Sup ForumsGA 2016

Voting ends in 1 day.

Use the voting links in latest replies.

For each category, drag the available candidates to the right hand list and rank them in the order of preference. After finishing click SUBMIT at the bottom. It's not important to rank every candidate, you can choose to rank only the most liked.

Contribute a skit for a chance to win 100$:
Teaser is a thing:
More indepth voting system explanation:

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This link will be valid for the current hour:




When will we know the exact time of the show by?

>6 posts
>3 IPs
Nice shilling. Your awards are shit and you faggots need to fuck off already.

Early February most likely
It'll be posted on Sup Forums. You can check on the website too around that time.

Calm down, Keighley.

I can get a new IP if it triggers you so much. My ISP uses dynamic IPs


>biggest technical blunder
wtf do you mean by 'technical' blunder
do you mean like shit graphics/framerate, lots of glitches? or do you mean the entire game was a blunder

Tech purely technical side, yes.


stream when


I hate video games

Technically all video games are fucking shit

There's an award for you. Check the /vr/ award for best '96 game.

Can't wait to find out who did reddit vote for on a show made by redditors who constantly shill their shitty show that everyone hates on Sup Forums.

>reddit goty

>Sup Forums goty
D44M, Hitman

if i already voted using an expired link, how do i get my votes to transfer to Sup Forums recognized votes? just hit "vote" on every page again?

The votes suggest Sup Forums is the best news outlet (only Sup Forums would vote like that).
And coupled with cut nominations for best award show which was won by Sup ForumsGAs I guess Sup Forums indeed thinks this thing is the best award show possible.

Nominations for the second award in the following post.


Cut nominations for best award show.


Just in time to alter my vote to nintendo for crimes against gaming.

Previous link has expired. Here's a new link:

Good point. Imma shitvote Nintendo's Switch to hell


Sad that switch was announced so late. Nothing has come close to the incompetence I am hearing about switch.

300 dollars I can take
32 GB I can forgive
Fucking paid online is reaching my limit
Then we get news that
>Voice chat via smart phone
>You get to keep SNES/NES games for one month and if you want to keep playing them you pay.

Fuck nintendo.

Sorry didn't notice it, yes just visit a new one.

>paid online

You can't even browse the internet without paying up to access the browser?
I've been out of the loop of Nintendo business.

>nintendo games

Switch is dumpster fire tier
That is all you need to know
Literally kill my faith in gaming for 2017

There's still for hope for the Scorpio and MS's Hololens

Not if they keep giving their exclusives to Win 10. Why would I buy a shitbox when I can play the game at 60 FPS or higher and better graphics on my PC?

>for best visual aesthetics
>Dark Souls 3
No matter how I look those games don't even stand close to best aesthetics


but do i have to re-vote since i already voted or just click the link or what

Just click resubmit again to be completely sure.

i voted va-11 hall-a in every award to the top, i hope i accidentally haven't voted it in worst game or a mock or sarcastic award.

Do you guys just vote your favorite games no matter if there are better fit games for an award? For example in the soundtrack award.

More like switch it for a PS4

Scorpio looks better than iterations of PS4.

voted furi for every category

This is the reason why America is turning to literal shit



Based on what?
Cause Scorpio and PS4 are close enough in performance that people are going to buy them based on the exclusives they offer

I did vote.

Scorpio outperforms PS4Pro by a large margin.

For what tho

For those few awards where SW2 is in and placed it topmost.

New code in 3... 2... 1...

New voting link for the hour, previous one expired.

>5 seconds apart


Benchmarks or GTFO


When will awards be up?


>11 posters
>you are responsible for at least 5 posts

Good work, samefriend! What's your favorite video game?



pls vote

best poster

did my duty

Do some of us a favour, make a quick poll for the switch too and call it "Pretend to be stupid - Award, for predicting the future of the Switch" and let us vote on this just one weekend and thats it.

Anyways, when will the Sup Forumsga go live? End march maybe?

Can boat nakey?

I make nakey

I voted doom top of every category instead

>Anyways, when will the Sup Forumsga go live? End march maybe?
>make a quick poll for the switch too and call it
You can make a strawpoll or I promise to vote in it.

mainstream pleb

yes helo? nu cod pls

Previous voting link has expired, here's a new one.



Hello OP, when will we have the results?

When the show airs, around early February.

thanks, by the way my apologies for making a question that was already answered above, for some reason I skipped that part of the thread.

Kill yourself immediately

hit men or doum ,?


I can't wait to put Pokemon S&M dead last in every category.



Don't add them at all if you want them dead last. IF you vote for them in any way, they'll get a vote.

New Code:



Which game will win for the funkiest title of 2016?

Thanks for the feedback.

user, that's lewd.

Remember the harmony

>Best representation of women
The most difficult category

New voting code the for hour:


More like the dissonance.

Thank god that didn't pass.


I hope they all win.

No sonic, you have to wait until the 2017 show to get your awards.

>this is one of the people running the Sup ForumsGA's
Damn... can't believe we have such brave progressives running a Sup Forums livestream...

36 hours to go, right on the clock.