Literally announcing ANOTHER GAME AGAIN

>literally announcing ANOTHER GAME AGAIN
Defend this

Other urls found in this thread:

>Release Xrd
>Make people pay for retarded DLC like system voices and basic things that should be in the game
>Release Revelator
>The same exact DLC again
>Release two new characters then charge people with Revelator $20 for it, while charging full price for everyone else
How is Arc System Works still in business, and who is their PR guy?

It's DLC and a new game.

Full price for those who don't own it. A cheap upgrade for those who already own Revelator

nope, i'm done with them

I have never bought anything from ArcSys since BBCS

Never will until they stop making goddamn PC releases that are outdated by 2 years

>some series have 5 years inbetween releases, people complain shit takes too long to come out
>series has lots of releases and devs are active with it
>they are jews

How many street fighters are there?

It's been established very clearly that it's a DLC not a new game.
Why do people keep thinking that it's a new game

I'm not going to, Modern Fighting Game 101: always wait for at least the 3rd version.

its a dlc update instead of a new $60 game like arcsys normally does. it even comes with story and shit.

The fact that this is hitting every platform apparently simultaneously is probably a first for them.

Its been almost a year since console rev was first available.
That's plenty of time for a dlc expansion to be reasonably released.
Do people really expect a niche developer to just churn out major content updates for free?

They even took advice from their core audience and made it an update instead like people kept wanting but people are still mad about it.

Don't forget the people complaining about them announcing a new game are people who fail to realize these games have been out for much longer than time periods they are complaining about about and people have already been playing, enjoying and, waiting a good while for the next installment since way before they bought it

How are people supposed to shitpost on Sup Forums about video games if you bring up the facts in a calmly manner? We need to be outraged that they are releasing new content for money.

I bought ONE Arc System Works game, which was Blazblue CS and every time they've announced something new I've just told myself "I'll wait for the next slightly improved version with extra stuff." I haven't bought one of their games since.

Wait a minute, it's coming to Xbone as well?

this is the third version

>SFAlpha2 Gold
>SFAlpha3 Upper
>SFAlpha3 Saikyo Dojo
>SF3 3S

25 total not counting the unofficial EX games.

>Defend this
Eh, I'll give it a shot
>Paid DLC Upgrade exactly what people wanted/complained about the lack of from Xrd Sign when Xrd Revelator released
>two new characters so far, unconfirmed if extras
>due to the wizardry they pulled off with Unreal 3, adding even one character takes time, effort, and most importantly money (hence why there are no alt costumes, save the one from a previous game)
>two new stages, might not feel like much but it adds to the value
>two new OST tracks by Daisuke, this is always a good thing
>possibly more story mode content, although due to aforementioned Unreal 3 wizardry, I'll concede that it's unlikely
>every other character gets re balancing
>every other character confirmed to get new moves
When compared to something like SFIV AE, which was a $15 upgrade dlc and added 4 characters with 4 new OST tracks and nothing else, if Rev2 is about $20 for more content with more production value, then I think it's fair. I'd say $30 would be the highest if they were to add more to story mode.

Whats your favorite song from Xrd Sup Forums? Awe of she and Holy orders are both fucking great as well.

The real crime here is ABA not getting announced

only the major consoles
(switch, ps4, ps3)

Well, it's a good thing I skipped out on Revelator then even if I liked SIGN. Now it's just a matter of deciding to take the bait or to wait for another version.

XX kept getting versions even way late into its life.

To compare here's GG

>GGXX#R Blue
>GGXX Slash
>GG Isuka
>GG Judgement
>GG2 Overture (not sure if this should be counted)
>GGXrd Sign
>GGXrd Revelator
>GGXrd Rev2

16 GG games

What's the canon explanation on how she lost her eye?

I like most of the OST so its a hard choice, but ill go with this. The first time it played when Johnny showed up had me super pumped.

The gears attacked Japan?

Literally the old SF4 model, which is pretty fair IMO. ASW experimented with this model somewhat with BBCS1 > 2, but then they did Extends and most hated those.

The most interesting thing is if the balance changes/new moves/overhauled online are going to be free for Rev owners while the rest (characters/story/stages/music) are what you pay for.

And here's BB


7 so.... a lot less.

Not counting vocal themes these stood out to me
>Magnolia Eclair II
>Do the Sheep Count the Sheep
>Dirty Drive
>Jack a Dandy
>Starry Story
>Neo Babel Nose
>Original Bet
>One Dawn
There wasn't any specific one I disliked though. Marionette was surprisingly good, considering how much I thought I'd hate Elphelt before Sign released.

Wasn't ABA one of the most unpopular characters in the polls?

>if Rev2 is about $20 for more content with more production value, then I think it's fa

You literally just said Rev 2 had less new content than AE, what the fuck ?

aw shit I forgot GGX+ so 17 GG games.

You act as though the masses have good taste. ABA is an infinitely more interesting character than Baiken both design and gameplay wise.

