Switch handheld mode

On the bright side, the handheld side of Switch seems decent enough. First Nintendo handheld that actually doesn't look like eye cancer.


Is there more footage of handheld mode than just that?

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The excitement I still have for the Switch is that it's an incredibly powerful handheld. I just wish it wasn't so fucking expensive.

Going to wait for the dieshrink reduced price model or for some good bundle deals.

They're definitely going to drop the price for Christmas. Otherwise they are just going to kill it in infant state. Remember 3DS? Nintendo pulled the same shit there.

whoa dragon quest looks cool

Fucking hell, meant to post this


>mfw dragon quest looks better

Yeah but that footage of Dragon Quest is on PS4. I fucked up. A janitor can delete the thread.

3DS didn't have Zelda and Splatoon

I hope it won't be too hot while running game.

It had tons of other games though. 3DS sold like shit initially simply because it was too expensive. Nintendo dropped the price a few months in and the sales picked up. Early adopters always get shafted big time.

3DS was overpriced because it was really weak, the Switch isn't.

Austin Evans did a good video on his hands on youtube.com/watch?v=H67QTL0vFbI

Mistakes happen. Just make a new thread.
Ill bump it for you.

If it turns out the switch really is 20nm i'm gonna be pissed.
14nm is 2015 technology, 10nm phones are coming out in a few months.

Its says its for both, so you're fine.

It actually looks a good leap from the Vita. This is really surprising considering the 3DS was barely stronger than a PSP. Fuck dual-screens and fuck 3D gimmicks holding the power back.

I want a switch

>won't be able to get one in around 2 years or 7

it's 2-3 hours of zelda on one charge.

it's difficult to get excited for that, regardless of how good the quality is.

Why did you post the PS4 DQXI gameplay? It's even written there on the screen

looks like it runs about as good as Witcher 3 does on PS4. Not high end PC perfect, but for the majority of the time very smooth. I'm sold on it.

I fucked up. See
I don't mind if a janitor deletes the thread.

The youtube video title says Nintendo/PS4

>it's been 5 years since the vita
Where the hell did the time go?

3DS was much stronger than PSP, the issue was that the 3D gimmick meant each frame had to be rendered twice at different angles for the 3D to work, which ate up most of the GPU's power

It could have easily pushed Vita-tier graphics or above if it didn't have the 3D gimmick

The watermark on the video says PS4 version gameplay.

I want _______

It has way to much rigidness to be a ps4 version.
open that shit up full screen and look at it. looks wii tier

The gameplay is most definitely on PS4. When SE was showcasing the game, the Switch wasn't even displayed yet.

Switch version of DQXI is confirmed to not a port of the PS4 version.

>Masahiro Sakurai: Well then, I would like to ask about each of your new games. First, Dragon Quest XI. The 11th installment in the series will be released simultaneously on Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation 4, and including NX it’s coming out on three platforms, right?

>Yuji Horii: That’s right. The use of hardware is different for each system, so it’s quite a challenge.

>Sakurai: Thank you for working so hard.

>Horii: However, we’re making the 3DS version in both 3D and 2D. I asked my staff, “Is that something we can do?” And they said, “We’ll do it.” So we decided, “then let’s do it.”

>Junichi Masuda: I get the feeling that means there will be four versions across three platforms then, yeah?

>Horii: That’s right. There are a lot of difficulties because of that. Each one has a different look to it, and there’s also a PlayStation 4 version, so if we make a small fix then we have to fix it across every version.

The fuck

Yeah the gpu was a good deal faster considering it was pushing twice the resolution and extra FOV for the 3d and had more advanced graphical effects available to it but the CPUs were pretty similar in performance.
I'd call it the same ball park from that. But i can see how you'd think otherwise as well.

Switch can only handle last gen's ports at best.

DQXI is nuts, they're basically developing 3 different versions of the same game simultaneously

4 versions for 3 platforms.

Oh right, the 2d version on the second screen

Isn't that just a fancy minimap?

Well it can probably handle lower end current gen ports like the cross gen games on ps4 and ps3 or ps4 and vita.
Whether they can convince the devs of those games to throw switch a bone is another story.

On 3DS you can either choose the 3D or 2D mode at one time. Only at the beginning it displays both 3D and 2D.


Also rise of the tomb raider was on 360 so the switch might be able to handle that if nintendo didn't cheap out too much with the CPU.