Consistently shits blood and constantly suffers from bad stomach cramps for 18 months

>consistently shits blood and constantly suffers from bad stomach cramps for 18 months
>doesn't once think to visit his GP in this space of time

What was he thinking?

"It'll go away"

is he dead yet

his wife probably told him to ignore so when he dies she and her son can inherit his fortune

get cancer and die

What will be the last game he plays before his life gets capped at a silky smooth zero frames per second?

sadly no

Anyone else notice how his wife suddenly lost loads of weight and became much better looking after we found out he was gonna die?

Really makes you think.

>consistently shit blood and vomit whenever I eat food
>go to military doctor cuz tricare
>"lol you have acid reflux user here are some antacid tablets"
>still suffering to this day.
fuck this gay earth. If this kills me i'll just accept it.

I'm not even memeing m8 his wife is a class A goldigger who is hoping he will die, I know her type too well

I have the same symptoms and my GP literally said "it's hemorrhoids and the rest is in your head lol bro XD". Turns out it wasn't hemorrhoids.

If you consider "the medical world" to be knowledgeable you're mistaken kid. They don't give a fuck.

They can't even diagnose Lyme disease properly so if you're unlucky and catch the disease you're not only done for life but you will remain undiagnosed and people will label you as depressed and lazy while this abomination of a disease sucks all your life energy.

Same thing for multiple sclerosis, most diagnosis are made YEARS after the initial symptoms. Because "lol it's in ur head XDD". Same thing for myasthenia etc etc etc.

The medical world is a fucking joke.

>mfw he dies while playing star citizen for the first minutes
>bonus point if the game is actually shit

Sounds like gastritis, or ulcer m8. Antacids won't do shit in the long run. You need to get that tube down your throat to check what is going on in your stomach.

That's the shit things with stomach issues, the only way to have a diagnosis is to get an endoscopy. No other way.

oh man if the guy who embodies everything cancerous about the mustard race dies before he can play their magnum opus it will be glorious.

That's general practitioners, while I would like to tell you 'they're not representative of my profession' there's far too many of these malpracticing idiots running around.

To be referred to an expert who could actually help you, you are often required to go through an idiot who has to recognize your illness or have enough humility to accept they don't know.

>Swear I have some kind of infection in my tonsils because they hurt all the fuckin time
>Go to the doctor
>Nah it's fine, you should watch your sodium levels though
>Tonsils about to fucking explode
>Go to doctor
>Jeez how long did you leave this untreated we should remove these as soon as possible
I fucking hate doctor's, they are so smug and retarded while simultaneously inept, since then I've met nurses who are so quick to say "this might be happening" or "be careful of this" but doctor's will wait til your on deaths fucking door before telling you "oh yeah that bad flu you came in for months and months and months ago that I said was a case of allergies was actually a mutated breed of smallpox"

isn't his cancer actually in remission?

Does anybody know where 'his' kid's actual dad is?

These doctors are simply lazy because they're used to their comfy scheduling and don't want to file paperwork or make calls referring you for a check-up.

Yeah, most physicians are hacks and I can't wait for IBM Watson to replace them all.

>used to have these problems
>just stopped outta nowhere
>haven't had it for years now
I'm probably still dying but it's ok.

>To be referred to an expert who could actually help you, you are often required to go through an idiot who has to recognize your illness or have enough humility to accept they don't know.

Exactly. I tried to contact the said mega specialists, turns out i had to jump through 600 hoops and get examined by 39585068608 "general practitioners" (which are mostly students lmao) before getting an appointment, appointment with a six months waiting list.

Just let me die already.

Your medical care is shit.
And I'm saying that as a fag from a developing slav state

>Says he's not going to play RDR2 because of the 30fps cap

Does this retard not realise he's not going to live much longer if I was him I'd be willing to just play the fucking game and live with it under the circumstances

He'll I probably wouldn't be playing vidya that much at all but I guess TB wants to spend his final years/months playing shitty indie games on steam

>Crendor shows that TB eats extremely unhealthy drinking shitloads of soda and eating a fuckload of fat and sugar rich junk food
>TB chimps out and calls people who are shocked at his unhealthy lifestyle "judgemental fucks"
>His poor diet contributed to his ass cancer which spread to his liver.

Not saying TB deserves cancer but he didn't do anything to help himself whilst calling people who were trying to help him judgemental fucks.

It's terminal I think

Where do you live? I could potentially get you a referral if you're an EU citizen.

Otherwise if the waiting lists aren't doing you justice and you're concerned my best advice is to look abroad and book a private clinic visit. It's far cheaper than you'd think, I've seen patients pay 200-300 for full radio/ultra/x-ray/CAT by private services in Ireland (or less if you're willing to try Prague / Wroclaw).

I live in Switzerland dumb fuck. We're rated as one of the best country with it comes to medical care, and the cost of our health insurances are so high that by paying one month of my insurance i could afford two houses in your shitty slavland country.