>Muh alpha counters

poked herself out with her own nipple during a particularly rough fight

Has started using proper containment ever since

Gears attacked when she was a kid, killed her parents and left her with a limb and one eye less.

1. Each SF series acts as it's own thing, so SF2/Alpha/3/4 are really just separate games with their own revisions
2. GG, since X, have used the same sprites all the way up to AC, despite the gameplay changes.

>You act as though the masses have good taste.

fair point considering bridget and hos vote stuffers.

>muh gorilla rushdown

just because there's a meter attached to it doesnt make it interesting, she's about as interestin as Sin.

BB didn't need the start up GG did with GG1 and X, and some of XX technically.
BB just had to carry on from what ASW learned from around Slash if not AC.
Plus counting Isuka and Judgment is as dubious as Overture.

If you cut out those 3, it's more like 13 games. If you cut out GG1 since X is really where the GG most people are familiar with begins you have more like 12 games.

Did people already forget Blazblue?

That's exactly the same thing Continnum Shift got.

First they released Continuum Shift.
After some time they released Continuum Shift 2 in form of a DLC/Update and seperate release in physical form for those who didn't own CS yet.

And after that we got an Extended Edition but Xrd isn't getting those so it's not worth mentioning.

Baiken announcement is sick as shit. It's one of the better updates you could get.

>four characters
>four OST tracks
>two characters confirmed so far
>two OST tracks confirmed so far
>two new stages confirmed so far
>every single character gets re-balancing
>every single character gets new move(s)
>possibly more story mode content
So basically you just read character numbers. If that's what's important to you then fine, fair enough. Nobody is forcing you to buy it and the compatibility patch will let you play with those who did.


GGXX alone has as many versions as there are blazblue games in total

>(switch, ps4, ps3)
Jesus. That is FUCKED up


CS2 was only physical in handhelds.

Gorilla rushdown you have to earn and maintain. Playing a good base ABA is fucking rad.

Nice response

There were plenty of balance changes for AE

You're just cherrypicking things that are barely content like stages on top of making up the possibility of story content to feed your arguement.

It makes them money, and you keep buying and encouraging them to keep doing it.

Nobody has to defend anything. Facts speak for themselves.

>all those HOS votes stuffed by that one faggot and his brainless drone followers pumping coins into cabinets day and night 24/7

HOShitters really are sad individuals.

>Order Sol is a never ever
>Dizzy got released
>Bridget got skipped for now
>Baiken is next

No one likes meme characters bruh

Because people want to see the story, like Blazblue once it's clear that sol's chapter is finally over people will abandon ship.

She's bi-modal character, there's not that much interesting about her. She's more interesting than Baiken, but much less interesting than Zappa.

He is lying.

>Here’s how it will be released: users who own the original Guilty Gear Xrd: Revelator on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, or PC will be able to update to Guilty Gear Xrd: Rev 2 via low-priced downloadable content. In Japan, Arc System Works is also preparing a PlayStation 4 physical and digital release for less than the cost of a full-priced game.

Like I said, ASW learned from the revisions XX went through. There's also some background shadiness about SEGA Sammy wanting XX to be their SF2 and trickling changes intentionally, but nevertheless it was still a learning experience development wise.

Given the novelty of what they were doing there exists no timeline where GG could have gone from X to the perfection of XX AC+R without something in between.
Xrd is a different matter.

>possibly more story mode content, although due to aforementioned Unreal 3 wizardry, I'll concede that it's unlikely
They explicitly said that there was a new scenario for story mode.

Things like stages and OST tracks cost developers money to make too. This adds to the cost they need to recover hence pricing. I'll admit most content is unconfirmed which is why the $20 to $30 range only should get higher if there's more. The other factor is that GG has a ridiculously time and effort consuming process to add even a single character in.
>There were plenty of balance changes for AE
Fair enough, I actually forgot about that.

Guilty Gear and BB are still somewhat niche in the west, so the japs can dictate the market. The japs just go along with it and pay.

Do people actually like Bridget for the gameplay?

I tried playing him a few times but he never really felt fun to play in any way.

Is it really just trapfags forcing it?

Is Jam considered good or low tier? I remember hearing conflicting opinions.

I actually really enjoyed his playstyle, but Ram already kinda fits his spot at the moment so

How is the Steam version of Accent Core?

Good enough ?

Nobody played Bridget. I'm not sure why he was so popular. It was rare you'd even see a high level bridget, and the only person I knew that claimed to play him was my friend thst doesn't play Guilty Gear really.

No, he literally is a damned meme character, like one of the very few times the term is completely accurate.

fags just love to jack off to him that's all, no one outside of maybe a literal handful of people play him seriously at all because he's so shit.

So basically SSF4 > SSF4AE. Not bad, least ASW figured out that Extends are shit.

Zappa is the most interesting character in GG (If not all fighting games) so it's hard to beat him. In regard to returning vets I'd consider her the most interesting outside of Zappa.

