What kind of games do Australians play?

What kind of games do Australians play?

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger

None because they cost too much and half of them are banned.


Everyday, all day.

We don't ban games now that we have an R18 rating.

I think

I play dwarf fort, Elona+, brogue, other popular roguelikes, Trails in the sky, the divinity series, skies of arcadia, tales of symphonia, older zelda games, senran kagura, dragons dogma, (very rarely) smash bros, pokemon prism are the major ones I remember playing in the last year or so.

They all play online games and shitpost and ruin their communities.

I think games still get censored though
Why are there people whose jobs are to decide what is and what isn't appropriate for me?

stalker call of Pripyat is the current game im into, got done with shadow of Chernobyl the other week.


i think its more popular than call of duty over here

Single player games because of third world-tier internet connection.

We have an R-18 rating now but it barely changed anything.
Some games that would've been rated MA moved to R and only a small fraction of the games that were previously banned/would've been banned went to R

At least we're not Germany though where violence only happens to robots and pretending Nazis never existed is common practice

sissy white boy games

Games with Australian servers.

CoD is basically dead, especially on PC. CoD4 still has a small community.

Dunno about BF but I think it's steady.

Where did you get this picture of me?

Is Melbourne secretly the greatest city in Australia?

don't you remember? you sent it to me slut

It's not really a secret.

Rainbow Six: Siege is doing well on PC, BF1 is popular on everything and every other version of Battlefield is swiftly dying, CoD is popular on consoles, but as you said, completely dead on PC barring custom CoD4 servers, Titanfall 2 is doing well on PS4 and we're close enough to japan to jump on their servers when things quiet down, PC version is also dead, ArmA 3 has a sizeable following, shitloads of people play DOTA, League and CS:GO


Melbourne overtook Sydney many years ago.


No, Radelaide is.

What does a clueless NEET that lives near Brisbane do with his time?

no, the fucking hipster capital of australia is NOT the greatest city. You're thinking of brisbane


Canberra is.
But don't tell anyone.

What Australian things do Australian NEETs do?

>Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums

What's the appeal?

>He still won't admit that Adelaide is the best city

Who puts mint chocolate ice-cream and chocolate sauce on chips?

Is this what they do in the bush?

Whatever DMC and MGRR is classified as. And Melee, my Ganondorf is fucking sick

Spend all their time on the Internet and get Americanized because they are not apart of Aussie normalfag culture.

Please leave New Zealand out of your """""""""""""""ideal"""""""""""""""""""" shithole.

Hopefully necks itself.

Dumb dole bludger get a job.

All you have is Questacon though
>Muh Parliament
I'd get violently sick if I had to be in close proximity to those snakes

no jobs

>Sup Forums is full of aussies
No wonder its so shit

Or houses.

Who here /northqueensland/?

Just pick fruit in Queensland. You're not an entitled Millennial turning down honest jobs are you?

The shitposting game.

I hear there's a global leaderboard for the number of (you)s.

The whole country should be range banned from the whole site, not just a few boards.


I'm Australian and I've never shitposted

ye shure thing m8
i believe you ;^)

This as a kid, when in Tasmania

If you don't mind seasonal work, this is okay. Beats working in a call center.

I'm not sure how many advertise online, but you'll need a mobile phone, a greyhound ticket and $500 cash in pocket so you'll survive the first week.

Which state would have accumulated the most (You)s?

based AB


Fighting Games, would be better if Australians could play with anyone overseas without lag, it also sucks that there aren't any fighting game communities in my area

Hotline miami 2

Who /Centrelink/ here?
>tfw too intelligent to work

>would be better if Australians could play with anyone overseas without lag
Has anyone tested out the Fightcade? People speak mighty high of GGPO.

Questacon is not worth going to even once, lots of people seem to get tricked into thinking Canberra is a crap place by shitty school excursions that engrain this bizarre muh parliament muh questacon mentality.

did it for 5 years, made me want to kill myself

they've loosened up a bit but there are still some titles that get banned, usually either for illicit drug use that results in reward for the player (They're especially strict about this one, the bug butcher, a fucking pang clone, got banned for having a power-up called "speed injection"), depictions of sexual assault or rape deemed "not justified by context", or in one instance sexual content involving a loli-type character.

Censored ones.

I am but hopefully not for much longer.
Be nice to be able to afford a computer newer than 2009.

Even the worst jobs I've had have been better than dole-bludging.

ur shitposting right now cunt


You first, Gerry.

>shitty school excursions

It was the best school camp we ever went on though.

I remember they refused classification for Saints Row 4 because in Shaundi's loyalty mission you use alien narcotics to get Shaundi her superpowers

This is retarded for numerous reasons:
1) Alien narcotics do not exist in real life
2) It's all taking place inside a simulation like The Matrix anyway
3) It doesn't reward the player, it rewards Shaundi
4) It's in character for Shaundi to become better due to drugs

>tfw went on a school camp to the Murray Irrigation Area

> not using the thing that removes the censor

I work, and get disability support for literal autism. It's fucking fantastic and leaves me with enough cash and time to do what I want, so I develop shit too with the intent of creating a startup, with no consequences if I fail. It's great.

R-Rural Australia is interesting

I would if they'd pay me a decent wage instead of this accomodation+$20/day bullshit.

Can't wait to go back to work and start enjoying games again like i did before

>tfw too intelligent to work or go on Centrelink

shut the fuck up and just work! you will be replaced by a minority who will do that job for even cheaper if you dont fall in line.
reminder you poor "people" dont fucking matter.

It's called an AB it isn't what you listed and it tastes fucking amazing

They just go outside and play real life monster hunter.

>tfw not a wageslave

Parents make too much, apparently I can get it when I'm 22, but should get a job somehow.

I just spent the last few days downloading Alien Isolation, going to try that out in a bit.

m8 I'm not above low skill work, just slave labour at a shit rate. In the meantime, I'll be putting your tax dollarydoos to good work :^)

>perfect taste

Tasmania's pretty good for a holiday home if you avoid the people.




It can only be better than the steaming pile of garbage that Sydney is.

We barely play anything online since we get pingfucked just like nz.

Sure blizzard tossed us a bone, but wow is so on the ropes now you'll still get instanced on a US shard.
Same goes for path of exile, forget about lockstep.
Terra, vindictus, warframe, anything where you need low ping, even if p2p comes into play for local players, you're gonna get fucked eventually.

Not that i blame them, hosting servers isn't free and we don't have the population size to justify them.

Looks pretty rad

What games are my /aussie/ friends looking forward to?

I'm getting Yakuza 0 and Kingdom Hearts 2.8 when they come out on the 24th.

Also holy fuck this weather is horrific, it's like my room turned into the amazon rainforest it's so fucking humid.

Minority or some backpacker

No. Getting around in there sucks arse and the people only make it worse. Used to live in Eltham a couple years back.
t. Victorian


Persona 5

Who /Weebstrayan/ here?

>ragging on best place in world to live

>tfw when work and centrelink
>tfw too intelligent to be poor

>tfw drinking Japanese beer while playing Japanese games where cute girls do cute things
Feels good

It's not bad. Could be better I guess.

>brewed in china

That's not how you spell adelaide

user, I...

Post em, boast em, roast em

People still play black ops on pc

Fuck off.