Not saying it'll happen, but

If nintendo decided to stop making consoles, would you rather they just merge with one of the other manufacturers instead of going third party? I don't want to have to choose which console to play their games on.

you won't have to choose which console to play their games on because if they stop making hardware they'll just make games for iphones

>announce new game along new console
>sonyggers already on the third party train
this is embarrassing

Worked for Sega

If Nintendo stops making consoles they will stop making games.


By worked he means killed them. Sega shits out mainly sonic now and are at an all time low in quality. Only shit posters and subhumans would want this.

I don't understand why people think this would happen.

If Nintendo goes down, they take their IPs with them.

I'm not interested in Mario or Zelda and their kind. Having Mario on PS4 wouldn't change anything for me.

For people who hate nintendo you fags seem to really want to play their games

Either they merge with PC or they start selling sex products again. That's the only way they can survive at that point.

>Sonyggers THIS desperate for actual games

They will go full mobile developer.
Yes, Nintendo will be this retarded.

Why does NOBODY apply this same, dumbass question to Microsoft or Sony?

Nintendo is doing infinitely better than Sony's game division. When did Nintendo sell their fucking headquarters, again?

Where's Sony World in NYC?

Where's Super Crash Bandicoot Run, or Nathan Drake GO?

Sony has Fate GO tho

Not really. Shareholders are already pressuring them to release their IP on other platforms. Case in point: Mario Run

Sony as a whole might not be the most profitable at the moment. But it's game division is doing really well

ugh ff15 last of us resident evil nier automata nioh persona 5 horizon all out in a what 4 month window?

id like to play the new zelda i just dont want to spend $360 for 1 fucking game....

nintendo is bigger then sega and have more 1 brand name and even sonic was dead by the time they went 3rd party

er ment last guardian not last of us but they got that too so whatever

nintentoddlers btfo

they would get bought by microsoft

They are too proud for that. They will keep doing their thing until they go bankrupt.

Replace PS4 with PC.
I only have a PC.