>it's a masterpiece that surpasses the original
>Sup Forums hates it
every time
>it's a masterpiece that surpasses the original
>Sup Forums hates it
every time
Other urls found in this thread:
I like it
Console limitations show though
>its a video game
>Sup Forums hates it
>some people on Sup Forums like it
>some people on Sup Forums dislike it
>"Sup Forums hates it!"
Pure autism.
>it's anything
>Sup Forums hates it
How would you D44M-ify Pain Elementals and Arachnotrons?
I don't know if it surpasses the original, but it's a damn good game.
I've played every title by id and near every game in the genre. Doom 2016 was fucking awesome. They nailed it.
3rd the best I'm my opinion. doom 4 looks very casual. I preferred the survival space horror feel doom 3 dead space, and system shock 2 had. The player is too op in doom 4
>Sup Forums hates
there we go
That's how the originals felt as well though.
The only time you felt in a survival experience in the originals is when there is a room full of barons with a Cyberdemon in the center of it.
Is the multiplayer worth it?
I don't think it surpasses the original.
I do think it's the best possible blend of oldschool and numale-age FPS design philosophies we could have gotten, and plays pretty well even for having included a bunch of bullshit I dislike in other games.
The simple fact that you're rewarded for high-risk play made it for me.
Quick time event kills in a fps game, kek, it is dogshit. Shadow Warrior 2 is superior.
RNG weapon drop system in a fps game, kek, it's dogshit.
I liked it. I just wish it was more like the original and didn't have quite as many lock down arenas
There is no way D44M surpasses the original. Sorry, Betheshill.
I prefer doom 3 as well but the game began feeling tedious after you leave the underwhelming hell in that game.
Yeah, that's an overstatement of D44M for sure. There won't be any game that surpasses Doom in terms of quality and longevity. Quake comes close, but isn't there yet.
Great game, still not sure how I feel about the execution system. It's a small break in the action, which can be good and can be bad.
Overall, it's a fantastic game.
I wish the multiplayer wasn't so godawful, though.
I'm currently playing doom 3. I always loved it. Like tight hallways always checking your six. And I thought the story was put together well with cut scenes and audio logs. Multiplayer doesn't interest me and the single player to me doesn't look appealing. I want pirate it when I get my 75mb connection back on
It's a generic cinematic console shooter with press X to win mechanics and endlessly repeating "kill 60 enemies to unlock artificial barrier" sequences. The design of the hell levels is also terribly lacking compared to the original.
People are just that desperate to believe that the shooter is still alive and well.
Doom 3 is in the weird position where it is a great game, but doesn't really fit in with the rest of the series.
It is probably the ONLY example of "It's a good game, but not a good X game"
>Press X to win
Meleeing a full health Baron is definitely going to get you far in this game....
The multiplayer sucks. To be frank Doom has never been about multiplayer and I'm glad they focused on the single player almost exclusively.
When I think Doom I want three things:
1. I want a lot of gore.
2. I want gameplay that encourages and rewards aggressiveness unlike every single game coming out.
3. I want graphics that make me say wow.
For some reason #3 has become taboo amongst whatever the fuck gaming journalism is. Seinfeld was postmodern and we are past that and it sucks. There's really only three or so companies I expect to push the boundary and id is one of them. I expect them to push the technology to its limits. I build new computers for id games. When I put things on ultra I want to be impressed.
I've played almost every game in this genre and the game was fucking cool.
The way the enemies stagger and light up when you've shot them up enough so you can melee them is just so dumb and console-y tho. Doom 4 is a bland console game of the 00s, it introduces no new direction for shooters to take.
Game sucks dick.
Justify your wasted money elsewhere.
I know what you mean the originals didn't appeal to me either but I always did like the gunplay and having to think 2 steps ahead. Bit yeah I'm not a big fan of the original two but the 3rd is definitely within my top ten games
>it's a masterpiece that surpasses the original
it really, really is not tho'. Polar opposite actually.
No. Every enemy encounter had a feeling of threat and fighting for your survival in OG. NuDuum only makes you run around in circles in those tiny combat arena rooms until you clear the spawning foes.
Look, I liked Doom 4, but it doesn't surpass the original, not by a long shot.
Executions on low health enemies was happening on PC games before console games.
