how come Sup Forums's containment boards are much more civilized, less cancerous, less shitty, and overall better then Sup Forums itself?
How come Sup Forums's containment boards are much more civilized, less cancerous, less shitty...
Because Sup Forums is the actual containment board for casuals and shitters, your post is the best proof
>less cancerous
How are you even here? Don't you have a tripfag's dick to swallow, faggot? /vg/'s general is the most cancerous shit I ever seen on Sup Forums. It essentially leddit-lite
im from /vp/, friend
>Sup Forums's containment boards
So your literally one of the worst kinds of Sup Forums users then?
lol fuck off
t-that's not nice. why would I be the worst kind ofnuser on Sup Forums?
Stop shit posting or I'll touch your hair antenna things.
do NOT touch Lele without her permission!
/vp/ went from a nice kind board to one of the most irritating insuferable boards. Full of starved furfags that should fuck off to Sup Forums or /trash/, faggots that just want to hack or inject shitmons, gen war shitposting, nostalgia turds, gf shitty practices apologizers. You literally can't say anything agaisnt the bad shit gf does or they just scream go back to Sup Forums. Good riddance.
most /vp/ posters would agree with you if you criticized XY. or ORAS.
peolle are defending SM because it's a good game, not because they're apologists
I'll touch her all I dam want.
If cruel pokemon don't have rights.
/vp/ is really fucking bad though
n-no! lele is not for lewd!
They always get butthurt, faggot. When you point out how GF just uses a cool feature on a single game, nobody gives a shit, they just ignore the comment.
Good thing you fags have what you deserve, forced to go to the switch and enjoy being buttraped with paid online and pokebank even more.
>more civilized
>less cancerous
>less shitty
>overall better
Because /vg/ is focused Chaos, the generals get raided by each other.
/vp/ is just /vp/
Sup Forums is the left over as such its actually more cancerous because there is no focused discussion
I x-post between Sup Forums and /vp/ and while /vp/ is much more civilized they also make me uncomfortable and I probably would never want to be within a 20 foot radius of any of them.
Sup Forums is the containment board
>the generals get raided by each other.
What I want to know is how such a small cancerous board such as /vp/ got so many quality memes and OC
Hi /vp/, would you like to explain the buziel tripfag guy?
How about the incredibly cringey and gay Team Rocket Roleplaying threads?
Maybe you'd care to explain the dude who went on a crusade about Goodra being "only female?"
Or just the general aura of furfaggotry that the board has?
Yeah, fuck off lad.
/vp/ used to be good before injection threads that brought Redditor and underage in droves. No one makes OC anymore because it gets poached and reposted for upvotes in seconds.
/tr/ was the nicest board by a mile, I really miss how fun it used to be.
Because Sup Forums is the containment board.
no john, YOU are the containment board
The buizel guy and the goodra fag are the same guy, m8. He is an autistic friendless fat kiddo who is spoiled by his parents and has a personal crusade to go down in Sup Forums history by ruining /vp/. He admitted to this in a skype chat.
I had a suspicion
Still though
try to criticize vp outside of v please, dont make a fool of yourself
Go to hell. I go and tell them this then they tell me to fuck off here. It is clear you all just want a hugbox, so nobody can talk shit about your games.
/vr/ and /vg/ cover niche topics, ergo they're less likely to attract autism. Hell, most of the slow boards are pretty low-faggotry. Not insinuating that /vg/ as a whole is slow, just some of the individual generals.
/vp/ is only marginally less cancerous than Sup Forums, mainly because Pokemon just naturally attracts autists.
>buizel tripfag, slugfucker, and "general aura of furfaggotry"
You mean those things that most of the board hates?
Cry harder GF apologist.