Zoras and Ritos existing at the same time

>Zoras and Ritos existing at the same time

So I guess that Zora to Rito evolution theory is dead, right?

The timeline convergence theory is real.

Zora are cute this game? Well shit.

Maybe time travel?

this one is anyway

Someone in another thread said that there was a race of bird people that weren't Rito OR Ooccas. I think they said something about them being in Link's Awakening

>Believing there was ever a "time line".
You people who desire consistency in everything are admirable, wanting to make sense of a franchise.

However, when the developer themselves don't care to make sense of their own franchise, it's a futile effort.

All Zelda games are set in entirely unrelated universe, except for the very obvious ones (Ocarina -> Majora).

>So I guess that Zora to Rito evolution theory is dead, right?

No, Wind Waker is still canon and still holds that the Zora became the Ritos. Proof: Rito girl's ancestor was a Zora.

I just love the idea of Link being put into an ancient cryosleep pool for 100 years before the game.

Meaning he literally did a "wake me if you need me again."

Should we tell him guys? Should we show him the official canon in the official book? I don't know if the anime weeb can handle it.

This person is correct. Let us all gather around and listen to him.

>River Zora evolve in to Rito because they can't survive in salt water
>Ocean Zora thrive and continue down the path of seafood

>Implying Nintendo didn't make that shit up on the spot to shut up fanboys and sell more copies of Hyrule Historia

Bird guys are not ritos

If Ritos evolved from Zora how come there's still Zora? Check MATE, Atheists.

Personally, I prefer the air

>if this rock is as old as you say it is and evolution is real.......then it should be a person by now


Or Falco isn't a rito

Thats not a Rito, Ritos mainly have feathers on their arms, their face doesnt have, its just a human with a beak

wasn't the River/Ocean Zora thing only to justify the existence of using the Link's Awakening and OoT Zora designs at the same time in Oracle of Ages

1.timeline convergence
2.zoras from a different region in the world coming back to hyrule where the rito have existed for x years
3.since there are multiple sentient species the rito could evolve from the zora without wiping them out since there aren't any "dominant" species.

why are it's legs so short?

Hasn't Nintendo declared they'll fuck up the timeline if it means they can make a unique game?

Artist likes shortstack proportions

You realize that a species can evolve separately from another species despite being a direct ancestor right?

Aonuma's favorite game he ever made is Wind Waker, and that game was all about short legs.

hes a pheasant

Not means that you're a faggot.

They aren't Rito.

these birds fucked zoras till extinction
the resulting breeds are the Rito

The bird folk can be the Fokka from Zelda 2.


Why do people think the zoras evolved into bird people when there is a fucking zora in wind waker

Fokka, Zora, and Koroks


It's a ghost you dink.

she ded

>Humans and chimpanzee s existing at the same time
So I guess that early hominid to human evolution theory is dead, right?

>Link's awakening happening after the oracles, when the game is pretty much a premonition dream meant to restore his memories and both Oracle intros pretty much imply he's awaken to his destiny already.
>Four Swords Adventures,happening apart from original Four Swords, is included in the same timeline with Twilight Princess, not too mention after it, when the land work of FSA Hyrule is much closer to LttP.
>Ganon Beats link and that's what suppose to lead to Lttp, but the timeline has it as him getting a revival even though that game's intro tells you they just trapped him in the world they kept the triforce.
>People still can't realize this timeline is focused heavily around Ocarina of Time seeing as it's the only branching point when there should be more and was only made to appease the Oot normalfags begging for pointless connections.

No, the evolution line has a case of Mermaid syndrome

Some evolved into birds, avoiding the dangerous ocean entirely, the rest became more sharklike (at least the males) to better compete with a more dangerous watery world that windwaker boasted

>What is hero's shade

That alone would cement the existence of a continuity in the Zelda games, but that aside

>what is Hyrule Historia

Still how does that draw a conclusion that Zora's turn into birds? FISH people in a world that is majority water?

She's a ghost

And literally Medli's ancestor

Did you even play the game, what the fuck?

>Why do people think the zoras evolved into bird people when there is a fucking zora in wind waker
Because they literally tell you in the fucking game.

this you daft mofo

The ocean became way too fucking dangerous and inhospitable in WW, so they evolved into birds to escape it entirely

All the hero's shade meant is there have been previous Links, it doesn't mean it was any of the Links we've seen, or that all of them are one universe.

This guy gets it

They were forcibly evolved by the gods so they wouldn't see the fucking huge ass air bubble and continent under the sea.

That still makes no sense considering humans have been surviving with no evolution and Zoras were as intelligent as them they would made a settlement on one of the islands filled water and made a kingdom out of that

Zoras dont use technology even close to as advanced as humans have, and so their options are either somehow develop thousands of years worth of technology in a short span (not possible or viable of course), or evolve (which didnt take nearly as long as one might think)

Except that the Hero's Shade is specifically, the Link from OoT

But you know, whatever

Why would they even have to go through making the tech by themselves when they got along and reasoned with humans just fine?

Certain games DO follow a several storylines though.

