Will the PS4 sell 100 million?

Will the PS4 sell 100 million?

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I want her to sit on my face


Her thighs are too fat

get out


It was already a feat selling 50million with only one worthwhile title

I want her to wrap her legs around my neck and choke me out

Why is she so fat?


It might if you count the PS4 pro and future PS4 revisions. The actual PS4 though wont pass 60.

I Don't know OP, I hope it does. Having another 100+ million playstation shows that consoles are going strong.

She's too big

I like her "creampie" shirt. SO suggestive.


Nope. Sales will stagnate when the Switch comes out.

for you.

No such thing user...

If nintendo keeps this up, I'm sure of it.

Normies are the lion's share of console sales and they don't give a flying fuck about exclusives

We are for the big


Not even the PC has sold 100 million and steam has been around for decades


considering it's barely at even 57 million 4 years into the generation and with only like a year or 2 left before the next gen, i'd say nah. at it's best it will match xbox 360/ps3 sales but it won't even get close to 100m.

this, BB sold just over 2 million now.
PS4's top selling lists is dominated by multiplats.
Uncharted 4 is one of the first exclusives to break that rule and that was bundled with a lot of systems.

White men flock over Asian women, but women flock over African men.

Funny that.


It's easy to read what you want

I'm a white guy
asian dudes are pretty cute, not philipinos or any of the brown ones
Koreans, japs, viets, and chinese

Your fantasies aren't real user.

>tfw 6ft tall non asian with diverse heritage

feels good man. asians and to some extent indians are looked down upon like dirt by girls.

low test

I'm not even asian but that reaction. Such sluts.

But they would happily take a black dick in their mouth and swallow.

white* women flock over african men.
asian women are too racist/scared/both.

In the future the earth will be covered by hapas and mulattoes, and they will fight an epic war like you have never imagined.
On one side, sissy samurais wielding guns and swords, on the other, ghetto vikings wielding axes and spears.

>Not even the PC has sold 100 million
there's no way this is true

Indians are far lower than regular asians.
Regular asians have bigger dicks and better faces.
Indians carry disease, have some of the smallest dicks on the planet and all look like weirdos.

I want to fuck this piggy long long time


The PC isn't one platform. The number of prebuilt computers sold is of course higher than that, but you also have to take in account computer upgrades.

When you see it...

post more of some random thiq bitches in public transport

I posted a retarded comment complete with a race-baiting webm, you really should not have given me the (You).
I mean I love (You)s, and I'm not giving it back, but you should know better than taking it straight.

indians in india and asians in asia are all subhuman tier. western ones are much more respected due to them working their way up to places of influence. i live in europe and asians are literally non existant here. there are indians everywhere though but most of them are chill people, the ones that don't talk with that stupid pajeet accent anyway.

kamiya, the did not saw him, kek

and this is also wrong for fat walleted asian manlets

the photoshop? I see it

really makes you think

and its competition has zero

not an argument

women like money and strangth not some special type genotype. why do they do that? To have "IT" all and non of responsibilities.

whatever helps you sleep at night.



>But they would happily take a black dick in their mouth and swallow
According to your cuck fantasies.

nice shalter you have thare. good for you.
this video is about pathetic chink and a slut not about less pathetic white trash