>paid p2p online
Paid p2p online
>paid smartphone app for voice chat
>$70 for standard controller that doesn't come with console
>paid paid to play online
>retail price of $300
We had this thread yesterday. We already established that Misato is best girl.
Who gives a fuck about the switch
Just post Misato
We get it.
Now, what does Misato (Best Girl) have to do with this?
>$60 meme games at launch instead of actual games worth buying a console for
>barely stronger than Wii U in docked mode
Why should there be a reason?
>no Monster Hunter in sight
Remake was a mistake
>no essential third-party games like RDR2 or Nier Automata
I miss old anime.
hey, the matchmaking servers aren't gonna pay themselves
>mfw consolefags pay monthly to play peer-to-peer first person shooters online with a controller
p2p stands for peer-to-peer.
Contrary to popular belief, free online play isn't a charity. It's actually free because it costs almost nothing for the devs except a basic matchmaking server that's dirt-cheap.
>matchmaking servers
Is this really what console fags actually think?
Like im actually serious, holy shit has time changed, people are actually fucking retarded now.
it's not so bad when each games only has to handle their own services
but when you have a centralized service with 100m+ users across several platforms, it starts to become a problem
It's not a problem for Valve.
Paid online is a thing because it's a massive gold mine of free money. Sony's making huge bank on its paid services. Their costs in comparison to their profits are hugely skewed. There is no defense for paid online except publishers exploiting consumer ignorance to charge for shit that should be free.
Are you fucking retarded you human turd ? Paid only is the smarmiest bullshit ever conceived that works because it has a small cost but it has absolutely no reason to exist.
The very existence of online play makes the games sell for longer, which generate money for longer. This is what pays the servers, always did before you dunce started playing videogames with the x360 and thought that was normal to pay to play online.
I honestly thought the Online Pass thing was a decent compromise. Basically, second-hand copies still had to pay extra $10 to access the servers. I thought that was fair because servers, while really cheap, aren't completely free to run. But even that they ruined with their greed.
Console games are peer to peer. A server grabbing stats and players is really cheap if you dont have to run games on it, its literally just data.
fuck nintendo
>Console games are peer to peer
idiots actually beleive this. Please take some basic business and networking classes before you spew shit from your mouth.