What was his name again?

what was his name again?

Goodguy McBadguy


We just don't know

Kazuhira "if you fulton a coon I'll shoot the balloon" Miller

Fully Bobbright

That's a picture of Bobby Fulbright, I'm pretty sure.

Bobby "M-Muh lighter" Fullbright


>make a godtier mastermind when it comes to what he is capable of
>end up making him a pathetic weakling in the end
>have protagonists defeat him with POWER OF FRIENDSHIP AND FEELINGS
>doesn't even show his real face in the end

Ace Attorney series suck at doing villains. AAI2 is the only exception since Simon Keyes will always be one of the best villains of any game. All other villains? We deserved much better than them, much better.

how can you be so sure

Oh, come on. Von Karma was good. Gant was good. Dahlia was alright. Kristoph Gavin not handled well but not bad as a character.

Captain Justice?

Best moment in all AA games is when you finally realize who the real villain/mastermind is even though the villians themselves are often underwhelming.

Von Karma, like any other Ace Attorney villain, completely loses their character when someone is on to them. Their IQ drops by 90 points. It's like the character fucking transformed.

Gant was fine.

Dahlia was a little mediocre for those who expected a grand finale, but she wasn't a final boss anyway so I guess she is fine too.

Kristoph was fucking terrible holy shit
>*shakes head*

Simon was retarded too
>Edge worth: I don't have any pieces of evidence that connect him to the crimes!
>Bad guy:Haha by the way I manipulated John into killing the president lmao
>Edgy:Hold on, that is obviously bullshit, I have to think who killed the president
>Bad guy:fug

Should've posted some cute Ace attorney girl. This will never get more than 20 replies

Just finished Dual Destinies, and I really liked it, I don't get why it is so hated here
Is the DLC case worth it?

And actually made the title say Ace Attorney thread

and what, have people circlejerk with "X is cute! CUTE!" out of all the comments?

Simon was cool because of many reasons, but pic related is one of them, he managed to be more morally rightful than the protagonists who were supposed to be fighting for justice

Dlc is okay but Athena singing is sure to make you cringe

I really liked DD too, and I thought the DLC case is one of the best in the game.

Oh I agree, he is easily the best villian and the collest one, but he also is the one who digs his own grave like all the other AA villians
He would have literally gotten away with everything if he hadn't pointed Edgeworth in the right direction by being overly smug

I will give you the most impopular ace attorney opinion ever

DLC is shit, I couldn't even bear to finish it

I'll admit I was burned out from the rest of the game though, especially after FRIENDSHIP beats the main villain. Really hope CAPCOM stops shitting out Ace Attorney games without putting a minimum of 5 minutes into thinking how they will design their villains.

I hated how the mastermind reveal was done, it was pretty much just "hmm who's left of everyone in these cases that's not innocent? oh it's that guy that did something in case 2"

I liked it because it was one of the biggest mindfucks I've ever experienced in a video game when Miles revealed it

And I played Ghost Trick and Zero Escape so that's saying something

Could be, but I'll fight through it

I'll get it then, why miss out anyway

>start to already like him
>5th case happens

Merlin P. Tendin