I bought an Xbox One instead of a gaming PC

>I bought an Xbox One instead of a gaming PC

>bought both

Even worse.

You'd only use it for shitposting anyway.

All I had to do was give my dad's wife a blowjob.
You need to earn those good girl points.

But i bought this _______5_________

epic fail roflmao


The Xbone literally only gets turned on to play FIFA with the normie friends


also check this incoming 2


Almost all of that can be emulated on a PC or 3DS. No need to have that plastic crap lying around.


>mfw was sick and tired of playstation gaming and didnt want more of the same old shit exclusives
>buying xbox made games fun and social again
>mfw enjoying halo so much





Well done on owning literal junk.

no way no one would ever do that



Nearly all of them are hacked or have flash carts so I'm good. I could emulate but why would I want to do that? Waste of electricity.


Halo? Also on PC.
Halo Wars 2? Also on PC.
Forza Horizon 3? Also on PC.
Forza 6? Also on PC.
ReCore? Also on PC.
Gears of War 4? Also on PC.
Quantum Break? Also on PC.
Sea of Thieves? Also on PC.

There's no reason left to buy an Xbox One. All the games and "exclusives" also come out on PC from now on.

name 3 (three) people who did this


My older brother

>failing a 7 get, the easiest of the gets

that's bullshit but I believe it

I'd be happy with a 4-get. Because I want to 4-get this shitty console buy.

Commencing sudoku in 2

My older brother and I are huge Halo fans (more of the story and lore than multiplayer) and we don't play a whole lot more than old Nintendo shit.

you can redeem yourself with this 5 get, the most sacred of gets

but you have to get windows 10 for all that

dubs or I kill myself right now I have a knife

Off by one.
Kill yourself you oxygen theif

>dubs on vee
Well, you asked for it
5 and you live, anything else you die

I'm on it senpai see you on the other side


Cool. You did good. Playting on Xbox is way more fun and comfy than playing on the shitty ports machine

GoW4 is dead as fuck on PC. I bought the play anywhere version but playing the PC version is pointless since you rarely get games apart from horde mode. And the only reason horde mode gets games is because it's cross play.

MS really needed to make all game modes cross play.


lol epic

he's off by 24, there's only repeating zero (00, 000, etc.) dubs here


Good goy

PC is gay i dont wanna play with a fucking stupid ass keyboard or USB plug in pads

what you dont understand is nobody buys consoles for exclusives, they buy them for easy, cheap, comfy instant gameplay and in my experience PC is a very shit choice for that unless you like office chairs and having a red bulge in your wrist after mouse use.

>that thing is gay because I don't know how to do it
Maybe if you didn't sit like a fucking vegetable while playing, your wrist and back wouldn't be hurting so much.

enjoy wasting shitloads of time every 3 months when you gotta switch 600$ graphic cards again while playing with 12 year olds who got the same game you did from their mommy on christmas :^)

>there are no wireless controllers for PC
>you can't connect a PC to a TV and play on the couch
You retarded or something?

>having a red bulge in your wrist after mouse use.

git gud

>Gears of War 4
>17 people online
>Playing it on PC

Gigantic and Forza also run like shit on PC.

Got that right.
with the money you're spending on xbox live you could've bought a PC that outperforms it
Office chairs have 0 flaws, if your wrist has an impending carpel tunnel mark on it you need to raise your chair or lower your desk so that your desk isn't pinching the nerves in your wrist.

>you should buy a much more expensive product so you can use it in the same way you would use a much cheaper product

why are you calling people retarded again?

>playing gigantic

>you can buy a more expensive product and you can use it any way you want and get a better experience because it's not a locked down piece of shit*
Fixed that for you. Why is Sup Forums filled with poorfags?

O shit I must have been having fake fun. Sorry about that, won't happy again.

I don't wanna use it any other way. I wanna use it like a console. And I don't wanna have to deal with drivers, settings, crashes, cheaters, a billion different stors, shitty ports, games coming out months after they do on consoles, etc.

yeah we fucking hate games and gaming accessories here, stop enjoying anything, faggot

That's a big forehead.

The Genesis is a beautiful thing.

So you're just retarded I see. Better stick to consoles then.
>shitty ports
Because games run really well on consoles and you can adjust the settings or use fixes.

Like you, user

I'm full blown idort, because sometimes I need to play on PC to enjoy a niche exclusive, but save your breathe.

PC only fags will not understand. I also prefer consoles, but mostly so I don't have to deal with random crashes, hackers, or DRM store clients. I even have an Nvidia Shield controller that I use to play on either my K1 Tablet or PC and prefer it over mouse. Plus I adore the fact that all my games are region locked so I don't have to deal with fucking 3rd world rejects in my games.

If Steam didn't dominate the market and absolutely destroy any sense of quality I'd be all for gaming PC, but now it feels like PC gaming is the bargain bin Brazillian edition of gaming now. End of the day I just love video games so I need all the platforms, but PC gaming feels the shittiest to me. My PC friends just play Early Access survival games or F2P shit at this point and wonder why I don't really want to play with them anymore.

you could do that or put 200 in gaming station, never think of it again and buy cars, houses, ring to your wife and other more important things. maybe games are just for children and for the mentally childlike.

Agreed on Steam. I have no idea why it's the top store. The UI is revolting.

>games are for children
>gets the machine intended only for games instead of a multi purpose machine

Consoles ARE DRM you idiot.
>random crashes
These exist on consoles.

That was the case years ago. Now you have to install games, load day1 patches, etc. Nothing instant or easy anymore.

At least you didn't buy a switch.

DRM isn't inherently intrusive on consoles since they are locked platforms. So it doesn't affect performance of the game you are playing.

And saying crashes and hackers exist on consoles is like saying niggers exist in Alaska, yeah they are there, but at 99% less rate than Detroit.

Since when is Steam DRM intrusive?
And saying random crashes and hackers are something prevalent on PC is 100% exaggerating, this barely ever happens to me.