How do we help the mentally ill?

How do we help the mentally ill?

For the millionth time - Women wither and die without attention.


Well gosh golly, OP! This topic sure is Sup Forums - Video Games!

Sterilization. The madmen are doing it voluntarily anyway.


even if they are only a women on the inside :^)

This troon claims to have all the hottest leaks from Nintendo.

The only leaks xir has is from the leaky, puss-filled wound where xir's penis used to be.




what the fuck does matrix has anything to do with being trans granted the creators did go trans but in no way did i suspect a hint of coming out as one in matrix

.45 caliber medicine.

who? Why should I care?

You let them do it, can't biologically reproduce anymore, natural selection takes place.

By chopping their cocks off obviously.

Why are video game traps so hot but real life transformers so disgusting?

Mutilate their bodies to reflect their delusions.

Sup Forums - Twitter caps and e-drama

Geralt the absolute madman

Wait, don't they have to regularly visit a doctor after surgery because the body treats the """vagina""" like a wound and keeps trying to treat it?

This would make for a nice discussion on Sup Forums


What's his name again, Sup Forums?



Because it's very easy to just draw a girl than slap on a penis. Things get very ugly if you draw guy and replace his dick with a fake vag. Even with hormones that shit don't work well, I see very few trannies who pass


what do you even mean by this

also shit thread

Mike "A Bodybag For Every Fag" Pence

And he still has beard

The Matrix was an allegory for being a normal human
The Matrix Reloaded was an allegory for the corruption of self
The Matrix Revolutions was an allegory for being an abomination.

>Sup Forums faggots will never experience Kathoey bliss.

>only a trap in the US
>full bodied real woman in glorious Nippon


Mike "LGBTQ BBQ" Pence

Mike "Turning Fruits Into Vegetables" Pence

Mike "Homo Medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence

>cutting your penis make you a women

Kill it with fire.


Honestly, I can see how that makes them feel even more as a woman, who regurlarly visit a gynologist.

You don't.

>Matrix is a trans allegory story

Why are trannies so adamant on labeling anything as trans

>X character is trans even though there's no evidence

>Mike "Like cock get a shock" Pence

Kill all fags


>le im trans
>muh axe wound
>cant even shave fucking lip
>has money for axe wound vagina but doesnt get electrolosis on face
>leaves THE MOST IMPORTANT PART T H E F A C E manly as fuck
>green hair
>probably mains healer like a fucking faggot



Mike "throwing grenades at pride parades" Pence.

That's just some weird spaghetti in ass fetish, right?

I dont know. The only thing I DO know is this this isnt videogames


Holy shit Geralt is killing it

Mike "Kuwabara Kuwabara" Pence

how'd I do vee

This is Nintendo related.

You don't even hide it anymore.

Arabs killing motherfuckers in HD isn't half as bad as that


You did terrible because you don't show your face. That's what all manly looking trannys do.

I bet cartoons played a part in their mental dysfunction.

I'm pretty sure it's a bunch of gauze meant to soak things from the wound up

It's about as unnerving as it sounds


post boicpucci now you fucking fag

Gotta learn how to dilation orherwise your woundgina will close. Also the woungina is totally deprived all the natural bacteria vagina have. Also can grow hair inside

post your girl cock please

Dev retconned it
He went out and just said it plainly "Western Poison is a tranny and japanese Poison is a woman"

Where is this?

Give'em a bullet to the head.


jesus h

Doesn't the colon leak into it too?

Mike "Zap The Traps" Pence

>people believe they were burned alive there
>just a common crematoria to dispose of contaminated corpses that died by illness due to the aliance bombing their supplies of food and medicine


we close down Sup Forums because it's the last website that has a problem with transgender people
makes you think who the problem really is, huh?

Gonna need an official source

I'm actually transsexual and suffering gender dysphoria. Please support my patreon and sub me on furaffinity! Thankies~

you've got it backwards, friendo

Just go od on some smack like a normal fuck up.

Be gay. Be a transsexual. Be whatever you want to be, I don't care.

But please do not mutilate your body. It will shorten your lifespan.

Mike "Unload My .9 at the Gloryhole Line" Pence

>Man, you have a mental disorder that we call Gender Identity disorder, science have no cure nor treatment for that
>just fuck my shit up man
>say no more