The problem isn't the medical care, the problem is the MEDICAL STAFF. The problem is KNOWLEDGE and the the problem is DECISION. There's only a handful of people that really know their shit and that will make the necessary exams adapted to your case no matter the cost of it.

All the rest is garbage, usually imported from other countries (if you ever went to an indian GP you will know what i mean).

to be fair though most doctors have to constantly deal with idiots who diagnose themselves with terminal cancer when they have a flu or just fakers pretending to be sick so they don't have to work, can get welfare, sympathy, attention etc it's people like that who make it more difficult to find the real illnesses

>still see blood in stool every now and then
>just assume its due to a tricky shit and some bad eating the night before and forget about it
>probably dying but who cares vidya isnt fun anyway

I'm sure it'll stop eventually.

Would Sup Forums still just sit around playing games if they were dying?

Surely you'd do a shitload of drugs and some travelling if you're dying. Not just play vidya at home alone.


Probably just eating less from stress and whatnot.

I am pretty sure majority of western games are now Multiplatform.
RDR2 is probably coming to steam in less than a year once rock star optimizes it for PC like they did whit GTAV.

He's training for the aftermath of Obamacare getting revoked.

It's so ironic that he cares so much about framerates but has no issue with games that are just straight up ugly.

But neither of those things appeal to me even if there were no consequences.

Your country is exceptionally clean and it's people are friendly.

I'd probably do as much drugs as I can and take up painting or some shit.

Shes preparing to move her nesting grounds and find a new suitable mate.

Which makes it all the more fucking useless. My point stands

>RDR2 is probably coming to steam in less than a year once rock star optimizes it for PC like they did whit GTAV.

He might not have that long

That's fair. What would you do in a world without consequences?

>tfw been finding blood on toilet paper and have had stomach pains for almost a year
>Don't care enough about myself to do anything about it

I'm not a fucking doctor, but I've been told that if you see blood in your shit, and it's light/bright and just on the outside of the stool it's likely just roids or fissures. If it's a deep, dark red that is also INSIDE the shit, means its a problem deeper in

>to be fair though most doctors have to constantly deal with idiots who diagnose themselves with terminal cancer when they have a flu or just fakers pretending to be sick so they don't have to work, can get welfare, sympathy, attention etc it's people like that who make it more difficult to find the real illnesses

So ? It's part of their job. If you start cheaping out on people and drop quick and vague diagnosis you should fuck off and start doing something that doesn't put the health of someone at risk. Like cleaning dishes at your local pizzeria. Because yes, not making a correct diagnosis of cancer when the signs are there is putting the life of someone at risk.

is the blood bright red or dark red?

If it's bright red you're straining too hard when you shit and need to improve your diet

if it's like a dark red you probably have internal bleeding and should see a doctor

I'd be fair if I wasn't positive my doctor thinks I'm just trying to score painmeds whenever I go in for severe illness.

Give me a shot you smug fuck, it doesn't need painkillers, I'm getting drunk and/or smoking for the pain later anyway.

I told my doctor I had trouble sleeping at night and the guy browbeats me thinking I'm trying to score a medicinal card, as if I can't just buy shit off the street, I just want a sleep aid or anti anxiety medication that works, if I wanted to get high you think I'd pay a fucking 50 dollar deductible for you to tell me no?

That's the common meme being spread but in reality it's far more complex.

how would you know if it's inside your shit without breaking the turds apart and closely examining it? also if the blood is dark how would you even distinguish it from the shit?

Whatever you say, oz

Sup Forums - colon cancer and blood shits

Looks like it's time to eat more fibre.

>It's part of their job.
yeah, and it's part of their job to treat immigrants and bored housewives and paranoid old people and the welfare scroungers, none of them are sick but they're still in the hospital and need treatment, blame them kiddo

Tricare is the bane of the earth.
I love when people talk about "FREE HEALTHCARE" like it means shit in the military.

>Your spine hurts and a disk is bulged?
>Here's some Ibuprofen, and if it still hurts, take this Tylenol.
>It still hurts? Fucking quadruple the dosage.

When I got in, I looked at people that milk injuries to the VA as money-grubbing asshats. Now I see they are the truth.
If my back is trying to collapse, and you want me to march with a 40 pound rucksack, 20 pound assault pack, carry a 35 pound duffel bag, a 8 pound weapon with 7 pounds of ammo, while wearing 30 pounds of helmet and body armor, you can pay me when I break since you won't fix me when I do.

I have had more succes with self diagnosis than with the retarded gp i have.

That really shouldn't be the case.

True. But i shouldn't be the victim of this shitty system. Especially when it's my health we're talking about. We have only one.

