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Screenshot thread
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>take all the turrets with me
>every combine encounter is too easy
I'd rather you told me to post my latest screenshot so I could still post anything but I had an excuse for it looking like shit.
For all the money they probably spent on facial capture they forgot to put any emotion in the eyes
Trine 3 was really beautiful, but fuck, why'd have to cut it so short? Fucking loved playing co-op with my friends
Do the couriers even get held responsible for this shit? This is why I never order hardware online.
hurr durr Hitmern
>matchmaking doesn't work
>pve looting doesn't work
>the only thing you can do is staring at menus
never trust russians
Fucking amazing boss fight
>"See this example of an absurdly rare occurrence? Yeah, that's my reason for not buying stuff online"
Jesus Christ you are literally retarded.
You could stunlock and cheese this boss with the right attack
t. Amazone worker
I remember that asshole hitting me with one of his fucking ice thingies during the cutscene and every time I died to the boss it would respawn me with half HP. I was fucking pissed because I had to kill him without getting hit a single time.
sometimes, but they often claim that the costumers is at fault for packaging frail things incorrectly.
The best is to order from someone who offer you some kind of assurance. For example amazon always refund in case of damage during the shipping.
Anyway it's definitely not something that happen often.
I don't even remember why this happened
Lmao, why did you just reload your save? The save point is right next to it
It was rather freaky, though
Well, it was the first time I fought that guy so I thought it was part of the bossfight. Didn't help that my first playthrough was on the hardest difficulty setting and took me well over 40 fucking hours.
What the fuck?
Does 47 age in reverse? Like a reverse Solid Snake?
>started on Nightmare
Most people start on hard. That's pretty hardcore
Nightmare isn't the hardest setting, but the hardest available if you havn't played it before
I did an inferno run afterwards but that was way easier since I knew all the bosses already. Also I think bosses don't deal more damage on inferno, only regular enemies though. The lava cave was a pain in the ass because of it.
Ah yeah prostitute of magmell
The game was way too short and I wish it was translated
But damn the spoiled girl getting into selling her body for daddies debt plot was good
Doesn't the bosses have more health / more attacks on inferno?
I didn't see any differences. And even if they do a bit more damage you usually die in two hits on nightmare anyways, so slightly higher numbers don't affect you that much.
I don't even know why this is in my steam screenshots folder. I pirated it
Not so much damage, but more like moves. The bosses have more moves the higher the difficulty. I'd be weird if they made a difficulty setting just to make the regular monsters stronger
I rather have a short game which skips dull dongeon grinding an focuses on the lewd instead than boring shit like Adriane where you get 1 scene inbetween killing the same mobs for 4 hours.
is this why lethal poison counts as an accident for this contract?
yuo see ivan if yuo ignore the bench yuo will become one with earth
>get into a helicopter
>change to first-person view
>see this
From what I remember inferno was just something they added with a patch. There was also that secret boss at the end of it which I beat first try because they start you out with the best items in the game on max level and with the revive item equipped.
I don't know, after trying of a half hour to get him to puke into the toilets I just put a bulled into every guard in the house, knocked him out and threw him out of the window
Kiting a boss while because you decided to two-man the dungeon with a friend. Fun times.
It's not really that great of a game, though
Yea, you fight Chester and Dogi's mentor right? The mountain guy? I never played inferno myself
No, those are for the bossrush I think, the inferno secret boss is one of those tiny fluffy things on speed.
Is this Bulletstorm?
I need that winter coat. I fucked up the angel of death mission.
What shocking news did 47 read?
A harrowing tale of a murderous butler.
what is it ... i cant remember
>for this contract
it counts as accident always
GTA V let me increase the resolution past my monitors max, I don't understand, it only goes to 1080p for anything else
Skyrim launches in 4k for me but I have 1080p monitor.
Some things are never meant to be solved.