How come no one talks about it anymore?
How come no one talks about it anymore?
Other urls found in this thread:
it was shit
I was hugely disappointed by this
>oustanding visuals if not a bit cluttered
>great gameplay
>terrible writing
>only one hub
>ME3 tier ending "if you want the rest buy our next games!!!"
It's a single player game everyone already played half a fucking year ago.
It was a good game. It wasn't a masterpiece like Human Revolution but it was a good game. You play it, enjoy it, then forget about.
That's pretty much it.
>half a year ago
Nigger what? I was released only two months ago.
Graphics were good and it was fairly well optimized on PC.
Gameplay was an improvement over HR in every way.
Story however, took a nose dive with all the Aug apartheid shit, and you not even knowing what happened to Jensen between supposedly dying on Panchea and working for proto-UNATCO.
Prague is a good hub, but it shouldn't be the only one in a Deus Ex game.
Release date: August 23, 2016
there's not much to say anymore
it was decent, but it's a bit short and lacking in overall story arc and stuff
There's very little story to talk about
>doos echs
It was my GOTY from the gameplay alone, shame about the story.
It was barely talked about to begin with.
It was alright, bit better than HR but the "Episode in the life of main character" plot doesn't suit Deus Ex.
>still haven't removed denuvo despite it being cracked
I really want to buy it, but they don't want me to.
fucking 16 GB of ram fuck off game im poor
It's alright.
They also haven't removed Steamworks. Another excuse for you, poorfriend.
>release something that only feels like half a game
>people only half care about it
Seems normal to me
because it's clearly not a complete game.
publishers went maximum jew with minimal viable product, and clearly fucked over the dev team.
pretty good game, had a great story with a great ending, pretty easy to see it was coming, i dont know any idiot how couldnt see it coming, and if they were waiting for more they are just idiots, dont worry about them
Kinda short, but I enjoyed it.
Shame there likely won't be another one in a long while, if ever, which is said because cyberpunk stuff is pretty fucking rare anymore.
It wasn't memorable.
The best story bit is the one they dont tell you and you have to discover by yourself.
Jensen is a clone and you can find the original jensen's corpse in one of te vaults.
I guess it was a twist reveal for when the game was planned to be longer.
But pierce ir together by yourself is way more satisfying
>original jensen's corpse in one of te vaults
I remember some documents and blueprints but no corpse.
it was bland and forgettable
so YOU are the asset in the taskforce the mole talks about
Wait, that whole "clone" thing was true?
he never asked for it
Better than HR. But since it's not a bad game and it's not a masterpiece + no surprise effect like with HR, there's nothing to shitpost about.
And denuvo so like Dishonored 2 and HITMAN, it's one of those good games almost nobody here played.
either the player is a clone or someone with jensen's memories implanted (like the serial killer sidequest)
Is it just me, or was Mankind Divided a lot less hyped than Human Revolution? Back in 2011, there was the pre-release leak that got everyone excited. the "I never asked for this" memes and stuff all over Sup Forums for ages, and all the "Would you get yourself augmented" threads, but with Mankind Divided, no one really gave a shit.
Could be because there was no leak this time and they also used Denuvo without even releasing a demo combined with microtransaction jewery in a fucking singleplayer game (only scum like EA do this).
It's like suits don't ever learn.
The hub was great though.
>Jensen between supposedly dying on Panchea
They said a bit after the game was announced that HR's endings were not canon.
It's never explicitly said, so if the writers/devs wanted to back out of it they still have wiggle room to do so. But there's optional pocket secretaries which, combined with the serial killer and mystery augs sidequests very heavily imply that you are some kind of double that's had Jensen's memories plugged into his brain.
Anyway, I felt that the game was generally good but too short. I like the series and want to support it, but feel that I can't if it means supporting the publisher's practices of teasing out as little as possible to make the player purchase more and more.
I'm 22 and feel as if I've already missed most of my life anyone else feel that way?
If you're working above minimum wage or at least working on your degree then you're still good, no reason to worry. Otherwise you're FUCKED
>ME3 tier ending
I don't think you played ME3 or followed the series up to its release.
>If you're working above minimum wage
I fall into that category, but yet, I still feel fucked.
holy fuck you guys are right it was released in august 2016 and we're now mid january 2017.
but I JUST played it?
Nope you are just older, faggot.
I'm 22 as well and feel like I can't get a different education anymore.
The first one had some great ideas that were cut but ultimately didn't really affect it. With this one it actually felt that they'd cut about half of the stuff, it's like they beefed up some DLC in places.
That's probably not true but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was originally a lot more planned than we got and it would've tied everything together better.
I'm 28, still working on my degree, spent all my teenage timevand large portions of early adulthood with vidya, nowadays barely have any friends nor social skills and can't be arsed tto do the final two exams for my degree.
You're still plenty good, man.
thanks, I just feel fucked because I just stopped studying law and have no idea what to do now
>Cyberpunk futuristic setting
>set in an old style low tech european town
Yeah, no. It was a decent hub, but it was as comfortable as either of HR's hubs.
If you still have some resemblance of a social life you're not that fucked, clutch with a minimum wage job and work towards something you like and if you have social skills you'll make it. That's what I did.
>If you still have some resemblance of a social life
>on Sup Forums
I mean I could have written you're fine if you just win the lottery but that would be equally unlikely
Killing yourself is always an option.
> two jensens
it's even on the menu screen
where the fuck is the rest of the game
It's supposed to be deep yo :^)
Is the game optimized to run on toasters? That 16GB ram post made kinda doubt.