The 3D games (I'm including the two DS ones in this) are all on the same storyline
The games that have the Four Sword are the same storyline
The Oracle games and Link's Awakening are the same storyline
Link 1 and 2 are the same storyline
ALBW and ALTTP are the same storyline
Tri Force Heroes I have no idea I didn't play it

This bullshit explanation is the only feasible reason they would have to evolve into burds

Honestly only the 3D zelda games fit into a timeline together that is apparent from playing the games, if you count Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass as 3D Zelda games.

Well now it can justify Zora and Rito existing at the same time

Thats the literal explanation they give you in game.

Triforce Heroes has no storyline, Aonuma just wanted to jerk off to Toon Link wearing women's clothes.

Let's say evil nuke demons attack the world

And nuke demons are attacking Africa/some other ongo bongo land

Lets say this hypothetical africa cant deal with the situation, and they ask one of the world powers (who are also being attacked by nuke demons) to help them out? What are they gonna say, "yeah mate we'll save your ass"? No, they'd realistically say something like, "fuck off we have our own nuke demon apocolypse to deal with, your going to have to deal with yours yourself"

The time line is stupid because it tries to work around Ocarina of Time as the catalyst for everything as apposed to just having just separate timelines that make much more sense

Recall one time when Hylians waged to war against Zoras or vice versa.

I thought it was obvious that the Rito race only came from the Zoras that could not live in salt water. The moved to the land and evolved. They got the wings from the scales of a dragon.

Salt water zoras would thrive and it looks like they have even diverged and evolved further to look even more salty.


What if

One of the links went back in time with the Ocarina and killed Ganon with a future master sword before young link splits the timeline by aging himself with the past master sword

And then that link stays in that past time period

That way, there are two master swords and one consistent timeline

The 3D games are explicitly connected, everyone one of the 3D games has gone out of its way to connect itself to Ocarina of Time, unlike the 2D games being disconnected outside of Hyrule Historia.

That dude is not a Rito

Link to the past

Link between worlds

Zelda 1

They werent always a docile and sleek looking species numbnuts

That aside i never said anything about war, so i dont know what you're fucking on about , the point is that humans would be hard pressed to help zoras when they too are suffering the flooding of the kingdom/world and have shit to deal with

Salt water and River Zoras concept gets completely ret conned because of OoT/MM Zoras, the most iconic ones. They can live and function in both types


Humans and monkeys exist in the same timeline
So I guess science is dead right?

He didn't make wind waker though

Yeah I realized that after I sent the post.
Those hostile Zoras in those games are really them going to war on a kingdom though.

But to actually respond to you meant, I'm not talking about a bail out I'm talking about an alliance formed with cooperation between the two, that way both factions strengths are being applied to the alliances benefits.

I come from the Edgar Cayce timeline that began 50,000 years ago when a soul named Tim led The Great Commission, a gathering of souls who voted to orchestrate the fall of the dinosaurs through systematic changes to earth's atmosphere, to prepare the way for us to tinker with ancient simeans and develop them enough to where they would be suitable vectors for our souls.

How did it get retconned? I thought the Zoras in Oot were river/freshwater zoras and and MM were salt water zoras.

Why is everyone forgetting this race?

Yes because humans evolved because the world was being flooded and destroyed


those are sand walruses

they ride them

So why have that stupid three point branch at Ocarina of time that forces the 2-D games to be connected to it? Why not put the 2-D games in there own timeline and put the 3-D games in their own timeline

Okay, that is something to consider, but really, what could the zoras possibly offer humans?

And before you say rescuing drowning people, keep in mind that tsunamis and the like crush and mangle people, so that'd be a pointless service

reposting from other thread

The two spots I think BotW could go are after Twilight Princess, or after the original LoZ (NES). The Master Sword being old and rusted means this game has to be really late in the timeline, and it has to take place after it was put in the Lost Woods pedestal. In Twilight Princess we know that, for whatever reason, the ruins of the Temple of Time are in the Lost Woods, so eventually the Temple of Time turns into that pedestal in the woods. (It's pretty obvious they wanted TP to take place between OoT and A Link to the Past, but they couldn't keep their timeline shit straight).

The Deku Tree sprout grows up in all 3 timeline branches, because the original Deku Tree died before the timeline split. The fact that there are Koroks does not mean BotW is in the Wind Waker timeline, it just means the new Deku Tree was around to transform them to help them survive whatever happened. There are fuckhuge trees in the forest area of TP, around the pedestal, so one of those has to be the Deku Tree.

Also, the "rock salt" from the "ancient ocean" is unlikely for Wind Waker, because the whole point of that story arc is that Hyrule is lost forever, and they have a New Hyrule above the sea anyways.

Maaaaybe this is so far in the future that the Koroks have drained the Great Sea with their reforestation plan, but that would mean everybody came down to repopulate a completely empty and barren Hyrule, recreate civilization and THEN collapse again because of Calamity Ganon, and THEN have Link come back 100 years later. It doesn't make sense to have the game have 1 apocalypse (flood) being solved and another apocalypse taking place (calamity) just as the backstory.



