Are we living in the Crushed Expectations era?

>"Hey guys! Here's Xenoblade Chronicles X! It will be the game Tetsuya Takayashi always wanted to make, and will feature an improved version of XBC's combat!"
>"Fuck Yeah! Alla board Takahashi's wild ride! Videogames are sav..."
>"LOL just joking! It will actually have almost no plot and its combat will literally be Guitar Hero in disguise!"
>"Hey guys! Here's Final Fantasy Versus XIII! It will be located in a huge fully-explorable world akin to a modern version of old FF's world maps, and will finally have the awesome KH's action combat instead of those lame ass half-atb/half-realtime systems seen in last entries! Look at these awesome trailers and be hyped!"
>"Fuck yeah!!!! Best FF evahhhh!!! Final Fantasy, Square Enix and videogames are sav..."
>"LOL just joking! Less than 20% of the world is actually explorable, the rest is FF13-tier hallway, and combat is a confused mess that plays nothing like KH! Also, plot is butchered to the point of being unrecognizable. Oh, I almost forgot: remember all those awesome scenes in the trailer? Well, you can forget them! All removed to make a CG movie!"
>"Hey guys! Here's Persona 5! It will have awesome platform-like dungeons and stealth-like sections!"
>"Fuck yeah!!!! Leave the future of jrpg to ATLUS!! Videogames are sav..."
>"LOL just joking! By "platform" and "stealth" what I actually meant was a bunch of "press O to jump!" and "press O to hide!" QTE messages that pop up on screen!"
>"Hey guys! Here's Final Fantasy VII Remake! Yeah, you heard it right! FF7 REMAKE!"
>"Fuck yeah!!! About fucking time!!! Videogames are sav..."
>"But, surprise! It will be episodic!!! And we're still a looong way to finish the 1st chapter, so expect the full story to be finished, like, in 2027! Also, it will play nothing like FF7 and probably have no world map!

>"Hey guys! Here's a new Wipeout game!"
>"Fuck yeah!!! We thought it was gone for good! Videogames are sav..."
>"LOL just joking! It's only a porting of a remake!
>"Hey guys! Here's Nintendo Switch! It will be a revolutionary hybrid home-portable console that can be played both on TV and outdoors!"
>"Fuck yeah!!!! We'll no longer have to pay for 2 consoles in the same generation! Videogames are sav...!
>"Yeah! But you'll have to pay for online, goyim!"
>"Hey guys! Here's Splatoon 2!"
>"Fuck yeah! We're all squids now! Videogames are save..."
>"LOL, just joking! It's literally the same game with a few more gimmicks and a "2" slapped onto it to make it feel like a different game!"
>"Hey guys! Here's Xenoblade Chronicles 2! And guess what: it will actually release this year!!!"
>"Seriosly?! Fuck yeah! Videogames are saved for real this time!"
>"Yeah! And to prove that, take a good look to this cool main character that makes young Naruto look like Solid Snake by comparison!"

JRPGs haven't been good since the PS2 era.

let's forget trails of cold steel

Yeah, I enjoyed Persona Lite a lot. It was like watching a harem anime but 10x longer.

You have to go back

There is literally nothing wrong with Splatoon 2, you're really reaching there.

I am not fucking reading all that shit. Go back to Sup Forums or something.

ever since the fucking aids that was spore i have always been unable to get excited about fucking videogames

people hype shit up waaaay too much and then end up feeling betrayed when the toy doesn't meet their stupid expectations.

but i do think that cultural progress and development has come to a fucking halt
sequels, prequels, spiritual successors, homages and tributes is all that is out there.

Agreed, I especially liked the part where it was nothing like Persona at all beyond bonding


Reddit is that way retard, sage.

all i wanted is to have amazing this gen fun but games seem boring waste of time. what went so wrong, i used to have a lot of fun with this as a kid, okay fun as a teen and it´s been mainly emotionless for few last years.

you're pretty fucking slow, slowbro

it's been like this over 10 years

My girlfriend dumped me after 10 months and I thought we were going to go on forever. We exchanged christmas gifts, went to restaurants, met eachothers families, spent a lot of time together, cooked together etc and now this.

My life is empty and all my dreams and expectations are crushed.

And I fucking hate you Sup Forums. I wasn't meant to come back.




>XCX is bad

Stopped reading there. Go back to Sup Forums faggot.
XCX is JRPG of the 8th generation and GOTY 2015.

>having expectations after 2007

Nothing to do except look for old games you missed and hope all these shitty meme games die soon.

It's called becoming an adult and learning to lower your standards.

Most people who rip on X have literally nothing to say against it besides story and music. In the end it's still the best playing jrpg of the decade desu, only people who hated it were REALLY FEELING IT memers from smash bros.

This. I'm really disappointed though that life is like this but guess I will deal with it.

If you expected P5 to have actual platforming and complex stealth mechanics you're a retard

I learned not to have expectations anymore halfway into gen 7.

Your own damn fault if you haven't learned that lesson yet.

lmao this fag actually wrote all this out

>Stopped reading there.
When did I say XCX is bad?
But no matter how you look at it, it's objectively way worse than XB.

>XCX is JRPG of the 8th generation and GOTY 2015.
Yeah, that's precisely what's worrying.

It's way different now.
I was never hyped in 7th gen because there was nothing to be hyped about; they didn't even try to impress you.
In 8th gen in contrast promises you all the goodness you could ever hope for. But it never keeps its promise.

>it's objectively way worse than XB
The only thing XB did better than X were the main story, soundtrack, and characters. X was the superior GAME.

Thanks for the copypasta.
>P5 is bad and your experience is seeing a bunch of gameplay and expecting anything worthwhile from Atlus
>Splatoon 2 is bad and it's not out yet
Jesus Christ I can get everything else, why be optimistic in the current year, but you have shit taste namefag.

>gen 7 didn't have hype leading to mass crushed expectations
>what is spore
>what are fable 2-3
>what is the entire gen 7 FF output
>what is TORtanic
>what is skyward sword
>what is brawl

I'm sure Sup Forums could pitch in and keep the list going for hours.

Gen 7 was the gen of big promises unfulfilled and name franchise releases that are largely considered the worst in their series.