You can't tell me that every enemy encounter past Ep 2 in Doom was survival based. By that point in the game, you should be expected to know how to deal with enemy types.
Conversely, you can't say you weren't taken off guard by nu-Pinkies when you first saw them.
Yes, desu
It's a real multiplayer arena shooter with balanced power-ups. I haven't had this much fun with a multiplayer game in years. Wether you like the demon pick-up system or not, it's still a very good multiplayer. Though demon pick-ups do not exist in free4all, which is better for that mode
Btw, the way they handled dlc and dlc maps is 50/50
- DLC is overpriced
- you get stupid stuff like dances and some colors which look like shit
- If you don't have the dlc you can still play on DLC maps if you play with someone who has it, even with randoms
- DLC maps are awesome, orbital is my favourite dlc map
- DLC weapons are cool but also balanced, nothing is too OP
- New good looking armor types but that's not as important since it's cosmetic.
But isn't Sup Forums circlejerking it, saying it's literally best game of 2k16?
I mean it probably isn't as bad as I wanted it to be, but hell, with their painkiller like kill rooms, five progression/upgrading systems and their reliance on killmoves to be a good replacement for decent micro management, I don't know if I'd describe it as a faithful successor.
Don't forget the best part of the DLC:
Doesn't affect SP or Snapmap since they get free updates.
I agree.
The only thing I'd say DOOM has going for it over the original is that you have more weapons.
You can disable that glow. That's the first thing I did. I also play with minimal cross hair and classic weapon position.
It's funny how much better Painkiller's design and art was to Doom's so that killrooms in that game never felt repetitive, while Doom's endless space oil refineries start to grate on the second repetition.
and even then most of the new weapons are mediocre, an upgraded super shotgun, gauss cannon and rocket launcher can carry you very easily.
>it's a masterpiece that surpasses the original
>tfw no FPS game will have the visual variety of Painkiller
What a shame.
mate how long have you been on Sup Forums? Any game that is spoken about on here will have someone that just fucking hates it with a passion.
>surpasses the original
but it doesn't?
I never even used the rocket launcher after getting the mobile turret with all it's upgrades. It was mostly the SSG, Gauss and Minigun
I used regular shotty with the grenade launcher and the micro missile Heavy assault rifle as well.
The Rocket launcher is only good for dealing with summoners.
>it's a bait thread
>Sup Forums responds to it
every time
>it's a bait thread
but it doesn't?
>op posts thing
>Sup Forums argues about it
every time
every time
>The game
every time.
haha nice where's the upvote button on this website?
>doom has never been about multiplayer
go fuck yourself, DOOM is the literal birthplace of the deathmatch and it pioneered online multiplayer too, people were going insane playing DOOM with each other in their offices and once it became available they were paying for services that exclusively hooked people up for online deathmatches, Romero was so hooked on the multiplayer it nearly killed Quake because he did nothing but play with the guys at id and it got him fired for it by Carmack
Can you disable Gaykills yet?
It is and will be the best fps game for awhile its so satisfying to play
my only gripe with the game is how formulaic it gets with enemy encounters however the combat is so solid that I'll take it
its better than the first doom dont be rose tinted glasses twats
From day dot you can disable the glow and a lot of the hud options.
>Sup Forums
That's the one
no because you're still here and you're still very gay
>plays QTE Simulator
>wants to disable QTE's
What would there be left except shitty dubstep-rock and edgy "bad on purpose" writing?
>Doom 2016
>masterpiece compared to anything
I hate neo Sup Forums
It's not like Doom was ever supposed to be taken seriously... except for Doom 3.
I mean, id even cited Army of Darkness for inspiration of Doom.
that's not disabling the mechanic though.
without the glow they still stumble around stunned waiting for you to do it, and if you don't you waste lots of ammo.
When they are stumbling about, it's only 1 more shot to fully kill them.
Hell, I sometimes accidentally kill them when I want to glory kill them.
gee i dunno the shooting part
>When they are stumbling about, it's only 1 more shot to fully kill them.
this is completely false
Haven't watched the video but I have reliably killed all the enemies during their stagger state with the normal shotgun.
Granted most were in close range.
So you can't turn the gaykills off then.
I wasn't talking about you.
Go back to It's DOOM, and shall behave like it.
Dumbstep wouldn't be a problem if they was competent enough to realize that mods keeps the games alive, and with mods we could remove that shit and use proper music.
