We may have found proof that this game will get British VA.

The sentence at 0:52 in the trailer uses "any more" to mean " any longer", as is done in British English.


American English typically uses "anymore" to mean "any longer" and "any more" when talking about an amount of something. British English uses "any more" in both cases.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can it be Reyn Time again?

I heard Adam Howden teased his involvement in this game, anyone got a source? Was it on twitter?


Oh, cool. This doesn't quite prove it'll have British voice acting/localization as a whole since he was in Xenoblade X too, but it's encouraging.

Does anybody even have any particular Brit VAs in mind or does everybody just assume that whoever it is will be awesome?

>Does anybody even have any particular Brit VAs
Nah folks just want Brit VAs because they're sick of hearing Yuri Lowenthal and whoever else appear in every single fucking game ever.

The first Xenoblade had a bunch of european nobodies and they did a fantastic job.
We just want a repeat of that success.

I get where you're coming from, but if they just take the first five people they find on the streets of London and throw them in a booth I don't think it'll be quite the same.

At least some of that ol' Bong magic in the first game was Side UK doing a good job of picking out talent and directing.

Oh totally and I can see where you're coming from as well. Tbh if Xenoblade 2 is dubbed in Britbong then chances are the cast of Xenoblade 1 will just get pulled back in to voice a new set of characters. Personally I'd like them to use British and American stage actors like FFXII did.

No Americans allowed. This is Britblade not Burgerblade.

It's very likely we'll see the return of a British cast. It would be silly not to considering its a sequel to the first game.

British VA as opposed to what? Saying anymore in that context is extremely common in the US.

FFXII's cast was actually really good, even the ones who were played by Muricans. The idea is just don't hire anime voice actors like Yuri, JYB, or Laura Bailey and all will be well.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was a sequel in the same way FFII is a sequel to FF1.

I was only joking. I agree. I thought they were very good too. I would still just probably find the accent jarring though. Considering the world in XB2 feels very Eurocentric. I just think British suits that fantasy setting more so than American.

No, but there's no way those jokers at NOE are gonna pass up making fun of the MC's name.

>I was only joking.
Whoops my bad. Sorry about that, user.

Can see what you mean with the accents being jarring though. I guess if they did it so Murican VAs for one place and Britbongs for another? Depends on what the world is like I guess.

I'm looking forward to hearing some more Brit memes.

Jokes are nice, but what I want most is the return of that sense of gravitas. They've gotta sell those lines so well that you forget they're mostly just saying dumb anime shit.


Oh god yes. That was the best thing about Xenoblade's VA (aside from Reyn's memetastic battle lines). There are so few lines in that game that sounded phoned in.

The actors done an amazing job. I think it's the best voice acting in a JRPG ever.

Can't make a rainbow without Reyn, baby!

>(aside from Reyn's memetastic battle lines)

You say that but even Reyns VA actor put a lot charisma and energy into his voice acting. I felt the impact of everything he said because he said things with such enthusiasm and charisma. Even with his funny lines, there was still gravitas in his performance.

I never said he didn't put any charisma and energy into his lines. Actually I reckon Reyn's meme lines sound so much better because of said charisma and energy.

>calling it british english and not just english

kys. America's the odd one out, everyone else does the same shit as the english

>mfw an american writes "jail" near me

>Melia: Dunban, I think you need to have a talk with Reyn.
>Dunban: No, let's pretend it didn't happen.

arguing about what language is use instead talking about shit chara design and shit framerate.
really make you think

This assless chap's name is fucking REX. I hope you're ready for the glorious, endless assault of stupid dinosaur jokes.

>shit framerate
Where in particular? It didn't look too bad to me. Besides there's still some time to fix those performance issues.

i think it is gonna have background elements that will run at 30fps due to monolithsoft using 3D models and not just cheating with 2D images

XBC Bionis and Mechonis were fairly detailed models despite always being static statues