FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S
>Every single future mainline Final Fantasy game will now be developed to pander to Western audiences

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S


>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S
it's a blunder alright


>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S
Really makes you think.

OP is an even bigger blunder than FFXV.
Nice job.

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

good job ruining your own thread xv-kun, that's why you only use 1 personality at time while posting.

Brilliant fucking thread.


>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

pretty sure he was banned twice this morning

ones on his puter then on his phone when he whinged about his pooter ban

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

It's the tank's job to get hit, I don't see the problem.

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

What the fuck am I reading ?

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S


Rune Factory Frontier

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

screencap me pls

Is that a boy or grill?

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S
uhhh that's not how it works

I really hate people like him. There is a similar autistic guy on /tg/ who leaks into Sup Forums and he also goes on /vg/ (so he's double autistic).


>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

You right now, faggot.

Does it matter?

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S


>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

Whatever you say, pal.


>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S


>yfw this is actually better than your average FFXV thread

>Asian slut shoving he...
>Mom shows her large...

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

I see no Aranea...

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

Dead Eyed Crying Anime Grills are the best. I'd post the Aghaeo Life picture but that's not suitable.

>mfw I'll NEVER get this many (You)'s

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

Fucking Yanks and their equality.

sauce on these two

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

You can give them yourself

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S




But that's not how it works. I want genuine (You)'s. The guy posting ahageo grills is samefagging with a phone + flying mode, but that's not genuine. I want legit (You)'s from kind anons.

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S
This sentence perfectly encapsulates the mindset of Sup Forums when discussing sales of any game

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>Validating yourself by how many people respond to you on Sup Forums

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

I know what you're up to.


>op wanted to make a garden variety shitpost that might get him a result or two
>he fucked it all up with a single mistake, and now he's raking in the (you)s like a weekend hero

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

I do it to pretend I have friends, user. Don't you dare pretend you don't react like this.

Vast majority is a guy on a phone abusing the flying mode to post cropped porn.

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>OP still hasn't deleted the thread yet
what a fucking attention whore

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

How fucking new are you? I hope this is bait. (You).

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>What is pruning your thread
Look at this faggot.

Because you fucked up, I'm going to call you a nigger. Haha, you nigger!

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

Am I the only one who read this as FFXV initially tanking and becoming a hit over time in the US?

>twice this morning
That has to be the 4th-5th time in a week span


>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

sauce? iqdb and google can't find shit

Did none of you play Valkyria Chronicles? Japs don't care about western money. They'll make ffxvi pander even harder to japs by tossing in some more waifus they can sell merch of.

>>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S

This reminds me of the time when someone on Sup Forums was boasting about Prototype being better than Infamous because Prototype can run on a wall and Prototype can't.

hows this thread still going

Don't be so stingy, user. Give the poor OP a (You).

This might be the last time he gets a decent haul.

its Sup Forums
That's why

>FF XV tanked in the U.S and was a hit in the U.S