Say something nice about this 14 year old ace attorney girl

Say something nice about this 14 year old ace attorney girl

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Has she seen a penis????

I want her to step on my dick and bully me

>really like Phoenix & Rayfa's dynamic together
>really like Apollo & Trucy's general dynamic together
>SoJ ended in a way that we can't get either of those things anymore

>All the potential shenanigans that stem from Rayfa visiting Japanifornia will forever go untapped

>Can't tap Rayfa

Her clothes are some high fucking level fetish fuel.

>Skintight top
>exposed armpits
>bare back

This is real talent.

Best partner

Up to case 2 and Jesus Christ I'm glad to see the humor is still so good

>"What's a crack-a-lacking?"
It's so cheesy it's good

>you will never ever tap Rayfa
why even live?

Also Apollo and Athena made a pretty cute rookie duo

>I for one enjoyed the southwest jalapeno burger a lot. I encourage you all to try it.
It's a shame they don't do more funny shit with this character

I would kiss her with my penis

She is neither an ace nor an attorney.

>Still no doujin about Divine Dragon members raping her as revenge for the comrades she got executed

>Nayuta does nothing but basically shitpost and insult the defense at every turn.
It's like the average Sup Forums poster became a prosecutor.


Rayfa encourages the Divine Dragons to take their revenge on her aunt.

Rayfa may or may not be a one-off character depending on how the next game goes down. We've still got some more Gramarye nonsense to work through though so expect Apollo and Trucy to be reunited.

Still waiting for Pearl to get a proper non-DLC role myself, her and Phoenix have the cutest father/daughter relationship in this series ever since 2-4. Her in-game role in SoJ was so brief and minor that it might as well have been anyone really.

Is she crying because Mia fucked phoenix while she was the medium?

Delete this

SJWs will censor her, poor artist.

Then is she crying because she wasn't being anyone's medium when it happened?

Why is there no rule 34 of her? REEEEEEEEEEE

>(((Defense Attorney)))

No mention of her perfect skirt length? That's what I always liked about her.

I stopped playing after Trials and Tribulations, should I keep going or preserve my high opinion of the series?

she's probably my favorite assistant thus far

her little anger twitch is so adorable and her banter is high tier

fucking pic related

im almost done with case 4 though; but i've been told that rayfa is just a one game character

i fucking hope not she's so cute ;_;

Yeah, it's a shame at the end it turns out she was actually the mastermind and they execute her.



Those fucking hips she has ingame. Really did things to my dick

AAI2 is the only great game after AA3, but overall the series have gone down the shitter. Just play the AAI games, I guess. Ignore mainline.

Their love is pure!



>There will never be a case with Rayfa and Pearls as your assistants competing for your approval with their respective powers.

I hope she returns, but if we go back to Apollo shenanigans, I hope Sarge is his investigation buddy.

>Apollo is slowly but surely building his own loli harem

Will Athena get a shota harem?

Athena likes little girls too.

Athena prefers loli.

I just want every investigator to have a loli sidekick. Athena a shit.

How old was Athena when Phoenix met her abroad and got her back on the right track somehow? Maybe Athena could be a loli sidekick for a flashback case or something

He couldn't have met her more than six months before her game.

That anime had some fucking QUALITY going on, it's a miracle that Pearl was still somehow adorable through it all.

What about a Robo-harem?


>We've still got some more Gramarye nonsense to work through though so expect Apollo and Trucy to be reunited.
Like what? The last time I played AA4 was at release

Is this the sort of segue you would insert into a conversation?

my penis is the sort of segue I would insert in Rayfa desu

No, Apollo is just a dork.


>It's a "the 2nd case villain gets the best theme and breakdown" episode

Don't forget how he always pauses and summons butterfly or takes extra time to cry a prayer.

>Maybe he'll redeem himself
Turns out he's as retarded as his mother.

Also, wasn't it weird how she wasn't in the animated ending cutscene? Maybe she had a different role in the story?
Her cross-examination was kinda weird