
>the online is paid but you get some free games each month
>well we give you free games AND you dont lose them if you stop paying for online
>here's a free NES/SNES game thats only playable for that month and you lose it if you stop paying for online

How did Nintendo become the biggest jew out of them all?

Other urls found in this thread:

>>well we give you free games AND you dont lose them if you stop paying for online
Doesn't that only apply to 360?

Do we know how much Nintendo is charging for online yet?


Switch events suggest it'll be $22/month.

That's Ludacris

This. Nintendo didn't just become the biggest Jews they have been for quite a few years now.

You are unable to play your PS Plus games if you cancel your subscription

Imagine being this much of a drone

According redditors and gaffers it would be a good idea to pay $15 a month for just virtual console games.

>defending xbox and ps4 in the process

All three are inexcusable shit. Do not sugar coat them.

I always thought this idea was horrible. I'd rather own my games than rent them.

>think its defending when they're all being called jews

Maybe learn to read next time

Same goes for

>throw in shovelware nobody would buy or play
yeah, games

When you buy digital you don't really own a game either. But faggots who think a monthly subscription is a good idea is the reason why consoles have online behind a paywall.

Pretty obvious OP is trying to excuse MS and Sony. He didn't even mention that you lose those PS+ games when cutting off the subscription. Maybe learn reading comprehension.

>360 makes you pay for online
>sonyfags laugh at xboxfags for needing to do
>ps4 comes along and lo and behold, need to pay for online
>suddenly it's ok with sonyfags, because they're bribed with some shit games along the way
>now nintendofags are falling for the same scam

>the online is paid but you get some free games each month

no, its a bone thing too

No? He's clearly trying to point out that Nintendo is fucking retarded and trying to be worse than MS and Sony

Ok but you're missing the fucking point you retarded nintendrone

>He didn't even mention that you lose those PS+ games when cutting off the subscription.
you get them back if you subscribe again
with nintendo you only get the NES game for a month even if you keep subscribing

>being obtuse

There has been many threads in the past calling out faggots like you.
Those games aren't free.
They're free*

Let it be, this is a load of barnacles


Think of it this way.

There are three men; each provides a good and/or service in return for currency. Now you want that good and/or service, so you pay for it. You pay for it from all three for whatever reason justifies this scenario.

In response to you handing them your currency, they each proffer a platter laden with shit. It's thick, it's brown, it smells so bad you want to vomit. But they look so fucking happy.

The first says, "Dear customer, you can have this shit and many other fine shits from my backside for as long as you keep paying."

The second says, "Wonderful consumer, you can have my shit to keep!"

The third says "Here my shittu, I take back by end of month!"