That's something I want to remove from the game.
yeah the shotgun will do it most of the time but that's still wasting one shell, while if you do the lame glory kill you spend nothing, get rewarded extra shells as well as some health.
The game is balanced around this mechanic, which is a shame because even if people modded out the glory kills it wouldn't play right.
whats the argument for it being bad? ive seen nothing other than a friend play for a tiny bit and from that very minimal exposure it looks at least surprisingly close to what a modern doom game should be
You won't get ammo all the time from the glory kill, you will only get 5 health in non critical and 25 health in critical if you play on the decent difficulty.
5 health and 25 health doesn't mean much against the better enemies.
Is this for real?
Is this how the game plays?
They actually provoke you into doing QTEs?
If it wasn't for the fact that I have the whole game almost downloaded I'd stop the download.
Can't be that bad if you use easier difficulties right?
You can play the game without doing glory kills, except for boss fights which end on glory kills.
It's only there to give you some health in the middle of battle.
they guy is purposefully only shooting the pistol every few seconds to show how silly it is.
If he fired it consistantly the enemy would die, but it just brings to light how ridiculous the mechanic is.
The developer doesn't want you simply finishing off the enemy, they want you to see up close the dumb animation they worked so hard on, every single time.
But what if I don't use them will the game play like it should?
Yeah, I figured.
>dumb animation they worked so hard on, every single time.
Then they wasted their time on something useless instead of actually making the game have proper support for mods, heck Bethesda's other games have the damn mods right at the launcher.
Didn't they learn anything from id and Carmack?
There is not definite way to play the game other than kill everything.
How you kill them (Glory kill or just shooting them) doesn't matter in the end.
Also it is Carmack that made the engine "unmoddable" (His own words.)
I liked moving down zombies, imps and demons with the chainsaw.
Just hold in, let it rip.
Is that possible in this game, after all it's meant to be a DOOM game.
At this point we have had more threads complaining about how Sup Forums hates it than posts of Sup Forums hating it.
Also, this thread is repeating itself every day for some reason.
It will keep repeating itself until it's fixed.
>Is that possible in this game
well there's a chainsaw in the game but it just gives you free glorykills to enemies until it runs out of juice.
You will get shitposted to death.
>runs out of juice.
Woot how many minutes does it go before the fuel goes out?
Chainsaw is now a reliable way to get ammunition back. It automates a glory kill and uses chainsaw fuel. Larger enemies uses more fuel.
All the weapons in game:
Shotgun: Weaker but has two interesting upgrades. One is a triple shot and the other is a grenade launcher.
Heavy Machine gun: Good on it's own but micro missile launcher upgrade is great. Has a scope upgrade that no one chooses.
Rocket Launcher: Weak as shit... one of my biggest disappointments with the game.
Plasma rifle: Piddly crap that has decent upgrades like the stun bomb and heat vent that does an AoE attack.
Super Shotty: A very, very, very, very good weapon. Only upgrade is that it can fire two shots before "reloading" (Similar to reloading in the original games)
Gauss cannon: Another very good weapon. Siege mode Upgrade makes you stand still but can kill the tankier enemies in 2-3 shots.
Chain gun: Great at keeping enemies away from you, especially in turret mode where it fires 3 cylinders off at the same time
BFG: Very limited ammo but instakills everything except bosses.
Pistol: Weak shit you wouldn't use past an imp
As much as I love the game, there is limited option is good weaponry.
I actually like the scope quite a bit, especially when fully upgraded with the devastator rounds. It's what I primarily use against distant cacodemons and lost souls.
The game is balanced around this mechanic
But it's not. On higher difficulties using a glory kill means insta death almost every time as soon as the animation is over. It's EXTREMELY situational while being COMPLETELY optional, you can finish the game without doing them once, just like upgrading your armor/guns.
That's like saying Soulsborne are designed are le cinematic backstab just because it's there.
>Chainsaw is now a reliable way to get ammunition back
That's stupid.
>It automates a glory kill and uses chainsaw fuel.
>Larger enemies uses more fuel.
Well the more HP they have the longer you have to use it on them for them to die, that's logical.
>Rocket Launcher
How, why? It's one of the most basic weapons of all the id games and it's such an important weapon.
>Super Shotty
You mean the upgrade makes it possible to fire them one at a time, so you can do a two-burst shot?
