"VTMB Thread"

Sup Forums. VTMB doesn't hold up.

VTMB's only saving grace is the carefully considered concept/character design for Jeanette. Troika went through 50+ concept sketches and recreated her 3D assets from scratch numerous times. Troika made DAMN sure their poster girl could carry their fledgling game because they knew none of you would be ever play it without Jeanette being the brand-able mental point of reference everyone has for VTMB. Not a single one of you would make these threads without Jeanette. Not a single one.

Let's get real Sup Forums:
Deep in your subconscious, we both know she's that lasting value when you mention VTMB. Regardless how much you claim to "like the atmosphere even if it's kind of buggy" part of you gets that added special spark in your being when you get to sincerely say "I love VTMB" because your inner being is internally jumping for joy because you can safely plaster images of the busty alabaster goddess under the guise of "just liking the game" without fear of being judged.

If you're actually in these threads just because you're secretly interested in seeing Jeanette's masterful polygons one more time: you're fine by my watch, Anons. She got a generation of 4channers to give a chance to a buggy, incomplete, disastrous mess of a game; long enough of a chance to see it actually has modestly decent writing. NO OTHER GAME can claim pulling in players to this degree. Name for me any other character which sends you the same electric charge Jeanette sends when she mouths the same spoken lines for the n-thousandth time? (I actually really would like to know if one exists for you)

How about appreciating Jeanette as a masterpiece of character design instead of just saying you "like" VTMB :^)?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is a nosferatu playthough fun?

yeah ok

Translation: "I like Jeanette too user."

It's got nice reactions, particularly if you enjoy discrimination in games, but there is a clear cut of dialogue; nothing to be done without a Masquerade breach.

Mask of a Thousand Faces would've been nice.

>OP makes sincere, thoughtful post about Jeanette
>No one cares
Reminder that Sup Forums is the absolute bottom of the heap when it comes to discussion.

>> fear of being judged.
>implying I'm afraid of being judged for liking tits and posting Malkavian booberella

>Sup Forums.
Stopped reading right there

Can anyone explain to me over Discord how anyone actually enjoys this game? Am I actually unaware of some mental illness which I'm being incredibly insensitive toward? I've taken part in these threads and I've completed this game, I have NO understanding how you people like anything aside from the boobs.

Discord user handle: a3eb5744#0128
Skype: a3eb5744

and other girls are fine too.

all concepts made by people with strange slutty taste but still they have the Taste of what they were doing. on the other side modern developers have to use generic chars or sjw influenced ones. or just overdesign to shit everything

planescape is hated now
baldurs gate too

whats your point? we cant make you love things you dont understend.

Jeantette is a disgusting roastie whore, I enjoy VTMB for excellent writing, world building, quest design, atmosphere, artstyle, sound design including music and overall visuals including face animations.

I can understand. I can. I can.

no you dont. its not your cap of tea
why do you insist? you cant be part of some nerd cult (with 3 and a half atists in)

i never played the game until retroactively about 3-4 months ago, went in blind and loved it.

OP, proved wrong. :)

I insist because I will persevere.

I didn't care for this character for one bit. The twist that she was the alter ego of some weird bitch was a neat twist, but after I was done with they sidequest I completely forgot about the character.

Despite it's obvious flaws I enjoyed the world, quests and the characters. Even the combat. Because it was just really satisfying to send people flying like ragdolls. I don't think it's the best game I've ever played, but a very enjoyable experience.

>Troika went through 50+ concept sketches and recreated her 3D assets from scratch numerous times. Troika
It really can't be overstated how much iteration went into getting Jeanette JUST right.

post more lusty bitches, maybe we will be in a good mood next time

aww man i wanted the hot tub thing

Lel, I don't give a fuck about Jeanette and still come to these threads to talk about this "buggy, incomplete, disastrous mess of a game" that just happens to be better than most games ever made. Also, liking Jeanette more than the other waifus in the game is literal plebeian taste.

Please tell me someone found out how to swap in Harley Quinn's model with the same facial expressions.

If that exists I will cum continuously until dying from dehydration.

that would require people to do work and hook it up

Not unless it already exists.

>VTMB doesn't hold up.
You shut your whore mouth

Can someone with a degree or something explain to me why Jeanette's facial expressions alone cause more rushes for my donger than actual porn?

What is it about her? How does she do it?

Would you Kickstart a fan-servicey standalone action game with Jeanette as the main character?

I would get the biggest tier...

no, what i would prefer is a remake of vtmb so it doesnt run on shitty alpha source

REMINDER that Toreador is the best clan

Anyone else hyped for Vampyr?

