How the fuck did he manage to smoke cigarettes inside his space suit helmet?
How the fuck did he manage to smoke cigarettes inside his space suit helmet?
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as you can clearly see in the image you have provided the visor isn't down
>im only pretending to be retarded xDDDD
Then how would he breathe in motherfucking space? that's even dumber.
firebat loves stimpacks
Firebats are pretty shit. I would rather make 3 or 4 extra marines. I didn't even use them in the mission where they first are shown. If you advanced slowly then you barely lose men.
Hey look it's someone who doesn't know how to use firebats
>He doesn't know
Why are they called firebats
Cause they use fire to kill zerglings.
Where does the "bat" part come in
Cause you gotta be batshit crazy to go up and throw fire at people.
you see fire in the background, and fire needs oxygen as well, so he clearly cant be in space.
>In the age of guns and nukes someone still get close to others to burn them
it's an acronym for better and tougher you stupid fuck, it says it right in the manual jesus christ are you fucking retarded
Useless fucks after ground units are dead, ok.
>he doesn't get the upgrade
Wow play some more roverwatch then I guess dumbass
Rude, also wrong
>You want a piece of meat, boy?
Why does he offer to take you out for dinner in the middle of a combat situation?
What exactly is so watery about HYDRAlisks?
Or where are their regrowing heads, etc...
Blizzard naming conventions do not even follow the rule of cool, but simply the rule of "there you have it".
So what does fire stand for?
>What exactly is so watery about HYDRAlisks?
they attack by spraying spines with pressurized fluid
Why do we still have hammers when there are wrecking balls?
that green stuff that burns you because it's hot
What the hell was going on in this place?
They look like snake I think
Gay sex.
Manly things.
Talking broodwar here though, nonny.
> it says it right in the manual
Isn't it you want a piece of me, boy?
So then starcraft is like some crazy Matrix world where you control a marine or firebat and if you die in the Matrix then you die in the real world?
no, they lauch them via muscle contractions, emitting dead organic material is bad enough, using vital fluids to lauch that shit would make them useless after 1 shots.
Right there you fucking moron jesus christ did you not read your own picture
I miss those little audio clips.
How did Blizzard get away with calling black people culturally challenged?
>Never could play starcraft online cause no cash to buy it
Badass And/or Tits
The opposite.
I don't recall Firebats ever being black.
In fact, I don't think there was ever a black unit outside of heroes.
So if you die in the real world you get to live in the matrix?
its free to play online now
>played SC a lot as a kid, but never actually got good at it since my dad told me all the cheat codes and i never wanted to challenge myself
No, no, no.
You got it wrong again, the marines and firebats are the real ones, it is you who is their matrix projection.
Why is Sup Forums so stupid even at night these days?
low effort.
Resocialization and implantation of emotion-inhibitors.
Are you retarded?
>its dark outside so it is night on the internet as well
>calling others stupid
No, are you?
You always play as a regular Terran commander, with an AI adjutant.
Bless you
Sup Forums time is the only one that counts, dumb europoor.
That's not black.
As you can see the skin around his eyes are a lighter tone compared to the rest of his face.
So if I die, they die?
I do not even know what to respond anymore, because the grim realization that you might be seriously trying to have a discussion with the non-sequitur bullshit you wrote up to this point is crawling up on me.
Fireboats are not black. thats just soot from the flamethrower and smoking cigars all day. Look at his eyes.
Also they are not calling black people culturally challenged. They are calling most of the Terran army culturally challenged because they are ex-cons sent out to space much like Australia. This includes the white marine.
The screaming at the academy is because these violent criminals needs to be put into order so they can serve the army.
Also the SCV is a black guy.
It's a sci-fi blackman
That's not black, it's soot.
That's just how they're born, user.
that's a stretch
it's not soot it's blackface
Not? I always thought so, especially with the voice.
you guys do realize he is smiling right ????
and in starcraft 2 he was replaced by a redneck with beers attached to his seat
what do blizzard meant by this ?
how do you go from this
to this?????
That thread just shows me how many underages and millenials lurk /v
>racism vs marines and 'bats
Whole sector is mostly a criminals send to fuck off from earth and other civilised planets. Noncriminals is people and their families that worked as a prison guards
Most of criminals are used as a marine corps composed of marines, firebats and other shits where reapers are the msot batshit insane criminal scums terran have to offer. They are cannon fodders commanded by non-criminal oficers so nobody cares if 1000 marines die in battle because they're criminals after all
Exception is UED forces
Firebats are designed around countering spammable rushes of zealots and zerglings, because they didnt fire once for 16 damage but in a cone with double 8 damage. Thats why they got 2+ damage per upgrade and thats why they cant kill upgraded zergling with 2 hits because armor is applied two times. Still firebats would break any noob player back in time when someone tried rushing early zergling or zealots and were still effective when zerg player spammed ultras and zerglings
Academy scream i dont remember for 100% but its a parody of "eureka discovery" mocked into someone being tortured
pretty sure most of the game take place on planets with atmospheres, hell, did you even watch the opening cinematic?
>That thread just shows me how many underages and millenials lurk /v
yeah sorry im not up to scratch on my starcraft lore
Someone was playing HoMM3 while a Nutrigrain commercial played in the background.
Yeah, it was a retarded change now that we're forced to look at Dobson now.
obviously the rednecks got rid of the blacks KKK style and took control of the SCV's
>Academy scream i dont remember for 100% but its a parody of "eureka discovery" mocked into someone being tortured
It's called the Howie scream and it's as well known as the Wilhelm.
>tactical cigarettes pack and beer feeder on the seat
mah man
It's been more than 10 years. You've aged as well
Cannot unseen
But Blizzard ruined Starcraft before you did.
>golden Jesus Kerrigan, wake me up
My 12 yo self used to send packs of them into the grinder because I was aroused by their death screams.
I think I still have that fetish
>12 in 2010
Brood war, my friend with special needs.
>2010 was seven years ago
Same here, I remember making custom maps with nothing but medics and sarah kerrigans getting killed by zerg units
The Medic in HoftS is a black haired spanish lady called Rosa Morales
He would still not be underage
Wilhelm and Howie screams are two different screams, that's why they have two different names
12+6 = 18
Holy fuck, again why is night time Sup Forums so stupid?
>Huw2englishe ?
What did he mean by this?
What's hard to get?
Jesus, you are a special kind of stupid.
>It's called the Howie scream and it's as well known as the Wilhelm.
>It's called the Howie scream and it's as well known as the Wilhelm.
he never said the Whilhelm scream was the Howie scream, learn to read you goddam fucking retard.