>Gauss cannon
Wait, stand still? That some crap feature.
>Chain gun
Let me guess you can't move with it either?
Well it did take up quite some ammo in the older games, but it didn't instakill every monster if they had high HP count. Don't tell me this is a puss-out card that just cleans the screen of the monsters right?
Well it has always been weak, but it's possible to do pistol runs like intended right?
Game is almost done downloading and I'm getting less and less keen to playing this...
It really has no replay value, every time i see the image of doomguy i want to play nuDoom again.
But then it quickly becomes boring (because i've finished it).
If they could properly do horde encounters THROUGHOUT the game, it would be fucking golden.
Also change the atmosphere to rock-and-roll+Hell instead of this sort of horror theme
>If they could properly do horde encounters THROUGHOUT the game
What do you mean?
There's no way to gather monsters from different rooms and bombard them all with rocket launcher?
I loved it but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece
>Surpasses the original
very, very good game
not a masterpiece though
For the chainsaw.
At the start, it has 3 fuel slots. Killing an enemy with it takes one slot away.
Rocket Launcher travels slowly and barely does enough damage. Although, there is a triple burst lock on mode that isn't too bad.
Supper shotty before upgrade means you get one shot before "reloading" because it shoots both barrels. Upgrade basically means you have four shells in the two barrels.
Gauss cannon: It is one upgrade. THe other is a scope that you can headshot with. I chose siege mode because fully upgraded siege means you can move.
TUrret mode on chain gun you can move.
BFG takes out all monsters in the path of the blast. If it hits a wall, it cancels out the blast for the other enemies. It only counts for the ones it passes.
Pistol runs can be done... but are very hard to do.
It's already been said, but doom was the first multiplayer shooter. Id is really someone to push things, but bethseda made this Id just published it.
As someone who plays the original Doom games a shitload and mods for it. I still recommend giving Doom 4 a run.
The guns are pretty good, and the few times you get the berserk powerup you turn into a whirly tornado of fists that one shots everything around you, and that's pretty fun. They also give you grenades and shit to throw, those run off a short cooldown so you can just toss them every so often to fuck shit up.
The rocket launcher feels pretty fucking wimpy until you upgrade the altfire that lets you detonate the rockets on demand.
The SSG upgrade pulls some retard logic and lets you fire it twice, you still fire both barrels with each shot so it essentially doubles your damage output with shells.
The gauss gun's siege mode altfire makes you stand still for about 2 seconds tops if you want to charge it fully.
there's a chaingun altfire mode that forces you to stand still yes but you spew out bullets so quickly that you turn anything below baron tier into a red mist within a few seconds.
The BFG operates on its own ammo and rather than operating like it used to, it fires a slow orb that zaps the fuck out of everything as it passes by, it's really good.
and the pistol uses infinite ammo but it's so weak that you don't want to ever use it, it comes with a charge shot altfire but it's still not worth it, it also doesn't make monsters flinch like the old vanilla pistol could do at times
nuDoom feels like ghosttown hallways, then locked arena's.
I liked the arena's (later) because it comes close to original doom's horde encounters.
And the game honestly has to fuck off with zombies that don't do shit, it sucks these are the mobs you encounter for the VAST MAJORITY of the hallways.
At least put a basic fucking zombie soldier with a gun or something.
>same thread 20 times a day
>gets proven over and over why nu-doom is shit
never gets old
>And the game honestly has to fuck off with zombies that don't do shit, it sucks these are the mobs you encounter for the VAST MAJORITY of the hallways.
my only real gripe with the game. it would have been nice to encounter a stray revenant or some shit once or twice
No one uses Pistol past the first level you gaylord
>At the start, it has 3 fuel slots
Slots? Oh god...
>Rocket Launcher
It at least have awesome splash damage right? Right?
>SSG upgrade pulls some retard logic
>still fire both barrels
I don't even.
>The BFG
But it's not as retarded as the chainsaw that uses.... slots right?
>pistol uses infinite ammo
Kinda like Quake then.
Wait, you mean that the only monster that aren't spawned in are zombies? There are no monsters at all? Not even imps?
Game is at 70% downloaded, should stop and delete this?
You don't know the meaning of Pistol runs.
Kill yourself
I hate that its sixty dollars, and gigabytes
Eat shit and die, stepshitter.