I just can't beat him

I just can't beat him.

Not even with 2 summons.

I give up.

not with that attitude you aren't

Good, Give up.

But try again tomorrow.


Practice your parry, when you are confident with it, try it. Its the cheap way out if everything else fails. Keep in mind the first thing he does is to dash at you, its the perfect opportunity for the first counter.

I recommend Great Chaos Fireball.

If you throw it right as he summons his add, it'll 1-shot the add. Save you a lot of trouble.

He seems extremely difficult at first, but he's honestly not. Practice your parries and dodge around his super long stupid combos.

1. Go 2-handed. His attack combos are very long and will drain most of your stamina if you block.
2. His maximum attack combo is 4 hits.
3. Always dodge diagonally forward. Don't spam the dodge button when he's attacking, always time 1 dodge per attack to not draon your stamina.
4. If you're really having trouble, you can continue on through irythyll dungeon to an easy af boss, or cut the bridge next to the skeletons and slide down it to another area in case you missed that. GLHF

Sheathe your weapon. Don't heal.
Your objective is to survive as long as you can.
You will soon (sooner than you think) get comfortable with all of his attacks and you will know when he is vulnerable without thinking.
This is how I beat all "hard" souls bosses (artorias, fume, ludwig, orphan etc.)

His summon makes the fight easier, though
Their combined attack speed is much lower than when he's by himself. His telegraphing becomes ridiculously obvious because his attacks are much, much slower, and then he does the same one again right after
The only downside is sometimes his double moves off on its own, but it teleports back after a short time anyway

>beat him first try no summons
>go online and see literally everyone and their mom have trouble with him


You must be seriously bad if you have trouble with a boss even when you summon.

most of his difficulty comes from his wombo combo that you have to completely avoid, and his couple of offhand slices that mean you can't just hug and move right. Learn the combo telegraph and don't hug him when he's not open.

burn him down to half hp to get his summon asap, which makes the fight easier because it's a straight telegraph fight at that point and he loses his big combo

I NEED your big manly COCK in my boipuqqi right now user-sama!

>can't beat a boss with summons

Summons are literally cheating. You can't win even by cheating user.

>even with two summons

Is this your first Souls game or something?

You can hug and strafe left with a shield up. It wrecks his targeting and half of his attacks will go over your head

Stay as close as you can to him and most his attacks will just go over your head.

its not cheating if its built-in. Its an exploit.

I don't think I've died more than once or twice to a boss in DS3 yet but the fucking regular enemies fuck me up so bad it's ridiculous

Every single one of them seems to swing faster than me too so i'll dodge around their attacks then go to swing but get hit at the same time as i hit them anyway

to be fair, most Phantoms are useless anyway.

>tfw I beat him first try

I don't know how I managed it. I had way more trouble fighting Yhorm and Wolnir than him.

what a fucking disappointment that fight was
that whole area too
fucking from can't even finish a whole game even when they make the world design a straight line

Dude had parry windows the size of a SJWs ass. He is ezzypeezy

get a shield. it's impossible without a shield and parry. terrible design.

I swear to God wolnir was the hardest boss.

>being a shitter

you too
wally's easy as piss, just run uphill when he farts

>tfw beat every boss first try with two Phantoms
Feelin' spoiled.

Wolnir is cake.

Old Demon King is a difficult fight.

If a boss is just kicking your teeth in repeatedly, maybe you should just take step back and memorize his patterns.

I've beat him with both melee and spell builds and have never once parried him. I'd just roll like a madman and strike at the end of his strings or when he leaves himself open.

>Not beating him with a greatsheild

attack the arm with one bracelet first, then focus down the paired ones.

>even with 2 summons
wew I used to solo this guy myself with chaos fireballs for the host sucks that your summons are scrubs

If you just dodge towards him you'll roll under his blade most of the time. I haven't needed to parry bosses since DS2, stamina recovers so fast that dodging like crazy is barely an issue.

old demon king's only difficulty comes from him breaking your camera if you get caught between him and his hammer

my character was a dualhand big sword/axe

That, and his expanding fire circle are pretty nasty.

Also his near death blast, when I didn't know it was coming.