I'm not a trapfag but I mained him in Midnight Carnival. He's basically a rushdown character with an emphasis on setplay. He has good normals and one of the best overdrives in the game, but they're all really easy to block. You have to use Roger to open an opponent up first.

Do you think they'll add more characters? Answer and Baiker already great but considering there won't be new GG for a while I think just 2 new characters is not enough.

It's only bad when Capcom does it because it cool to hate on Capcom.

Baiken sucks

She's only popular because muh pink hair and tits

The only person that holds a candle to him in Guilty Gear, is Venom.

Continuum Shift 2 added 4 new characters.

It's possible that REV2 also gets more than Baiken and Answer.

yes but you'll have to pay extra for them

She's mid-low now. Not very strong but can be annoying and her damage can be pretty good with clean hit Bao finishers. But that's not really relevant now since Rev2 will spice things up with new moves and big rebalance.

shit thought you said Baiken

>He's basically a rushdown character with an emphasis on setplay
So the grand majority of the cast?



I'm not buying shit until Bridget is released.

I can't believe shitting dick nipples got in before him. Fuck the gooks, I want a recount of that popularity poll.

t. SFVshill

I'd say it's likely and reasonable to expect at least one more character. I doubt they'd blow their whole wad immediately on announcements.

She's popular because of her play style, the fact she's an OG cast member from GG1 which you're too young to have ever played babby, and that she happens to be a badass samurai with tits.

They said "Spring update" which they didn't say update last time just announced a new game. So its safe to say there is a high chance it will be a buyable AE/Ultra style update. Or it might be like CS2 for BB where the balancing is free but the characters are priced and nowadays that'll probably mean a season pass.

Anyways ill shill out any amount of money for GG and if it comes to it KOF14 since they're the fights i love the most nowadays. Id rather pay out the ass for those then shit fighter V. That still is guilty of stupid shit like Pro Tour pack for almost half the games price , 4 dollar single costumes and now USF4 being 40 bucks.

Honestly id rather have fighters always be release based/paid update based given how little season 2 has added to the good of SFV. Atleast when you have to put out something more for a established game for money you need to offer some sort of quality.

CS already had those dlc characters. CS2 was a balance patch for consoles and arcades and the name for the handheld ports.

He's fun in SMALL doses, to play as and against. It's mostly just trap fags forcing him though.
People who truly enjoy Bridget shenanigans realize and accept there's literally no point to him being a boy, it's nothing special. he could have came out a girl and nothing would change about him

One Street Fighter V
Three Xrd's

>Retarded DLC
Dizzy/Kum if you missed the free portions are the only stupid locked DLC. Anything else can be gotten through fishing so the DLC is free technically and you can get currency by playing your friends for fuck sakes.
>Assuming Baiken/Answer are gonna be 20$ let alone the only characters


If he was female he'd have no fans, it's literally trapfag bait. He's to GG what Marie is to DOA, shamelss pandering for creeperbux.

One still incomplete game
Three fully complete games.

SFV costs more if you count all the things you need money to get. Where as GG all those things can be gotten with in game currency. Pro tour pack/"premium" costumes/holiday shit equals out to more then what you'll spend with Rev/paid update.

Stop saying three Xrds when its be almost completely confirmed with wording so far it will be AE/Ultra style where if you have the game its a upgrade. So its like two. Two games better then Shitty no neutral fighter V.

I can't other than it's cheap. Hopefully there will be 4 characters instead of 2. They need to get in gear and switch to a season system and just trickle content without the cantankerous version update shit.

and yet more people would rather play the incomplete game :^)

>>Assuming Baiken/Answer are gonna be 20$ let alone the only characters
This is the same company that locks 1 (ONE) character and patch behind retail only expansions.

Wasn't CS2 free for those who already owned CS though?

One still incomplete shitty game at its core*
Three fully complete traditional fighters that have depth at their core and surface*

>He's to GG what Marie is to DOA
Bridget was there since Day Two, in a time traps weren't even remotely popular as they are today.

Marie came in the last second and just fucked everything up.

Weebs are just being weebs, man. There's no actual logic to follow.

if he was a girl he still have the same amounts of fans, they'd be lolifags and flatchest lovers instead of trapfags not to mention they'd be able to tell you his personality is like and describe him better

They both ruined their respective series, brought in the worst fanbases, play like shit, and got forced to high hell.

>Fully complete game adds 2 extra characters


Popularity contest isn't a argument especially when you're a hypocrite most likely who has said so yourself in the past like almost everyone in this world. Also if SFV wasn't SF on the surface and you took the game and recoated it kept all its mechanics/moves it wouldn't be played. It would have maybe a KI/MK level presence and be swept off as another casual fighter to the extreme like it is.

You talking about CSEX? Because that was a long time ago. They haven't pulled that shit since last gen and they got shit for it and its obvious that is why they stopped. Although i only play GG and don't keep up with BB so im not sure.