Government should put a cap on how much hospitals can charge you desu. Health care sector are super fucking jews charging outrageous amounts for shit

that's one of the reasons tort is such a divisive political issue. doctors can lose their license or be sued for handing out the wrong diagnosis or prescription, so they'll err on the side of caution and assume most people are lying without observable symptoms

I thought he's in remission tho.

It's almost like framerate has a direct impact on the gameplay but graffixxx don't

That's what happens when doctors can just make shit tons of money and have everything they want. Countries with free healthcare got it right.

Sorta middle I suppose, idk.

I really do not care though. I was gonna neck myself anyway, if this will do the job for me, then that's ok by me.

we already have a government cap on that it's called medicare/aca

>Blame them
For what? Doctor's make huge dosh
I'll blame the immigrants and welfare queens for my shit health insurance sure, but I'm not going to blame a doctor who is pocketing a cool 100 thousand dollars a year+bonuses+benefits being incompetent on poor widdle him having to tell paco to go home he's fine. I don't even think people die from lack of cancer awareness, I think it's because of these faggot doctors who don't give a shit.
>Bbbut you should feel sorry, I had to spend 3 and a half hours a day for 2 whole days in a row prescribing Tylenol to poor people

Don't say that, you'll trigger all the edgelords here.

Pretty much this.

My appendix exploded and I went unconscious due to the pain. Was rushed to the hospital and woke up appendixless, and thousands of dollars in debt because lul no healthcare. Thanks Obama, don't even qualify for your healthcare

Dunno, I figured this was a regular occurrence in obese people.

I've been bleeding when I poo on a near weekly basis for like 16 years now.

I'm pretty sure I'm just prone to anal fissures because it's always during painful poops, but the blood has become more voluminous I'm recent years so I should probably get a camera put up there.


Have any of you asshole-bleeders ever had a colonoscopy?

tell him to take large doses of vitamin c and resveratrol, smoke weed and take cbt oil

You would have if the origonal version of the aca would have been aproved.

I think most of them are just fat neckbeards with hemorrhoids desu

Joe Rogan comes to Sup Forums?

red blood is almost always innocent enough, when you have very dark / black blood coming out with your shits then you need to go the doctor asap.

i had this for a few years
decided to check up on it
anal fissure it was
check anyway user

The original version of the ACA didn't pass because it was literally communist fucking healthcare.

what was the anal fissure for ? was it because you kept holding your doo doo in and not taking a dump asap ?

I actually think this is close to what TB´s general practiioner told him initially, and that is why is he is such a bad shape now He tought he had hemorrhoids (no wonder because he eat like shit) and the doctors scrwed up at diagnosing him.

I live in the UK and work in a hospital and trust me free healthcare has it's drawbacks, very often we have people coming in who called a fucking ambulance when they have a cold, ridiculous. People take advantage of the system when they don't have to pay for anything, then the quality of the healthcare drops and can't treat people who are really sick.

Well, Biscuit claims that she actually makes more money on the stock market than he does doing Youtube.

Nevertheless, a GP who actually bothers to do his job would send your ass ASAP to a gastroenterologist for an accurate ass-diagnosis

I shit blood for like 3 days some months ago and I got freaked out and went almost full vegan with some chicken for a while and it went away. Was a lot more careful after that

This man needs an isolation tank

>Sup Forums jokes about cancer all the time
>1 in 10 men will get prostate cancer some point in their life
>Every 10 posts a user loses his ability to have children

>Exactly. I tried to contact the said mega specialists, turns out i had to jump through 600 hoops and get examined by 39585068608 "general practitioners" (which are mostly students lmao) before getting an appointment, appointment with a six months waiting list.

I'm fortunate enough that I'm very well off, so when my twin was bitten by a massive bloated tick - we went straight to the specialists and guess what - she has lyme disease. Bypassing doctors who usually send said patients to them.

>making money on the stock market
yeah he's full of shit, she probably just takes his money and wastes it on terrible investments

got a huge fucking hemorrhoid inside my asshole that makes shitting suck. don't know what to do about it honestly since it's been there forever. makes pooping annoying but that's about it.


Get a surgery maybe?

>1 in ten men
Not 1 in ten average men you retard, you have to factor in the retards in actual third worlds and Africa and shit.

It's like that stat that says 1 in 4 women will be raped, that's only because Africans rape a new girl every day back home

Or that "in an average lifetime you will swallow 100 spiders in your sleep" you won't swallow any but the faggots on this board who sleep on the fucking ground will swallow roughly 10 a day and skew the numbers.

thanks, immunity cat

I know he's said a lot of stupid things, but Yahtzee doesn't deserve to die so early.

>I know her type too well

share your story user

>It's like that stat that says 1 in 4 women will be raped,
that's more because in the West slapping a woman on the ass is rape

it's not bad enough to go to a doctor about it, just annoying.

had one done last year, takes 15 minutes

>it's not bad enough to go to a doctor about it, just annoying.

>only viable option to get rid of an annoyance