So, Sup Forums, who was in the wrong here?

So, Sup Forums, who was in the wrong here?

Other urls found in this thread: seller comp/movies/5548706#e74f1a_5548262

>give the knight the potion
>he either dies or saves the town from the evil dragon
>don't give the knight the potion
>town and everything inside is demolished
Pretty easy.

The potion seller. Nigga didn't want business. What the fuck is he doing selling potions if he isn't selling them?

The potion was too much for the knight. The Merchent knew that he would get a bad reputation for his business if everyone knew his potion killed the knight before the dragon did.

Does this conflict exist in a perfect world?

He is selling them but only to the strongest.

A knight strong enough to handle the potion and defeat the dragon wouldn't be swayed by petty rumours. In fact the rumours of a potion so strong could even lead such a knight into the town thus indirectly saving the town.

I keep seeing this posted and have no idea what it is

In a perfect world the traveler could have given the potion to the dragon to slay it. But this is not a perfect world.

Potion seller

Don't advertise something you don't intend to sell

>I'm going into battle
what did he mean by this?

He did intend to sell, but only to the strongest.

What IS the strongest potion?

In a perfect world

conflict like this

would not exist

but this is not

a perfect world

>Potion seller sells his strongest potions to everyone
>Weak knight buys potion, drinks it and dies.
>Potion seller is executed for murder

The potion seller just wants to make strong potions without breaking the law, he doesn't want to be a murderer.

>give the knight the potion
>he dies
>your business is now ruined as you obtain a reputation for being a potion seller that sells deadly potions

>People STILL posting potion seller
>Not even aware of his magnum opus that is the 'Songs about my Wife' album

the knight should have just signed a waiver

If you fucking plebians read the manga, you'd know that the Knight was in the wrong all along, and they go into detail why. I won't spoil anything, but let's just say the Knight isn't going into the kind of battle you'd expect.

>not posting Karls recut

Well if he knew the knight was of the weakest why didn't he just give him a mediocre potion to shut him up and keep his strongest potions for a beastly knight of the strongest?

>still no video game cameo

Just end it all.

Potion seller doesn't have any weak potions for the weakest.

What drives a man to write an entire concept album based on a warped video of a widower? It's 10/10

>seen this meme around a bazillion times
>watched the youtbe the first time just now

I fucking really like this

"You better go to a seller that sells weaker potions"

The potion seller is a high end potion maker only for the strongest people, there are other potion sellers he could buy from.

>seen this meme

Literally kill yourself.

bodganoff lookin ass

How do I become as a e s t h e t i c a l l y pleasing as these these men?

Isn't that just a poison then?

Drink potions

No, it doesn't kill the strongest. It makes them even stronger.


If he's selling something like this he should've done it underground. It's only a matter of time before triggered weak knights get his shop closed.

wot sort of ice cream do you want?

What if a few of his potions were stolen and poured into the town's water supply? Then we will find out who is truly strong enough for the potions

>there will never be a Knight and Potion seller videogame
>The emotional fragile knight must reluctantly team up with a narcissistic mean spirited potion seller.
>game is like a mario and luigi RPG where the Knight must suffer the ill effects of the potions for cool combos.

Neither of them are in the wrong. It's a perfectly reasonable bartering transaction.
>Seller has the right to refuse any customer he desires
>Customer has the right to try changing the seller's mind
>Seller does not change his mind and still refuses
>Customer is disappointed but he ultimately respects the seller's decision and leaves

Literally no one did anything wrong in this situation. The potion seller could have been more polite but he didn't have to be.

Potion Seller obviously knows who is worthy enough for these potions. I'm sure he sells to only those strong and responsible enough to handle them.

I bet you they end up as npcs for a subsequent in TES6


The most pleb of all flavors


>this fanart

anyone else astounded by the fact that too really good character designs came from a guy messing with a fish eye lens?

Seriously, these too look like they hopped out of Majora's Mask or Wind Waker.

>eating anything but vanilla
Might aswell eat shit in a cone.

Fuck you

This is a thing.

Obviously the knight for trying to attain godlike powers the easy way.

The potion seller actually saved his life by denying him his potions.

The potion seller was only looking out for the Knight. He knew the dangers of his creations and did what had to be done. He got angry and turned him away because he values the Knight's life.

What dragon? There's no dragon threatening the town. It's just a meek knight, a traveler who passed by and seized the opportunity to make his next skirmish easier. There is no direct physical danger to the seller. seller comp/movies/5548706#e74f1a_5548262

>shopkeeper minding his own business
>arrogant knight DEMANDS strongest potion
>shopkeeper is concerned for his clientele, won't give him potion for rightful reasons
>knight throws a shitfit
Shop keeper is just looking out for the common man.

would you?

What if the potion wouldn't kill the Knight?

Could the potion seller be hiding something?

Is this Schrodinger's potion?

>This entire thread

Imagine a strong potion that sits on top of the strong potion hierarchy