FFXIV Thread


Just hit 60 and I want a house, how do I money?

Obtain and sell things that people want to buy.

Materia is good, if you have any crafting just see whats worth a lot on the marketplace

Know any good fish that people want? I'm making a bit of money from hammerhead sharks and raincallers but none of the heavensward fish I stocked up on when leveling it up are worth anything.

Is it too late for a new player to get into this game.
It's been awhile since I've played an MMO. I just want to find a comfy guild and belong somewhere again.

You should be selling whatever you have in your inventory at all times.
You think shit won't sell, it does.

Learn a trade like botanist or miner, EVERYONE needs that.

If you want to be able to afford a house weavera and alchemist. People are incredibly materialistic in this game.

Do your dailies every day. I'm still poor with only 6 million gil. Also from what I understand each server has their own economic status.

I just finished tanking a 55 minute long run of Dzmael Darkhold

We only wiped twice because the healer fell off a cliff, it took that long because the dps was THAT BAD

i want to fuckin die nigga

Deep POTD and Aquapolis runs you can start making money quick. Crafting in long term.

Not really. The game is very friendly to newcomers since the gear strictly vertical progression and resets every 6 months. The only barrier to entry is having to do the entire story questline.

I started playing like two weeks ago (only just lost my newbie status leaf today), its perfectly possible to catch up. By the time the expansion rolls around you'll be set to go.

It's never too late to get into a themepark MMO, it just might be hard to get into a static for the current endgame raid tier.

Ultros server has a Sup Forums FC called Golden Ratio if you want to join that.

Finish story first before you get into guild. It is going to take you days unless you skip all cutscenes and dialogue, but then you won't understand what you're doing in the game.

There are plenty of guilds with newcimers themselves however.

>that place after the eye boss
>the dd fell but he still deals damage
>find a stacking spot there
>aoein enemies to death

feels good

Wait until 4.0. They're remaking Cross-Class skills (Instead of grinding every single class in the game when you don't want to play them, they're shoving them into roles just like classes/jobs. So you have tank cross-class skills, healer cross-class skills, dps cross-class skills etc.) which will make leveling up a fuckton easier.

And if you're rich there's going to be Jump Potions so that you get to level 50 right away with gear and some gil.

They didn't confirm the Jump Potion.

>wanting to play on Ultros

Literally just Balmung without the RP.

Well if you remove the ERP cancer you're left with """normal""" people, yes.

And yet they'll be there in 4.0.

Yoshida is hot

You're basing your shitposting on hearsay from 2013.

>eye boss

It's not DD because that was a fun dungeon but Angry Menu in world of darkness constantly fucking wrecked my shit any time I tried to play it. No other boss gave me that amount of trouble - cerebrus was fine, cloud of darkness was fun and easy, Angry menu was just a pain in the fucking ass.

They pretty much did and given the positive response on the official forums I'd say it's a go. It's also a huge success in asia despite the slightly different model of usage.

What's the current status of Machinist?

Broken OP.

Are you trying to tell me there's a server called "Ultros", and people haven't made it the de facto ERP server?

For shame!

They all quarantined themselves into one of the seven layers of hell known as Balmung

luckily ultros himself is still very much up to his old hijinks

It's part of the DPS meta along with BRD DRG NIN

Reminder if you think Samurai is a melee DPS and will be the second Stormblood job you're a hopeless weeb

Where can I get that fucking hat.

#1 DPS output for minimal effort

Spriggans are the cutest jewel-jews ever and if anyone disagrees get out of my face.

you can do stuff you usually do and still get commends

one of the few gems of the original arr msq is saving that little spriggan who asks you to stop that mega-spriggan from eating everyone.


>mfw that little spriggan minion at gold saucer who shows off his little gem then waddles away.

i eat spriggans for breakfast

Thanks for the tips guys, gonna download now and get started.

>trying to learn a1-8s in a dead server.

Will they instantly introduce upgrades for all Shire armor?
I heard you'll be able to buy only accessories upgrades, invalidating only A9S/A10S.

Dip will be delayed

Does anyone have the HQ images of the Garo stuff? The only thing I can find are those low res ones from the patch notes.

So since the new primal is gonna be the hardest of the warring triad, how long do you think it will take clear for your clear anons

im guessing 2 weeks

Is there anything to do with allagan tomes of poetics in this day and age?

It will take 2 lockouts.

>ilvl req 250
>most nigga I know are all decked out in 270 by now
>drop only i265 weapons
3 days

I didn't know this was a thing

>Statis is all BiS
Probably 2-3 lockouts

learning that in alive servers is the same bub

It's Blue Mage.

when are the full patch notes released?

Probably later today/tomorrow

during tomorrow's maintenance, most likely

when servers are down

thanks brehs

have they announced lenght of the maint?

24 hours

When is Ivalice? Will it be cool?

4.0 in June+

4.1 in October

My dudes

What should I expect?

Shit. Unplayable Viera.

Fuck off, there's a board for generals

>just did 10 FATEs without relic equipped.

plz just kill me

I sure love me some /xivg/

>had Moonfire glamour crafted and put on the market LONG before PotD got it
>sold a few for a million each
>rest was undercut and neither those undercutfags were able to sell
>then its market crashed for good
>still have those unsold ones
What do? Desynth is no option.

Maybe I get lucky and they will be part of new recipes, or should I wait until evey undercutter got their shit bought in 4.0? Everyone and their mom will want some beach clothing for swimming and maybe barely anyone will run PotD anymore.

Don't worry, nothing would've changed even if you have your zenith equipped.

Too fucking bad. Generals like this don't belong here.

why do they have to add retarded RNG bullshit like this to the game


Look at that filthy room, GODDAMN!

Yeah they should just add more normal time gated things

I get it user, we need more console war threads, never ever, and LOL threads

I was even worse back then
>20 FATEs with no Atma
I never went past animus step.

>That stained mattress.

To keep you playing

I want to commit a crime

>people complain XIV isn't casual enough for them

Generals belong on /vg/

at least theres no fate based stuff

When do I unlock a retainer?


/vg/ is a cancer containment board. Nothing else.


Alright lads, where to transfer: Gilgamesh or Leviathan?


Best server.



first time got 3 lines this week. eat shit sucker


>first time
>not all the time

why did SE choose a little catgirl as the npc? what did the mean by this?

Maybe you can use that free Gil to buy yourself a savage clear XDDD

/vg/ is an open sewer

so wheres this zhloe

Who odin here



>Join FC.
>Shit seems good.
>Go offline.
>Log back in two hours later.

Fucking end me.

>join FC
>never talk to anyone outside my static

when does maintenance start?

How do I get into PvP

I want sweet glamours