
This man will be president of Nintendo a year from now

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No shit, he has the same charm as Iwata and younger Shiggy

Japanese people live to be like 120. Koizumi only gets it if he kills the current president and blackmails the board.

Only if the Switch is successful.
A shame however, because he is their best game designer

His eyebrows are pretty cool, I like them.

Kimishima already said he's only there as a placeholder. He will step down.

I was surprised to see him, desu.

I'm used to this board trying to pretend he's the real genius behind Mario/Zelda and was being mistreated by Nintendo.

He's never done a presentation before, has he?

Is it just me or is he developing JUST eyes?

Thought this guy was a magician but he's just gay

It'll be weird having Japanese Norman Osborn in charge.

>Director of Majora's Mask
>Director of Super Mario Galaxy
Fantastic developer but would he make a good businessman?
Remember, people thought Miyamoto would get the job.

Koizumi is their best man right now


If he can make hardware appear from nothing then he'll save them millions.


Koizumi deserves to be a big game head, not president. He's been doing great stuff for a long time, to not let him do heavy development of games would be a shame.

Literally the most based dude at Nintendo right now
>Comes up with tech clearly ahead of it's time
>Leads to it being somewhat held back by realistic hardware limitations
>Held back mostly by Nintendo's cucked retarded decisions
>Uncucked Mario
>Came up with best ideas regarding Switch
/our guy/

Iwata wasn't a businessman

>a decrepit toymaker who spent 30+ years making video games becoming president of a multinational company


No, Miyamoto himself said he wouldn't be president.
People were betting on Genyo Takeda

Yeah but he was super smart and super dedicated, and was a champion programmer. Koizumi makes great game design ideas though, you can get programmers easily but game designers? And with his proven skills? Not so easy.

I'd rather see him as their superstar designer/presenter and less as upper management.

I always defended and praised this motherfucker and none of you cucks even knew who he was
I'm glad he succeeded, he deserves it. Really the best man Nintendo has right now and a worthy successor of Iwata as the face of Nintendo
Sit back and watch the Switch become the Wii 2.0 in terms of success

Pretty sure he decline or stated that he is not interested in such position.

>>Came up with best ideas regarding Switch

Is it his fault that there's no in game mic function?

Koizumi is a decent 3D artist and programmer too.
IIRC He made Link's model in OoT, programmed the camera, etc

He obviously meant the Rumble HD, faggot.

The guy went to film school

>director of Majora's Mask


Best I could find, but I remember reading a Nikkei about it

He later said that he'd play it by ear basically that it wouldn't necessarily be temporary if they can't find a good fit. But Koizumi seems like a pretty damn good fit, people really liked him from the conference, arguably the best part about it

Also Link's Awakening and Super Mario Sunshine.
Dude is a god.
There is a reason as to why they trust Mario (their biggest IP) to him.

>He obviously meant the Rumble HD, faggot.

Right now that's a believe it when I feel it thing. Maybe it is actually really good - but how is it going to be used? I'm not getting 1,2 Switch and I'm not even looking up what the game even is - so how is that going to impact my enjoyment of Zelda? Will it even be used in Zelda? If not - why? It's THE big launch game and it should show off all the features of the console to their fullest.

>best part about it
>not the splatoon 2 guy

Holy shit
He's based

Depending on how it works it could be great for something like Eternal Darkness.
Imagine those Sanity Effects

Also Jungle Beat

They didn't announce an Eternal Darkness so we're not getting it. I'm not sitting here imaging what they could do with it - that's their job - and after they're done they have to make it and show it to me. Right now they haven't made anything so I doubt anything can be done with it - except for 1,2 switch and giving you the impression that a glass is filling up with water.

Didn't they recieve a ultimatum to use the IP until a certain date the last time they renewed it?

>I'm used to this board trying to pretend he's the real genius behind Zelda

He is though his Marios are overrated and only have a handful of good levels each while making inferior use of physics

>A shame however, because he is their best game designer
They new people to design the games eventually, so it's best to leave your position once you're sure they can do it or before you end up with outdated ideas like Miyamoto

miyamoto didn't want the job. and he was acting as ceo after iwata's death

I think he should be given his own big budget IP first.
I wonder what would he come up with...
What is his dream game... ?

The sanity meter?

>Link's Awakening
>Majora's Mask
He made my favorite game of all time
Why am I only hearing of this man now

He joined video games because he saw them as a way to engage people in game-only "drama" after studying film, drama, and animation.
That explains Majora's Mask and Rosalina's storybook (something he had to add undetected)

>Why am I only hearing of this man now

Because Miyamoto overshadowed him in most people's minds and for a long time he was just another guy who appeared on the credits who happened to help the guys in charge.

underrated post

You haven't been in enough MM threads. They're all about Based Koizumi in there.

I need this image superimposing with the Splatoon guy to form a Loss spoof.


>shake the joycon
>you can tell how much ink is left without even looking at the screen


>next nintendo console
>VR with super advanced rumble and immersion
>try it on
>suddenly feel Koizumi embrace you from behind
>he whispers into your ear "AI ROOB YUU"

Sup Forums has talked about him for years. He drew and wrote the ALttP manuals because he felt that there wasn't enough lore in the series after Adventure of Link. Granted it was the NES days, but still.

"For the sequel, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, he was again tasked with designing the manual. However, since work on the game had just begun, Koizumi wound up creating its entire story and came up with plot ideas such as the island in a dream. He also worked on the event design for the interactions with the villagers, wrote the owl's and the Wind Fish's lines and designed the bosses' behavioral patterns"

>get tasked to design a manual
>create entire story and more

What a man

What a fucking waste if it did happen. He's already being wasted by being a general producer. He should be the director of the Mario and Zelda games.


I swear I beat this guy up in one of the Yakuza games.

Only way for him to work on a Zelda game again is if Aonuma dies.

If Koizumi lets NoA step in every once and a while to beat the shit out of idea games similar to the one who brought up the voicechat app, I'd be all for it.