Diablo II for Mac??

Hey Sup Forums
Long time browser, first time poster. I’m posting cause I am sick of Blizzard's shit. I've recently had an overwhelming nostalgic urge to get back to playing Diablo II.
I have downloaded it multiple times from the Blizzard Battle.net site but only get authentication errors no matter what I do and have even contacted Blizzard support about this.
Is there a place online where I can download Diablo II and LoD for mac for free? I had a google but could only find Windows downloads.
I've tried the legal way but it didnt work, pretty happy to Pirate this bad boy.

Anyone got a link?

plz Sup Forums plz im desperate man tryna recreate his youth

Rip macfags

sorry I have no idea

yeh rip


just give up

found myself a sxc lil torrent u lil sluts
long live the macintosh

get a real computer you damn poorfag


Is it me, or is there no good torrent for Diablo 1? Can't find any cracks for it.

diablo 1 doesnt need any cracks

I installed it, and got "insert the CD" messages

not mounting the cd image while playing it?

Rather play it without mounting a cd

how so? crappy computer?

No, I just like it to work without mounting, isn't there a digital download version available?

not that i know of, blizzard made one for diablo 2/lod though

>Long time browser
G-guys heh i'm an o.l.d-fruit just like you haha!
Fucking moron just install windows on your mac

>all these fuckin underage that don't know blizzard has been a staple of mac gaming since the 90's

>get a real computer you damn poorfag
Dude. Don't you know how expensive Mac are. This guy no poorfag, he just terrible with money.