Which would you prefer as your video game protag a woman or a male minority?

Which would you prefer as your video game protag a woman or a male minority?

I'm not sure OP has the best intentions for this thread.

I'd like to play as a blonde woman really

everyone's a brunette

kill yourselves you disgusting niggers

Is the girl hot or the black guy funny and cool?

Sauce? For a friend.

Has anyone ever made a game based off the nakama scenario ?

I prefer to play as a human

Is that Deion Sanders and Britney Spears?????

its Heroes

Depends. For example, the woman would have no place in Brothers in Arms, but the man would have no place in Life is Strange.

Woman if she's cute, otherwise minority man.

>image name

It's a shit movie, not a porn

you know me too well...but honestly i would prefer a male minority over a woman...especially since all protags that are women in the west are all whites with a minority side kick. It bothers me that diversity now is actually just white women, and i would love to see them crumble.

>Obvious racebait thread
>13 responses
>only 1 Sup Forumsfag

I'm genuinely impressed.

>Giant penis
>Masculine body
>Object of desire

I wish I was black

>everyone that's racist is Sup Forums

Depends on the minority.
If it was a white guy, I'd be okay with it.
If it was an Asian guy, meh, it depends.
If it was a native American guy, then it's alright.

These are the minorities in my country.

Both in a GTA V kind of game where you switch between characters to cuck whitey without him finding out.

>already play as a female in character creator games

Guess. Also females equal sales.

I don't really care as long as the character is good and not shoehorned in for being black/tranny/fag/whatever and trying to force someone's retarded political views or other faggotry.

Asians are majority in Canada now.

the blonde girl ofc

are you sure a lot of the current western games to feature female games have been failures. As apposed to battle field 1 which was a success


i don't care as long as the game is good and/or the character is compelling

Nope, OP has no good intentions.

I just want a good game

any minority but black or hispanic and it's all good.

whichever one triggers vee and pol more

japs like mayo too

fair point, however Sup Forums tends to wear it on their sleeve, also has a point this is obviously bait

>t. Tiny white dick

Why does it matter?

based on this site it matters alot.

>based on the size

I really, really, really don't care about the sex, race or sexual orientation of a protagonist.

same for most people
but some autistic reddit neckbeards get triggered as fuck and go on week-long rants about SJWs when a game violates their safespace by having a minority in it