ITT: Vidya phrases you hate

ITT: Vidya phrases you hate
>On the go

anime where charatcers make faces like that and general moe shit make me cringe so fucking hard. I watched jojo and my friend recommended me other animes and all of them had that whacky moe face shit.

its disgusting.

>hidden gem

no u



>It's like a mix of dark souls and castlevsnia

>diverse cast of characters
Best games cater to a niche audience, thats just saying "were catering to the lowest common denominator"

>open world

>ground breaking

>open world experience
>meaningful choices
>spiritual successor
>back to the franchise's roots
>preorder now and receive

>we're bringing the series back to its roots

Thank you for contributing to this video game thread about video games with your rant about anime.

>rip and tear

>I watched jojo

You are as much of a cancer as your moefag friends.


>let me hop on my other toon

>we're pushing the console to its limits

>we're trying to appeal to a wider audience

>We want the ____ audience
>We're going back to the series' roots
>We've streamlined the gameplay

Players will be immersed with all of our strategic synergy meetings to build the greatest player experience we can based on our streamlined gameplay that goes back to the series' roots and allows the player to make his or her own choices, while revolutionizing DLC at the same time, pre-order now and get an exclusive sword for your character, buy a season pass and get all the advantages of gold membership as well as a special in game ring.

He's a fag but you're a double fag.

Jojo is full of wacky faces though

Wacky =/= Moe

>its a love letter to _______

No its a shitty cash grab


>Appeal to a wider audience

The moment this is mentioned is the moment my hopes for a game dies.


>that community is so toxic/ use of toxicity to describe gamers' behavior
>let's talk about(some vidya topic as though it were actually important)

lol these pepe edits are going too far



Is that a jojo reference?

>an experience that newcomers and series veterans will love

