It's a forced stealth section in a non-stealth game

>it's a forced stealth section in a non-stealth game

Other urls found in this thread:


>Hitman: Absolution

inb4 the 404

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Why the fuck do we even have the MLP rule anymore? It's not 2010 anymore. No one fucking cares about MLP anymore and anyone who is still "REEEE I AM TRIGGERED BY CARTOON HORSES" is an autism god.

Fucking hang these shitfucks

Hey, go ask the mods on IRC about it, they'll give you a different opinion.

How'd therapy end up going, Lee?

as much of a pain that chapter was in FFXV, i liked it.

I still hate degenerates


Hang these faggots

Fuck off, horsefucker.

fucking kill them

If that's true then why are you on Sup Forums?

Eh it's a cute show with some funny jokes and good talent behind it

When did he say he was going to therapy?

Only thing worse are forced action sections in a stealth game.


>obvious pony thread lasts for 2 hours yesterday, Lee never replies
>normal thread with pony image is instantly replied to by Lee
We know you're making the threads, you weird looking fuck.

I was sleeping yesterday.
Oh btw, mind providing a link?

I didn't say that...

Any to try to salvage this trainwreck, are there any good mlp vidya? What's your favorite?

Autism god here
Stay in your fucking containment board homo

why do you hate fun?

So I can call out degenerates.

>horse reactions will never be viable on Sup Forums because of one gigantic faggot

Those are some good fucking reactions, too.

I remember that guy, he was a furry who used to do art on Lemmy's Land

>at all
Hang yourself

That fighting is magic game.
The moment it got cease and desisted is the moment the fandom peaked, it's all been downhill since.
Theres like a mobile city builder game, but I have played it because I don't care enough to crack it or spend 100s on microtransactions.

I have no interest in looking at a bunch of retards discuss a little kid cartoon all day. They can fuck off and discuss it somewhere else like the autists THEY are. Sup Forums is bad enough as it is, but horsefuckers are insufferable.

I'm surprised bronies are still a thing let alone the show is still going

hey barney fag,for how much longer you think you will be doing your job ?

>I have no interest in looking at a bunch of retards discuss a little kid cartoon all day
And this is different from anime...?


Barneyfag aka Lee vs ACK aka

Who wins?

Barneyboi have you preordered your tickets to see the MLP movie in theaters 2017?

Anime has adult shows. For grown men.
Not to mention I also have no interest in anime, but it still beats MLP by a long shot.


The irony is palpable.

Unfortunately, yes. They will continue to be a thing with the movie coming out in October, so be prepared for that.

Up to the day the rule gets removed.

Pony-related video games are not allowed on Sup Forums either
This has been stated several times by moderators

I don't understand what this is
some guy who replies to posts after the threads are archived?

Why, dipshit? I'm saying MLP is the worst offender. That's it.

Nope, I can't even preorder tickets that far in advance.

>nobody is talking about the actual question
>everyones sperging out over a horse
Fuck even Sup Forums is better for discussing vidya

MLP is Western weebshit.
I'm so goddamn sick of hearing about it, banning it was a mistake, it's the fucking streissand effect.

We get it you love the show and want that rule removed so you can post ponies

And how do you know that?
Did you try?

ok ok, anime can be pretty fucking weird sometimes and kind of retarted. but kids dont watch that shit, god i hope not. seriously, kids dont watch anime... that is so fucking retarted, kids watch, mickey mouse, and uh, sponge bob, and also, barney and my little pony

go away

Another movie?

T b h you're just as autistic for somehow posting in every thread that's even slightly mlp all though you probably make the threads yourself

what did he mean by this?

you know shows can be for children and adults, right?

We're all going to hell anyway, mine as well make the most of it

I can guarantee you the rule could be lifted tomorrow and nobody besides this moron would give a rat's ass.

>shows can be for children and adults, right?

Cool. MLP isn't one of them.

>Up to the day the rule gets removed.

oh boy,i can already image where this is going

>"hey honey,would you bring our son to school ?"
>i can't, there is a pony thread that showed up on Sup Forums and i need to do my job"

The pony thread with over 200 replies from yesterday made me appreciate Lee a bit tbqh

It's a meme, you dip

Yeah, it seems real fucking weird. Like yeah, it was kind of amusing watching the shitshow it caused back in like 2011, but Jesus Christ, just let the fad die already.

>No purpose other than to BTFO Lee
I'd pay good money for this.

It's a guy who don't support anything else than main fan pairings of Madoka, see any madoka thread on Sup Forums or /u/.

That's because Barney is a shit show.

>you probably make the threads yourself
which has never happened

What question, you rationalizing retard? There isn't one in the OP that you clearly didn't read, otherwise you would've noticed that the entire thread was made for the purpose of posting their stupid fucking purple faggot horse image so they could le ebin trell the titantic faggot known as barneyfag. God just die already.

maybe the jokes went over your head...?

Don't give Hirojew any ideas user.

You are a triggered massive autist.

>dogfucker Lee (who has admitted to fucking dogs) still up to his usual tricks and dog fucking

at least I don't fuck dogs :p

>who has admitted to fucking dogs
when the fuck was this? I missed it

Link? I don't think I was awake when that was running, and the sole /qa/ thread about it showed that I definitely wouldn't have been awake for that.




>The one who's more normal than a retard watching a little girls show and jerking off to cartoon horses
>Is the autist

ok, f@m

Do any decent artists still do pony r34 stuff?

Have they nkt all jumped ship by now?

>you know shows can be for children and adults, right?
Yeah, shows like Calamity Jane. Not a bunch of Ponies saving the world through friendship.

6 Y E A R S

oh shit

fuck lee you really are special

>He doesn't watch little girls shows
You, uh, don't belong here

Well aside from the global rule that FORBIDS that you're pretty much free to post any horse related image you want without him shitting up a thread. He doesn't patrol every thread and unless you mention him you should be good. The only reason he replies so quickly in these threads is because HE makes them.

That's LITERALLY a photoshop.

Stop forcing this meme, that's never happened.

Back in March 2016, some faggot made a shitty MSPaint comic where someone drew an user fucking a dog, and through Sup Forums's delusions and them being closet bronies, they all decided to accuse me of fucking dogs and even photoshopping posts and going through historical revisionism to try and slander my name.

>watching a little girls show and jerking off to cartoon horses

That's pretty normal to be honest

Nah. Normals don't give a shit if I post ponies or not. You get super pissed off though. good night.

>There are still bronies 6 years later
Just as amazing tbqh

Hey Lee what do you think of Hanazuki? It's made by Meghan McCarthy, who I'm sure you know as the showrunner who took over after Faust left

actually no,he has an IIRC that warns him of a pony thread being posted on Sup Forums


I'm also not interested in weeb shit in any way whatsoever
but yet
here I am

They all laugh at you.

No, it's not

nice try, not falling for it

Question: What's the worst thing about MLP? I need your canonical answer.

That's literally a photoshop though
Sup Forums is a bunch of closet bronies that will literally do anything to slander my name.

I still don't get why ponies make people so mad

I just ignored it when it was a thing

Yea, because without him there'd be pony threads on Sup Forums...

yeah it pretty much is

There is no timestamp in which is a red flag. Combined with I actually believe barneyboi on this one

When you realise you've wasted your life and kill yourself what pony will you dress up as?
