ITT: Sup Forums memes that are irrelevant now

ITT: Sup Forums memes that are irrelevant now


Is NIOH out?

Thought that was going to be a loss

I'm looking forward for the updated version of this with Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Nioh, Horizon and Persona 5 in a few months.

Bloodborne is irrelevant now?

PS4 HAS NO GAMES is back in business boys

>4 years since PS4 came out
>Still a Bloodborne machine
>Sonyggers still deny this

To be fair, it'll soonish become a NIOH machine. CURRENTLY it's a NOGAMES machine though, because Bloodborne is dead as shit.

I unironically only have bloodborne on my ps4 and don't regret it.
I just can't enjoy anything that doesn't follow the souls formula.

Sure we can shop Last Guardian into that now? Let it Die is supposed to be good and is exclusive to their online service, right?


>he plays Bloodborne for the multiplayer

>3 years worth of games

The P"Cuck" meme.

>someone edited out the other copies

I have that same IKEA thing. I use it to house my classic consoles.

I want to make a Switch version.

It's the only reason to replay any of the Souls(borne) games.

pvpfags are the cancer that killed this series community
fucking end your life

>NIOH isn't even in the image
Why did you post a list of trash of varying heaps and smells?

Blood borne was always irrelevant, look at those abysmal sales

They're the only reason the games are still relevant.

This. The autism started with pvp.

Auto might be good.

Basing it off drakangard tho.

Everything else looks p shit.

Relax, you stupid soulsfag.

Needs FFXV as well.

PC is best

Muh expensive parts is a meme for what you get

That's on Xbone and probably coming later to PC though.

I still don't understand why mods instantly delete any unboxing or vidya collection threads that happen to show a black hand meanwhile white ones are left up. I guess the mods really are racist.

Dont kid yourself, PC is also garbage.

What about Furi then?

Also on Xbone and PC.

Ikea furniture has always been a meme

haha youre a porch monkey


Because you're baiting offtopic shitposting, genius.

Nioh is getting a PC release

>published by Sony
sure thing

>Last Guardian

But literally every thread baits offtopic shitposting. It's the very basis of Sup Forums

>10 games after 4 years

Uncharted 4 was good too.

Can't wait to load up bloodborne and mix this playthrough up with a different build than the last one.

Oh wait.

>bought a PS4
>didn't buy Bloodborne
>bought SFV instead
What'chu gonna do about that, girly-user?

When did LBP die out? I remember 1 and 2 being great, never touched 3 though because my PS3 got fucked

>Bought a worse game

>some meh games no one really wants to play
Bloodborne is the only actually solid title people would consider buying PS4 for. The others are just "might as well so I get some use out of it". It's pitful.

I'm not even a sonygger but don't dis nier, faggot

I did exactly this, buying a PS4 for Bloodborne and then buying more games because I thought that same thing, and I ended up enjoying all of them. No regrets.

>is the only actually solid title people would consider buying PS4 for.

Yet it only has over 2 million sales, even though the console has over 53 million.

What are people buying the bloodborne machine for if not bloodborne?


I haven't played PS4, but heard you talking shit bout odin sphere fag

what even is NIOH

i don't know what the acronym means and google isn't giving me any results

>that last one
is that another muramasa type of game?
might be neat

>persona 5
>KH 1.5+2.5
>nier until the port is finished
>red dead redemption 2 (because who the fuck owns an xbone)
>yakuza 0
looks like I might finally get some value out of my ps4 this year

It's not an acronym, the game is actually called Nioh. Pronounced like Neo, I think. It's just stylized in allcaps.

Odin Sphere is a PS2 game, and the re-release is a PS3 game.

For FIFA, CoD and Battlefield 1. Just like every other console before it, cult games don't sell consoles, it's just getting "this gen's console to play with my bros".
Sale numbers should be completely irrelevant when deciding whether or not to buy a console, most console gamers have shit taste.

>4 Years
>4 worthwhile exclusives
>13 Exclusives
>2 worthwhile.

Sounds like the switch is winning.

kill yourself if you are seriously that bad at googling

Yes, that's the remake of Odin Sphere, which Vanillaware made before Muramasa.

Bloodbornestation Nioh 4

it's not an acronym, it's moon for benevolent (ni) king (ou)

trying a bit too hard there user

Nier isn't exclusive, though. Or so they said, anyway.