What's the deal with anthropomorphism in vidya, and why is it okay?

What's the deal with anthropomorphism in vidya, and why is it okay?

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It's nothing new.

I'm okay with it, but I'm not okay with manchildren furfags posting scat of characters they loved when they were 8

What's the matter, are you against diversity? Don't you know it's 2017 already?

I'm not sure.

>anthropomorphism in vidya

You mean literature, music, paintings, movies, etc?

why do you derail the topic?

Because having nothing but humans in every video game gets repetitive. Having beast races shakes things up a bit. If it bothers you don't play those games.

Is this another stealth furry thread?

krystal ruined my life

quads is correct
it's been in traditional animation since caveman

No it's just a family friendly promoting ((their)) agenda.

Because quad user is right. Anthro shit was with humans since forever. It found its ways into all aspects of human culture and it'd be the weirdest thing if viyda that are composed of all that wouldn't get it transfered either.

Do games have a hidden agenda?


Ive spent way too much of my life thinking about burmecians.


I think the it carried over from cartoons


>what are lyrics
holy shit you are denser than a neutron star

Why would anthropomorphism not be okay?

Because you either go full human or full fantasy. All that shit inbetween is just half-assing it.