>inb4 it's Dontnod, it'll be shit

Vampires are supposed to suck blood, not cock

i have little hope in it, whens it due anyway

Hyped? No. Hopeful it will be mediocre enough to feel the void for a bit?

>Posting on Sup Forums
>Looking for people with a degree
Pick one.

I like jumping ontop of NPCs in this game because they freak out.

She can drain me.

who re skinned Britney spears

Yeah, me too desu

I have two degrees.
and no job

Can you help explain my inquiry?

Basically you've seen enough porn to be used to it, but to see a woman look directly at you flirtatiously is something you experience much less and are not desensitized to. Jeanette's eye contact and demeanor (along with her physical attractiveness) fool your brain into thinking you're actually about to fuck, whereas with porn your brain is recognizing "other people fucking", not "I am about to fuck this chick"

kys you vainglorious narcissistic poseur


>tfw Jeanette is only in the game for 10 minutes

I always thought Jeanette was kind of ugly and never really liked her.

its a bait thread

havent you ever seen monster hunter threads?


what a slut

Bloodlienes is my favorite RPG. Therese and her wardrobe is 100 time hotter to me than Jeanette. Venus is hotter than Jeanette, so is VV.


>its a little different
what did she mean by this?

Hey, do you use anything in particular to make your game look good? Or is that just the high res?

They've done it. There has been an influx of so much newfags that Sup Forums's only unanimously loved game is now considered shit.


Cheap whore and Harley Quinn knock off liked by brainless drooling 14 year old teens. Plebs choice.

The choice of the intelligent adult. Sophisticated, cultivated and pure. Has more to offer compared to le fire hoses XD and tits. Feeds the mind not the body. Would sniff her feet. Patrician choice

Hi Vandal

>Can anyone explain to me over Discord
>over Discord

kill you're self

what a top guy you are Vandal

High res, ambient occlusion and SMAA

The first half is great but they second half is pure ass. Those fuckers had no idea how to design the combat. They just put enemy after enemy after enemy on a level. It was just boring really.

Vandal is an ungrateful cuck. He should be more than happy to serve Miss Voreman.


If any girl pulled me in at the time of release it was the lady who owns the club in the church and her huge plot.

Trying to cuck fat larry.

I bet Venus has an tasty anus

I know i got a weight problem i just dont give a fuck



Is there any real use for Auspex in the game? I never bothered leveling it.

for hardcore RP stealth

Volkswagen > Jeanette

Don't exagerate not everyone here is guided by there dick like you want to believe.
I liked VTMB because of the setting and atmosphere, the characters were also nice.
That being said the combat could have been made a bit more fluid and more options in quests would also have been nice.
The person who came up with the sewer part should be beat up at least.

Why is he so perfect? Better than Jack by a mile.

What happens if you sire a pregnant woman? Does the kid die or does it become a vamp too?

I'll give you a moment to think about it a bit harder

gosh she was even sexier then jeanette

you just don't know what good game design is because you grew up with shit like HALO and CoD as the best FPS ever

Nines is the best bro too bad he is an anarchist.

Someone watched too many Twilight movies

>we'll never get the WoD mmo made by the faggots who made Eve online

Reeeeeeeeeeee, I was actually hyped for it.

There is only one bro

Nines is fucking shit. He and Lacroix can literally go suck each other dry for all I care.

So they knew their audience and put a great deal of effort on fap bait.
They knew it would give them cover on their many flaws.
They were the CDProjekt of their time.

I wanted to rub his bald head

Friendly reminder that vampires are lucky these guys are almost extinct, because they would get their shit kicked in without mercy if there were more of them.

He was more a father figure type guy than a bro.

delet this nines was a bro Lacroix thought that he was fucking royalty.

If they were so great why are they almost extinct?

He is a Tremere and a Jew, he is no one's bro


Nines managed to kill one didn't he?

I had mixed feelings about him. On the one hand I wanted to fuck him, on the other I wanted to diablerize him.


Only if you dont i think.

You never manage to kill a werewolf, man. Look at its eyes after you trap it in the doors.

he has a grenade

I ran like a faggot from it.
It was one of the few times in a video game that I felt nervous/slightly scared from an enemy.

Don't worry, I wanted to fuck him on my Tremere run. He'd be okay with that.

You're retarded, OP
Nobody likes this game because of Jeanette, she's just eye candy for the first hub of the game

OP is baiting, but
>not playing this game for the husbandos instead
Gary is based. BASED.

>implying vv isn't best girl

Tung is the one who's based, Gary is a bitter cleopatra.

Fat Larry does not care about some thot. He has enough for the entire LA female population.