Another reason why this isn't on the WW timeline, is that the bird people aren't Rito. The Rito in WW look basically like people but with duck-bills and wings. The bird people in BotW look more like the Loftwings from SS. Plus, the Zoras are still around here, so it's unlikely that there are also Rito.

It's more likely IMO that an collapse happens after Twilight Princess and then there's BotW, OR that this takes place after LoZ (because Hyrule is basically a ruin by that point in that timeline).

If BotW takes place after LoZ, it could be that this is actually the same Link as from the NES games, and *that's* the reveal. Zelda is the same princess he rescued in the very first game, and the King of Hyrule is the Old Man who gave Link the sword in the cave in LoZ. And that's why there's so many references to the original LoZ concept art and the open-world exploration idea. It would be neat for BotW to be the very last game in the timeline, since SS was the very first one.

>this race

They're still humans though, i mean yes they are OF different race, but they are human

They're delicious though, dont mistake me

You turn in to a Saltwater Zora and can function in freshwater with no issue at all jn Majora's Mask

It's post TP. Bird people and Zoras were in that. The koroks weren't even represented in TP, so we don't know if they existed or not in that timeline.

I just figured that was a gameplay machanic. Wouldn't it be shit if you tried to jump into a river and you died? I think they took some liberties for funs sake.

Nice blog would upvote again.

Just because it doesn't make sense doesn't mean there isn't one. It's very clear Nintendo didn't even think about a timeline before the Wind Waker but I think they've tried to fix some of the mess the timeline is. Pretty sure they're also making shit up on the run , I think I saw an interview with Aonuma or Miyamoto back when they were promoting Twilight Princess where they talked about a double timeline...and now it's a triple timeline, however I hope it all starts to make more sense with each new game

when they made Ocarina, it was supposed to be a prequel to A Link to the Past, but fucked it up because Link had to win in the end

when they made Twilight Princess, it was supposed to be another prequel to A Link to the Past, but fucked it up because Ganon dies and doesn't have the triforce in the end

so they just decided fuck it, there's a third timeline where Link lost in Ocarina and now the original timeline they had in mind (until they made Ocarina) makes a little sense

I guess after getting adapted to some of the tools they got from humans, Zoras could build off that then get around to offering ideas on how humans could adapt to living underwater aswell and then from there, coexisting on both land and undersea. Point is the idea cooperation is a much likely possibility rather than natural evolution

The Zora playground/target range is a freshwater river in Majora's mask.

Why does the Ganon from OoT have to be the pig from ALttP? Also was the Deku Sprout in young Link's timeline?

>actual bills and not half-mouths
Well shit that's a cute bird. Porn when?

Here's a list of conjectures about BotW that I keep seeing. Maybe you can call them the four sins of Zelda theory.

1. "Hyrule" is archetypally recurring. Everyone saying this game is post-TWW falls for this. Other than ST, there's no solid evidence that Hyrule exists. Nintendo could retcon that game at any time, like StarFox Command. You think they would predicate the story of their biggest Zelda yet on the least relevant game?
2. The assumption this game is a timeline convergence when the three timelines have never been confirmed by any Zelda game. So we're just wrapping things up before they've even begun? Why did we even have them then? Oh right, there was never a third timeline.
3. The idea that the story needs to involve time-travel hijinks in order to be explained at all.
4. That the Deku Tree has to be before or after X game. Oolo's sidequest in SS pretty much opens the door to this being anytime after it. This one is the most perplexing to me, because the next sentence by the character speaking says "you're ready to find out what happened 100 years ago." Obviously the two sentences were placed together for a reason.

> Zora to Rito evolution theory


Wouldn't that only show that saltwater zoras can go into fresh water as well. That still leaves freshwater zoras with the possibility of not being able to live in salt water.

Shh... It's funnier to see who didn't play the game.

If you ignore Four Sword Adventures, every Ganon in every Zelda game is literally the same dude who keeps being brought back to life or unsealed.

Also, it's just pretty apparent that when they only had LoZ, LoZ2, and ALttP, that OoT was going to be set before ALttP. OoT is the only game that gives an origin story for Ganon, so it's just implied that he showed up in OoT and he got the Triforce and that led to ALttP. The 3-timeline sort of retconned the ending of OoT so that Ganon beat Link, which means he gets the Triforce for real and conquers Hyrule, which is the backstory in ALttP.

Sameguy here. And by perplexed I mean, "perplexed that anyone would fall into this hole." How much more exposition do you need not to realize it's a self-contained reference?

She could have easily just inherited the harp, no blood connection needed. Keep in mind you yourself are no way related to the hero of time Wind Waker, your hero's outfit is just a ceremonial replica and you have to physically collect the Triforce, it wasn't dormant in your blood

Here's a snippet of the story if anyone cares.

If you can go in freshwater as a Saltwater creature then that difference no longer means anything to your race and because OoT Zoras and Majora Zoras look the exact same with such indication on salt or fresh water type, you might as well just drop the whole concept