good man

Or they just didn't show it and there is a level like that

>concrete jungle
That phrase is still a juxtaposition like he said though.
>Deserts colder than most winters at night bro.
They don't usually have wedges of ice in them.
>could be neat. Probably not

>It really does look bad tho
*tips fedora